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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 284x305, 7F4E4275-08A2-4D23-9A49-DD930948FC6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14679279 No.14679279 [Reply] [Original]

I am financially ruined.

inb4 low dutch paid shills

>> No.14679304

i mean im skeptically of this coin but is a few days of downtrend for a coin listed only on idex and low mcap with a chance to gain traction really a failure? Were you expecting to make it overnight?

>> No.14679318

It's down 10%. This is unheard of in crypto, especially an idex coin

>> No.14679322
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>Were you expecting to make it overnight?

>> No.14679327



>> No.14679347


I lost 30%

additionally, this coin has lost almost 50% from its ath.

It looks like a p&d . When this reaches -90% everyone is going to forget this coin.

>> No.14679386

sir my bags are extremely heavy, it cannot go down 90% right?

>> No.14679428

that your problem though.
I bought at 15 cents and sold at 42 cents. now bought back at 34 cents increasing my stack and I wont sell before exchange listing (which was my initial plan)

either you swing or you hold but if you hold you dont complain about temporary price fluctuations.

>> No.14679441
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>> No.14679452


>> No.14679492

this. i hold stack from 22 cents but i was on vacation so i didnt take any profits but holding for major exchange and adoption ~1$ and then might keep some beyond that. the same people who fomo in at 170k gwei are also fudding it when it drops. stop trading emotionally and with more than you can lose. why would a project with upcoming usage and listing dwindle back down to zero just because some people swung traded? too exaggerative and weak hands the lot of em.

>> No.14679500

Are you stupid enough to read his chart?

>> No.14679518

30ETH can take this baby back on track nigger. on days like this where BTC soars and ALTs go into crab17 you don't go on this basket weaving forum. Don't worry about it and check price tomorrow everything will be fine

>> No.14679544

Fpbp. C’mon OP get your head in the game

>> No.14679609
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Or just 170 eth can LITERALLY dump it ANOTHER 50%

Take it as a lesson learned. This is not the first and will not be the last coin that will pump and dump. I already learned my lesson before with other coins. They all follow the same path:

1. Get pumped with very low volume
2. Get shilled hard (paid)
3. Get dumped with a lot of excuses such as ; its just a dip or “are you stupid? it willl never be below” and blah blah
4. Slowly dumps and dumps and dumps
5. People forget the scam

You are in step #3 which i am glad because #4 is the most painful.

Good luck anon

>> No.14679662

beyond vidtarded. fucking vidtiot you deserve to stay poor might as well sell not AT A LOSS. nigga

>> No.14679684
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>pic related

we are in this stage right now.

>> No.14679738

VIDT FUDers get the rope

>> No.14679832

Now imagine how long it takes to create images like this on a daily basis and you wonder how much the pump and dump tranny squad is paying Photoshop pirates to make these images.

>Get shilled hard (paid)

>> No.14679848

I learned one thing in crypto.
market sentiment can change withing the hour. once news hit the memes will be back.

right now is not the time to worry about price. just get off this god forsaken board for a few days. top wallets accumulated during this dump and that is exactly why they are the big wallets.

good luck anon.

>> No.14679925

i fully agree and have been watching the wallets myself
good luck to you too brother

>> No.14679929

this. look to biz for some insights, shitposting, potential gems but sentiment is very fickle. dont trade emotionally and get out at your price points

>> No.14680424

The bleeding finally stopped.

>> No.14680829

Solid af bounce desu. I bought back in after selling a good bit in the .0015/.0016 ETH range. Buy volume in the orderbook is up ~40% from the low point yesterday (~260 ETH to 375 ETH). Don't blame anyone for selling, opportunity cost and all, but if you aren't looking to get out I'd buy. This is low risk af right now.

>> No.14680940

>green ID
confirmed, up we go now

>> No.14680980

it's a scam I have warned anons, I don't care about them, but 2 years on this indian image board I know hoe these niggera behave

>> No.14681030

Can someone explain the constant <2 market buys and the never ending invisible sell wall? couple days i ago i saw this get market bought down from 140 to 130 or so without a single sell order. Is this shit getting wash traded?

>> No.14681052

<2 eth market buys*

>> No.14681427

hes just swinging like a mother fucker, thats all. Just was looking at those 1.161 eth buys.

>> No.14681505
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I think its over. Token is not needed. Can we go on with our lives now and forget about this scamcoin?

>> No.14681571

Depth charts don’t mean shit, how new are you?

>> No.14681578

Have been in VIDT for a while but this token has some annoying as fuck buyers/sellers & bots. I could market buy 10 eth now on the way to 110k and another 10 eth would just get added into the sells before it. Tempted to just dump my large stack because what's the point.

>> No.14681794

Dump it, this shit is going nowhere, I lost 30%, don't repeat my mistake.

>> No.14681858

It's a low marketcap, low volume coin that's only on index, of course the price is going to be completely controlled by whales. Once it gets listed on a bigger exchange it shouldnt have that problem.

Are you retarded

>> No.14681934

Not anymore, I dumped this shit.

>> No.14681941

The team is known for its dubious activities on the chinese blackmarket. I heard Marnix likes to fuck sandwiches, too. And he is rude to cashiers.

>> No.14682019

I don't think it's going nowhere, but it's being manipulated. Regardless, I wouldn't have sold at a loss.

>> No.14682058

I sold at 0.00111733 gwei, recall this price when you will decide to sell it yourself.

>> No.14682405

Literally this
I shilled this shit for weeks and sold around 160k
Back to lit now

>> No.14682611

Should I sell for a 2 eth loss right now? Fuck I hate this place

>> No.14682612


They are paying it with the scammed profit.

Its so obvious all these shills are paid. What is amazing: is how idiots exist that fall for it and still buy their vaporware coin.

PS: watch how a paid shill insults me

>> No.14682696


a paid shill with a historic art meme lmao.


It seems like they bought an specific photoshop artistic package

>> No.14682745

Don't fall for this Dutch scam. I was standing in line at the grocery store with one of the devs and he was pretty open about this being a social experiment to make money. All they do is hash a file and put it on chain. There is nothing else. You can literally just verify the document with your eyes. He was pretty rude to the cashier, too. Wouldn't surprise me if they spammed /biz/ themselves.

>> No.14682751

Wow...lmao at all the FUD here. VIDT is literally the most legit project on biz and is just being manopulated by whales. Stay poor retards.

>> No.14682765

I saw Marnix (Founder of V-IDT) at a grocery store in Amsterdam yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.14682781
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Did the paid shills not include the functionality TO NOT BE A RETARD?

>> No.14682835

Vaporware? It's used by AmSpec, Airbus and others.

>> No.14682885


Vaporware use.

Those companies exist because CEO worked there.

Its like asking a friend for a favor to do a homework.

They dont use it.

I tell you this as a developer.

>> No.14682918
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Paid shills are running on low memory. After they read more than three sentences, they forget what they just read 15 seconds ago.

>> No.14682939
File: 20 KB, 360x360, 0723669A-2215-4269-9661-411D9FF64F8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why dont you guys let stupid people BE STUPID.

Just let their stupidity buy this coin , GET DUMPED , and finally have their own lesson.

Sometimes they only learn the bad way.

I had to with other coins. The paid shills are bigger than their brains

>> No.14682957

Yeah, whatever. Developer of bullshit.

>> No.14683069

shills = fudders. two sides same coin. everyone here is probably a bag holder

>> No.14683086

And yet top wallets continue to accumulate this """"scam"""" as seen on etherscan

>> No.14683098
File: 530 KB, 1023x1083, 1561958541961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the FUDDsters are NPCs.

rule 1. don't sell at a loss
rule 2. don't FOMO
rule 3. don't buy something you don't understand

there you go. fucking looser wouldn't be surprised if you were here since 2016 and still managed to lose your whole stack. the mcap of the MEMEs alone are worth more than most shitcoins but VIDT even has multi million dollar companies as customers and exchange listing lined up.

good luck NPCs, orange man bad

>> No.14683136


>> No.14683177


>> No.14683262


Honestly, he was very right on the paid shills. Just look at your post, it has all the characteristics on his step 3 lmao

>> No.14683377

>everyone here is probably a bag holder

>> No.14683392

I invite you to sell.

>> No.14683408


I did an investigation on this.

And most top wallets are not increasing because they are buying. They are just moving the tokens.

Another thing I saw are the bots. Extremely manipulation. This shit can ve dumped -80% at any time

>> No.14683427

>btc never had massive dumps before it hit ath
>link never had massive dumps before ath
>xrp never had massive dumps before ath
Braindead or fudding. VIDT isn't even on a real exchange yet

>> No.14683446

Keep coping. Is this the best defense you can muster up. The price is plummeting like over ripe plums on a fruit tree. Who's paying you to defend V-IDT?

>> No.14683493

I am a top wallet and I assure you, I bought more. But no, you didn't investigate fudder. My wallet moved down in rank despite increasing my amount held by 10%

>> No.14683614


I don't care about your stack bro. I only care about mine. sell now if you choose to.

>> No.14683700

If they were honest, they would just admit they hold already or want more for cheaper. Nobody spends all their time fudding a "dead coin" and a "scam". There'd be bitconnect threads if they did.

That being said I hope they dump it down to 90k. I want another 10k vidt

>> No.14683921
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So many discord trannies and pajeets fudding

$1 EOM

>> No.14684112
File: 236 KB, 716x516, 601E8116-F799-4C9D-BF7D-8063AAB85BC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look at all these posts: PAID SHILLS

They all have the same characteristics on any VIDT thread:

- nigg word
- “My wallet is # and its moving down = accumulation”
- artistic photoshopped images
- vidtard, idiot, stupid and other bunch of insulting words
- “Its not on tier 1 exchange” yet
- Already used by companies “ (dont fall this, its vaporware, dyor why)
- “He is fudding because he wants lower price”

Use your brains kids. NOT BECAUSE I SAY SO; DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, and you will understand why this is a scam.

Or not listen to me and pay your lesson the hard way.

>> No.14684161
File: 57 KB, 960x616, stupidretardedbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they dont know

>> No.14684178

Why are you even here? 7 posts about not liking this coin, gtfo kid

>> No.14684307
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So mad

Probably sold at 0.0010

>> No.14684558


Low market cap coins are volatile?

What the...

>> No.14684590

reminder that anyone who wastes their life FUDing some obscure 8m cap dutch coin, obviously sold and wants to buy back for as low as possible

>> No.14684736

Why waste time against paid shills?

Its like wasting time complaining to an indian customer service wagecuck who gets paid $6 dollar an hour.

The real scammers are not even visiting biz . they are laughing in their private mansion utilizing your money.

>> No.14684770


>> No.14684860


Comfiest red I have ever seen.

>> No.14684901


Sub 10 mil mcap netherlands based company with massive clients and this street shitting pajeet says its a scam because of a reteace after a X7 increase.. stay poor brainlet.

>> No.14684941
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Your post isn't exactly original either. But the difference between you and I is that I openly say I hold tens of thousands of VIDT. You post more than I do so naturally people are going to wonder why

>> No.14684969

You are clearly new
>nigg word

>> No.14685058

What's an nigg word senpai?

>> No.14685365


>> No.14685490




>> No.14685848

This ponzi is fucking dumping 10% every minute.

>> No.14685912


>> No.14686504

i'm all in

>> No.14686580
File: 165 KB, 1460x1290, vidtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaand we're back

Swing Vidters and Discord trannies btfo

>> No.14686609

This shit is a fucking scam nigga I sold my stack holy fuck

>> No.14686641

You sound really intelligent, I'd better sell everything including the huge stack I bought at $0.25 earlier even though my own research suggests this is one of the few low MC gems around

>> No.14686703

I just bought more.
Thank for the FUD-sale, faggots!

>> No.14687148

got another 6k for free desu

>> No.14687292
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>> No.14687345

Not a paid shill, I just believe this project is better than 90% of the scams in the top 100. Been shilling since 7 cents and accumulated my 20k stack there. Verified 300% gains with eyes.
On a serious note, I hope the price bombs so the token burn next month will annihilate the circulating supply. Increased amount of tokens burnt per validation compounded on increased usage by partners and we might see a few million evaporate, plus I’ll happily accumulate much more. This coin dumping is unironically a win-win unless you bought a stack at the tippety top

>> No.14687383

Also, not. fucking. selling. faggots. Swingvidters get necked, the last run was the only one where it worked out for people that sold the top. Everyone else from 7-20 cents and 25-35 got the rope

>> No.14687442

Bought most of my stack at 15c. Bought more today. Top 1000 wallet isn't that crazy but it's something baybeeeee

>> No.14687537

how can you tell what you are? i want to see my wallet but i'm not top 100

>> No.14687612

Top 1000 wallets, looks like you have to have at least 3700 to make the list

>> No.14687659


I bought 23K at $0.29 and $0.35. Felt good to sell at $0.41 :) Is it time to buy again?

>> No.14687891

Feels like it. Blood in the streets but support in the sheets.

>> No.14687967

I told you faggots to sell the top. I told you faggots this is going to .0008-.0009. what do we think? is the bottom in?

>> No.14688016

>is the bottom in?
Nope. It dropped to that price way too quickly. It's going to 0.0007 by the weekend.

>> No.14688046

Best case scenario, the justening lasts til end of month. Worst case, we get a nasty pump right before the 1st like last time. I want to see the circulating supply get FUCKING SHREDDED next month.

>> No.14688364
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>just bought another 2k
>price falls even further

>> No.14688409

I'm just gonna hold this and dump on Binance listing, I don't give a shit anymore

>> No.14688513

can confirm we're at the bottom because i'm planning on buying more when i wake up tomorrow so its basically guaranteed to be a new ATH in about 12 hours

>> No.14688537
File: 186 KB, 861x877, 5FAACD00-9392-4BC3-ACD6-7759DD7291C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 10k at 0.00105

>> No.14688552

We're at the bottom when not even the shills want to buy any more.

>> No.14688582

that's the call, anon.

>> No.14688586

The classic dutch tulpenbollen p&d. Accept you got BTFO'D by some dutch dike and move on.