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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14674061 No.14674061 [Reply] [Original]

Pi is a new digital currency being developed by a group of Stanford PhDs. For a limited time, you can join the beta to earn Pi and help grow the network. To join Pi, follow this /EskoTheGod and use my username (EskoTheGod) as your invitation code.

What's your Pi invite link linkies

>> No.14674086

> not open source
it's not crypto then

>> No.14674090



Use code seancasey because i'm active 100%, that's what matters for you anyway

>> No.14674112
File: 513 KB, 994x632, Pubbr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pi is a new digital currency being developed by a group of Stanford PhDs. For a limited time, you can join the beta to earn Pi and help grow the network. To join Pi, follow this minepi slash bchimself and use my username (bchimself) as your invitation code.

>> No.14674133
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Reminder that:
-Pi Network is premined, no GPUs, "mining" is just distribution
-all invite codes give +25% mining rate bonus to inviter and invitee
-anyone claiming higher % are bullshitting you
-all invite codes are infinite use, there are no "last spots"
-the ONLY way to earn mining rate bonuses is inviting others
-if you invite 4 then add them to your security circle you get +100% mining rate bonus
-"join our group" posts are bullshit because groups don't exist
-"join our circle" posts are bullshit, security circles ONLY benefit the inviter

-using the invite code
will make anime real

>> No.14674143

use the code “yashoku” if you’re not a fag

>> No.14674161


Join my squad faggots.

>> No.14674227

DocSmlee if you want max gainz

>> No.14674266

I used a code I saw a bunch of times but there's no one in it what do how do I get out of this shitty earning team

>> No.14674287

There are no earning teams retard, it's all FFA. see >>14674133

>> No.14674522

Use GoldKnight as a referral. I’ve yet to miss a day.

>> No.14674572

Use code


Lest your mother pass away tonight

>> No.14674666

Use code zippo to join.
As one of the first thousand pioneers I am a senpai and will guide you through.

>> No.14674713

Use code k3nnysan for MAX mining! I'll add you to my elite security circle so you get a headstart. REMEMBER code is k3nnysan.


Also remember to toggle hide real name in the options menu!

>> No.14674757

use code


im always active, no downtime. That will earn you more PI than with other codes

>> No.14674819
File: 406 KB, 823x527, 1557984200453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the code
to kick off the next alt golden bull run!

>> No.14674839

..... I need people to use my code....

Can't add you guys to earn more Pi I already singed up with someones ref code