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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14672450 No.14672450 [Reply] [Original]

Is COSS /OurCoin/?
They just listed Spiking (SPIKE) today, a coin that automatically lets you perform the same trades as whales in both crypto and boomer stocks

>> No.14672461

COSS is a pajeet scam. Stop trying to make COSS happen, it's not going to happen.

>> No.14672463

yes sirs good coin very good come join our party:

>> No.14672472

all her nudes got leaked, i rolled a couple times for free btc at honkhonkler.com and saw all of them

>> No.14672483

BRAP is our baby

>> No.14672529

Kucoin is the users exchange COSS tries to be. KCS is the only token with quarterly burns and daily divs. This token and the exchange's volume are only increasing they're offering EOS, TRX, IOST, ATOM soft staking with more coming soon. Switcheo is a better exchange too. I hear COSS is big in India though

>> No.14672554

sirs you are NOT to bully do u understand NOT TO BULLY at all! that is these rules here on bizness channel of 4channel you do not bully sir! instead come celebrating with us here at our party

>> No.14672593

fuck you delphine employee. gtfo 4chan

>> No.14672885
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>chink shills with rapidly diminishing dividend payouts using an overpriced security token unironically try to FUD COSS
And I thought I’ve seen everything