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File: 42 KB, 650x650, that-feel-when-smugness-overflow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14671447 No.14671447 [Reply] [Original]

I just put a down payment on a $430000 house that will easily be worth over $1 million in ten years. Enjoy your shit coins, us millionaires will be laughing from the side lines.

>> No.14671473

>imagine actually putting a down payment on a house

>> No.14671490

>he doesn't know
oh boy

>> No.14671507

yup. buying houses is the new paradigm

>> No.14671522

Know what? This is what all my relatives did in the 70s and 80s and their property values more than tripled.

>> No.14671540

lmao 10 years to go 2x. You could easily hit that return with BTC in 6 months.

Also, by the time you your house hits 1 mill (will be longer than 10 yrs), you'll have easily paid 100-200k in interest & that money is gone.

>> No.14671550
File: 1.55 MB, 341x184, 5F70DD5C-D106-4082-AA2A-FECA3F082508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Please screen cap this if not ironic.

Pepper that angus. Your boipucci is gonna get ravaged by the housing crash.

>> No.14671557
File: 10 KB, 179x170, 1542106705024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in ten years

>> No.14671583

You're not in kansas anymore, Dorothy.

>> No.14671638

buy high, sell low: the true /biz/ way

>> No.14671642

This a new world anon. Hit the rope

>> No.14671649

>imagine being poor and renting

>> No.14671655


>> No.14671666

That's it anon. Buy a home before all the boomers die and there are tons of cheap homes

>> No.14671670

checked but this must be bait

>> No.14671694

>imagine not realizing renting is better
*tips eyelash

>> No.14671703

>buying a house and not fully months before a market collapse
Enjoy being thrown out the streets.

>> No.14671707

The boomer genocide crash will be something of beauty. But it will be nothing compared to the Gen X (the cool wine aunt gen) crash.

>> No.14671725

>One black person moves in
>You've paid more likely $650k with interest
>The property is only valued at $250k on the market from the demographic shift.

>> No.14671738

430k only get you a crack shack on the south side

>> No.14671789

10 years time -> 1 bitcoin = $10 million
34 BTC = $340,000,000

have fun with your house OP

>> No.14671793

You put down 73k?

>> No.14671796


He is boasting about a 2x that will take 10 years to reach.

He'll get 570k profit. - 200k from interest, 370k profit after ten years. I mean... in 10 fucking years. Idk but I'd rather invest in apartments and get passive income. At least that seems more stable.

>> No.14671886


>> No.14671929
File: 19 KB, 320x240, C8C91758-3A5A-448A-A69F-03A9CB2E7D08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I’ll sell you my B255 for 125000. It will be worth easily 10x that in ten years.

>> No.14671975

Let me put it this way. We'll use bitcoin as an analogy for housing. Your boomer grandpappies bought bitcoin at $500, you bought bitcoin at the end of the upcoming golden bullrun @ $50k before it crashes to $8k

>> No.14672039

guys when will be gud time to buy hous... 5 years? 10 years? 2 years??

how do i get housing market news...

>> No.14672617

Fellow B255 anon checking in. Can confirm.

>> No.14672627


>> No.14672641

like you shouldn't own both, fuck off

>> No.14672683

Reminds me of this cnbc article i read earlier. There are actually normies putting their life savings into down payments as we speak. The level of retardation is astounding, yet probably deserved. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/08/self-made-millionaire-david-bach-a-chart-changed-the-way-i-think-about-money.html

>> No.14672990

lol you could have just bought a 3x leveraged REIT if you think it's going to go up, dumbass

by the way, we will see a 30-50% correction within the next 5 years, enjoy your mortgage slavery

>> No.14673009
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, YIKES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet with the property tax and interest rate on your mortgage you will still end up losing money if you sold the house at 1 million.

>> No.14673024

>he doesn't know that housing market is going to slip more than 40%

>> No.14673048

based as fuck I've never even heard of leveraged reits, can you give me a quickrundown on the gains? I was researching reits and they appeared to avg 10% a year so I was like might as well do index funds instead

>> No.14673107

it's a cheatcode to life, you basically get 3x the spread of inflation+rent seeking, but you have to time the crash and buy in near intrinsic value or you'll lose a lot of money very fast, look into DRN, get in low milk the long term capital gains for many years then get out when things look too shiny

>> No.14673150

House prices can only go up

>boomers dying
>deluge of empty houses
>2 generations of neets with no skills or money for fancy houses
>us dollar crisis

Yeah gl with that buddy

>> No.14673168

Three 6 mafia checked. Best opinion blessed with trips

>> No.14673200

Wait a few years to hear sentiment about how the housing market will never recover. In that despair is buying time