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14661385 No.14661385 [Reply] [Original]

Im getting tired of all the shills but is there any actual fud besides "Its a scam" when 2 seconds of research shows it clearly isn't? Token not needed is a meme and disproven. Who cares if its not open source if it makes me money?

>> No.14661579

The entire overledger concept is based on “3 lines of code.” -Gilbert
Yeah banks are gonna buy a bunch of a $12 token to access other blockchains that no one else is using. It’s all speculation just like everything else.

>> No.14661634

It falls on dead ears but read all of gilberts wording.”hope to use” “aim to use” in regards to sia or other partnerships.This is what every crypto says when they are running pilots.Hell jibrel said it in regards to the central bank of jordan.In reality these banks have tons of fintech companies trying to prove themselves.Really Quant are one of many working with Sia in the area of fintech, all hoping Sia use their tech,

>> No.14661723

The Sia partnership is the most overblown news in the history of crypto. Only $500M revenue company and I guarantee they aren't paying a dime to trial their software.

>> No.14661831

QNT under $100 is good fud

>> No.14661852

Unironically there is no known FUD yet, except FUD which applies to every project/all of crypto.

People have been trying to FUD it for a year now, to no avail. There's literally nothing been dug up yet.

>> No.14661898

The FUD is that 570 banks are looking to integrate it.

No seriously, that’s the fud lol.

>> No.14662016

Hmmm... idk I think "chainlink partnered with google because some dev wrote a blog post" is more overblown than SIA literally putting out a press release that they're going to be using Quant. But then again I don't have autism.

>> No.14662034

posts like this give me hope for biz

>> No.14662068

The absolute only FUD worth giving half a fuck about

This price gain is unprecedented
No other cryptos are going straight vertical right now. This would lead one to assume there will be a big correction
None of us know if this is true or not, but no other coins are going only up the past month..

>> No.14662078

chainlink is one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to biz in my opinion. I don't know what it is about it that has affected everyone's ability to think rationally.

If SIA had put out that press release and the word "Chainlink" was used instead of "Quant" this board LITERALLY would not exist because it would have exploded the servers lol.... people are too emotional over their coins it actually makes them incapable of fulfilling their full potential. Quant is a buy, plain and simple.... it's mcap one year from now will be possibly beyond Link.

PS- I am not a LINK hater, I was in LINK ICO and still own a bunch, but some of these nu-linkers have lost their fucking minds lol.

>> No.14662083


>> No.14662103

no at all.You are all getting blinded by gilberts wording.The banks just all fall under the sia umbrella, quant is just doing a pilot on the sianet, you can bet 490 of those banks do not know nor care who quant are, and just see them as one of many fintech projects working with sia.

>> No.14662107

And this, it's going parabolic so I expect a huge dump. Project is severly undervalued in a crypto sense though.

>> No.14662114

Qunt is worthless unless it uses some kind of chainlink-like mechanism. If it doesn't, it's just a server application at best. If it tries to reimplement chainlink, it will be eaten by chainlink. If it uses chainlink, it has a chance of being a major contender, even if the tokenomics are very uncertain.

>> No.14662122

brah its up 10x in june alone. look at what happened to $REN when it 10x'd and report back

>> No.14662153

This feels like january 2018 for quant, the new paradigm/euphoria is just like then.

>> No.14662164

It's closed source so how can you tell its even being developed?

>> No.14662182

Come on man I'm not even going to try and sell you on QNT or anything for that matter

But if you seriously just look at the price gain and losses of coins to determine how they will perform you have the IQ of a 12 year old
Those two projects could not be more different...

It's like predicting what will happen to coca cola stock by comparing it to Nvidia
It just makes you seem like an idiot who puts square shapes into square holes and gets excited

>> No.14662189

Thats like saying microsoft is closed source so why would I invest if I dont know its being worked on

>> No.14662195
File: 8 KB, 228x223, 27332390_10157323826453508_8149135879907131751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol

>> No.14662197

See what I mean? ^^^ the fact that this is FUD is just incredible hahaha.

Pretty much all Quant fud comes from nu-linkers who missed out.... trust me, I know... i've been in link since ICO and have had quant since under $1....

>> No.14662219

> if you seriously just look at the price gain and losses of coins to determine how they will perform you have the IQ of a 12 year old

>> No.14662270

This thread is bullish.

>> No.14662300


It's 3 lines of code to connect enterprise systems to Overledger. Overledger itself is over 3 million lines of code.

> Buy tokens to access blockchains that no one else is using

No one else is using the blockchains purely because there's no interoperability, so no enterprise wants to choose a blockchain when another company might choose a different one and then they're both isolated. Overledger is what will start mainstream adoption as that concern is now over.


> Really Quant are one of many working with Sia in the area of fintech

Show me all the other press releases SIA has launched about all the other companies they're working with. I'll wait.


SIA runs the private network that 570 banks and financial institutions use for transaction data. In 2018 they handled 51.7 billion financial transactions. They are the SWIFT of Europe. It's not about SIA specifically. It's about SIA's bank network that will now integrate Overledger.

The scale and scope of what Quant is doing is absolutely fucking huge. Truly mindblowing. They've took the whole crypto industry by the balls and they're going to bring it to the enterprise world.

>> No.14662404

>No one else is using the blockchains purely because there's no interoperability
No potential user said that basically ever. The biggest concerns are always performance and privacy.

>It's 3 lines of code to connect enterprise systems to Overledger. Overledger itself is over 3 million lines of code.

By using a server application to connect DLTs,. you lose ALL the benefits that those platform bring by introducing a point where trust is required. This is why chainlink will be used here, with quant or not. This is what Chainlink will be revolutionary and Quant is just a business/idea guy project.

Given the marketcap of quant, starting to think it's the newfags from rrrrdit that pump it because the project looks nice on surface and they can't d9iscern anything deeper.

>> No.14662450


> No potential user said that basically ever. The biggest concerns are always performance and privacy.

Are you seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY suggesting that the guy who's worked in corporate and enterprise for 20+ years, who's been speaking to all these CEOs and directors, and actually listening to what they've been telling him, somehow doesn't understand what they want, while YOU, the autistic Biz incel, completely isolated from real business, knows more about what enterprises want than he does?

My ab-sol-ute, fucking, SIDES.

>> No.14662508
File: 2.72 MB, 500x375, 1532723435525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all of your arguments are just based on trust towards Gilbert. Alright...

>> No.14662552

literally every single fucking investment is based on trusting the company you're investing in dumbass.

>> No.14662561

Hey can anyone link me to other SIA press releases about other cryptotech they're integrating? Unironically, I'd like to read and possibly buy some of that too.

>> No.14662564

> Show me all the other press releases SIA has launched about all the other companies they're working with. I'll wait.




I got bored after the 3rd but there are tons more, just google sia and partnerships.If you think sia are not partnered with tens of fintech companies at any one time, running pilots at all times then you are a delusional faggot.

>> No.14662599


You literally just posted every single article that was used as a breadcrumb to predict the SIA partnership AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my good fucking god!! I am literally pissing myself.

>> No.14662610

The guy spent three verbose paragraphs saying: Gilbvert knows what he's doing. That's blind trust, with not even an attempt at independent reasoning.
It's a bit similar with chainlink, but a lot of things around the project can be verified and reasoned with independently. This makes the trust given to Sergey much more admissible as it is far from blind - which is needed given how many tokens are under control of the team.

>> No.14662611

newsflash, every bank has multiple fintech pilots being run and rarely adopt any of them.All these fintech startups "aim" and "hope" to work with the banks.You are all getting sweet talked here by Gilberts wording.Its been said before but you will all learn it the hard way.His number 1 priority is to make the Quant token worth something, and he knows full well hype sells in crypto.

>> No.14662642

Why are you saying “gilberts” wording? It was a joint press release. I agree with the other anon here saying if it was Chainlink instead of Quant you’d be losing your minds.

But who cares, I’m buying Link I heard they partnered with Google

>> No.14662670

>His number 1 priority is to make the Quant token worth something

Great, that works pretty damn well for my best interests too

>> No.14662689

>His number 1 priority is to make the Quant token worth something
>thinking having a chink scam mentality is good in any way

>> No.14662691

The fact that this is FUD just literally is unfathomable lol... this is one of the best threads I have ever read

>> No.14662718

I think we have this thread to thank for the new ath that was just reached lol

>> No.14662719

Sia is a literal who. It would be nice news, but nothing more. It would be better than Quant partnership because you actually know how chainlink would work with Sia. With Quant, you now just have a centralized server application making the DLT aspect of any crypto "interoperating" completely moot.

>> No.14662758

Please for the love of god keep the fud coming this is amazing haha this reminds me of the old Link and Ethereum days

>> No.14662779
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1559251597700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he says a literal WHO ROFL

>> No.14662801

nice FUD, but how butt blasted are you for not buying at 2 dollars a month ago?

>> No.14662814

I love literal who's

Can't wait for BOE, IBJ, and JPM just keep the literal who's coming.. i live for literal who's

>> No.14662834

>three contentless responses
Only drooling retards buy quant, which makes other drooling retards FOMO in, as proven right now

>> No.14662872


>> No.14662877

"Only drooling retards buy quant, which makes other drooling retards FOMO in, as proven right now"

make that 4 contentless responses, wew

>> No.14662950

"Sia Partners With Quant Network To Explore Innovative Solutions In Blockchain Interoperability"



its a pilot on a portion of sias test of their siachain for some app usage.Gilbert literally just got scammed by pajeets on telegram pretending to be from Bitmax.Lets keep things real here.

>> No.14663014

Let’s talk more about chainlinks google partnership

>> No.14663022

Yep, Quant started to pump just after the initial surpassing of link above $1. then the Plebbit newfags started to gather. the price fell and they were probably shaken out - then the Google announcement befell us all and the price just skyrocketed. This made the newfags sad and resentful - they feel stupid enough to not buy in again.
They found something that resembles Link on the surface level that was posted here from time to time - Quant - and thought that they can get link-like results buy buying in. The low marketcap only helped.
Pretty convinced that this happened due to the contentless, meme posts of the Quantards in their threads

>> No.14663049

Yeah most likely it was the memes and had nothing to do with the SIA partnership - this is the brain of a linklet and it makes me sad to be so involved with Link and associate myself with such retardation

>> No.14663062

SIA is a literal who

>> No.14663089

More likely that Gilbert used his business acumen to pressure some nerds into a partnership. doesn't make it meaningful, or the SIA guys impactful in the space at large to have that large of an impact.

>> No.14663091
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>> No.14663097

ughhhh what happened to my amazing Linkmarine community, when did you fucking retards arrive haha

>> No.14663121
File: 38 KB, 1063x620, Screenshot_2019-07-08 Siacoin (SC) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, what happened to SIA?

>> No.14663122

so your theory is that its pumping because of reddit and biz lmao the cope

>> No.14663129

Anon you are extremely entertaining, but your butt is bleeding a LOT and it shows

>> No.14663142

The low marketcap of Quant makes this plausable. find a better theory.

>> No.14663143

Holy fuck, what happened to SIA?

Funny, haha hahah haha so funny dude!!!

>> No.14663166

Just making sure that youre not dumb enough to think that siacoin and sia are the same thing

>> No.14663178

You having a stroke? You ok?

>> No.14663194

Oh my god.... is he being unironic with the Siacoin post? It can't be possible.

>> No.14663196

> find a better theory.
The project has a shit ton of potential and people are catching on. Boom not hard. More plausible than "memes are the reason it jumped so much" Are you 12?

>> No.14663207

Please for the love of god put a disclaimer that you’re joking before posting something this dumb haha

>> No.14663220

I think he was actually being serious... he thinks SIA is Siacoin.... oh my god

>> No.14663234

No, that can’t be possible. Nobody would have engaged in a debate about Quant for this long and actually think that. I refuse to believe he was being unironic

>> No.14663324

This is the first time he hasn’t responded in under a minute... he’s literally googling what SIA is now hahaha, oh god this is so embarrassing

>> No.14663365 [DELETED] 

There were 2 waves - the shitcoin era where everyone was copy pasting code and p&d’ing on exchanges and the ICO era where everyone was getting rich before releasing any code or shitcoin partnerships. Those days are long gone us.

Welcome to Quant. Quant and LINK is the new era.

>> No.14663407

Literally cringing at this fucking pleb who FUDded believeing that SIA is Siacoin. Fucking wew.

>> No.14663423

There were 2 waves - the shitcoin era where everyone was copy pasting code and p&d’ing on exchanges and the ICO era where everyone was getting rich before releasing any code or shitcoin partnerships. Those days are long gone.

Welcome to Quant.
Quant and LINK is the new era.

>> No.14663428

I actually cannot believe this all ended with the guy thinking SIA is Siacoin.. i did NOT see that coming hahaha... this has literally got to be the most bullish thread for Quant ever.

>> No.14663454

Only legit fud is that quant is not needed when chainlink is running full force.

>> No.14663538

Except this isn't legit FUD in the slightest.
Elaborate on this - why on earth would CL render QNT obsolete? They aren't even competitors.
Stop repeating what other retard fudders have told you and think and independent thought for once.

>> No.14663550

For sure, just sold QNT for Raven Protocol. Up 30%.

>> No.14663636

Let's actually try to FUD this shit guys. The FUD team is literally asking us for help, that's some of the best news ever.

I would say try to appeal to the purists and say they don't have a true blockchain. Maybe throw in something like, "You really think banks are going on to IDEX to buy these useless car wash tokens?"

>> No.14663927

This thread convinced me to go all in on QNT

>> No.14664054

Okay let's think about it. When chainlink runs like it's said it will, where and why do you need quant then? Answer: nowhere

>> No.14664076

Quant bothers me because it's another framework trying to connect blockchain projects that are all still in their infancy. I'm sure something like Quant has great potential, but I don't think it's really needed yet.

If my understanding is correct, It would be like someone trying to make an app that connects all of our different fiat investment accounts and allowed them to communicate and transact with each other. That would be great, but it means all of the banks would have to agree to use that framework.

Smart Contracts, on the other hand, are immediately useful and have an immediate back-end problem which Chainlink solves. So I see Link as great technology, but the price of utility crypto never seems to make much logical sense, so I can't predict what price Chainlink will settle in at.

>> No.14664298

> When chainlink runs like it's said it will
lol we'll be at 1000 by then

>> No.14664411
File: 79 KB, 383x383, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quant is useless without chainlink and it's useless with chainlink, so good luck buddy.

>> No.14664430


>> No.14664442

Scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt you that QNT has crushed Link in terms of gains in a very short amount of time?

>> No.14664467

I'm just telling the truth here, don't hate the messenger.

>> No.14664493

Haha I used to shill quant in link spam threads that escaped the retardo filter. It was about $2 I think.

They mad.

>> No.14664497

Chainlink is the underlying mechanism. Interoperability still will have to be implemented, and Quant does that.

>> No.14664631
File: 292 KB, 1037x1072, 594a27b2b7664b7977c0594b_img1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, you just don't need quant when you got chainlink connecting everything to anything, look at this picture, blockchain to blockchain, real world data to blockchain, there is no need for quant mate.

>> No.14664707

Chainlink provides the decentralized connectivity. It doesn't provide anything out of the box, you need those connector things to do actual work. Quant might just be one of those connectors.

>> No.14664711

How am I the only person who has LINK and QNT and sees them as both important? I feel like a crazy person.... a crazy person with a shitton of money but a crazy person still.

>> No.14664818

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.14664948

There will be a Quant like thing implemented using chainlink, no question about it. If it will be Quant itself isn't exactly certain.

>> No.14665057

Dude what happened... aren't you the guy who literally was just talking about Siacoin lol

>> No.14665072


Remember that Quant isn't only allowing interoperable connectivity with the traditional public blockchains, but also ones like Quorum and Corda, which are positioning to be the enterprise blockchains.

Quant is basically the only way to get an investment benefit from all of these private blockchains popping up. And believe me, there's going to be a lot more of them.

>> No.14665097

This. It was obvious since they connected quorum months ago.

>> No.14665115

Been in both for a long time bro.

>> No.14665159

What the fuck else do you want it to be?
Also please confirm to my autistic self you didn’t mess up SIA with Siacoin, please.

>> No.14665247


There's probably quite a few people out there who see the potential in both. Intellectually deficient retards just tend to make a lot more noise.

In my view the previous gen of crypto was creating blockchains. The next gen are the systems, like Link and Quant, that will connect them together, connect them with traditional systems, and finally bring blockchain into mainstream adoption.

>> No.14666200

Yeah but Microsoft isn't the gateway to flow all your traffic through decentralized networks. Big difference.

>> No.14666243

The whole project is stupid and pointless but apart from that I guess not

>> No.14666255


>> No.14666369
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Are you seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY suggesting that the CEO who's worked in corporate and enterprise for 20+ years, who's been speaking to all these other CEOs and directors, and actually listening to what they've been telling him, somehow doesn't understand what they want, while YOU, the autistic Biz incel, completely isolated from real business, knows more about what enterprises want than he does?

My ab-sol-ute, fucking, SIDES.

>> No.14666482

Not true. Chainlink does this

>> No.14666510

Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. How about provide actual verifiable information.

>> No.14666560

>repeating his butthurt thinking it will make it correct
Nobody trusted Gilbert yet besides some literal who (SIA). This should speak a lot.

>> No.14666576


Maybe it CAN eventually, but right now it isn't. Overledger is already connected to the enterprise blockchains and clients can use it right this second.

>> No.14666595

>blockchains connected via a trust point
completely pointless

>> No.14666617

Literally show me a single instance where there were interoperability problems between different blockchains? When multiple large entities create a shared ledger, they share the same fucking ledger - that's the point.

>> No.14666637

I own so much LINK and am completely embarrassed by the tears my fellow marines are feeding Quanters :(

>> No.14666701

I have yet to see any proof of Quant either. So you are in the same boat as Chainlink by that logic.

>> No.14666723


How about use a shred of common sense. Of the projects not under NDA, Quant has been backed by SIA (50+ billion financial transactions per year), Crowdz (which is partnered with Barclays), and the Australian sovereign cloud provider (IT infrastructure for Australian government and public sector).

Gilbert also routinely speaks at numerous blockchain and fintech conferences, including the participation of a European Central Bank panel in a few weeks time with reps from the national banks of Italy and Lithuania:


This guy says that Quant's Overledger is what enterprise and governments are looking for, so I either:

1). Believe him

2). Believe you, the Biz incel neet with zero business experience who has achieved nothing in life

HmmmmmmmmMMMMmmmmm tricky one.

>> No.14666754

You forgot Pay Uk. Just let people buy in after IBJ, BOE, and JPM