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14660081 No.14660081 [Reply] [Original]

Newbie here. I’m tempted to buy 50000 VeChain tokens to invest for long term. Do you think is this a good choice?

>> No.14660084

xvg is great

>> No.14660122

I think we got ourselves a retard

>> No.14660138

I unironically have that, I'd say yeah

>> No.14660143

Go back to plebbit you fuck

>> No.14660163

VeChain is a massive chink scam

>> No.14660164

I wish I could transport you back in time just so you could FOMO at $9

>> No.14660184

Walmart CHINA just signed with VeChain. YOUR the retard, dumb ass... Die poor with your shit coins going no where fast. VeChain will hit 2 to 3 dollars in 2 years. You put in 2K to 3K you net 500K to 1MM. So many idiot on the chan. and you're one of them.

>> No.14660194

Most fudded project, buy as much as you can before it goes to 4

>> No.14660198
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Are you fucking retarded or just trolling?

>> No.14660218

If you can deal with all the FUD and their chink sense of marketing, the project is actually in a really solid state. They have tons of partnerships which are proven to be legit. Mainnet is firing up, much more things are connecting. You should definitely hold some VET if you're looking for long term gains. Short term, not so much, VeChain is still one of the most hated projects out there atm. But that will change eventually.

>> No.14660509

Imagine buying into the part of the project designed to scam retail investors while they onboard corporations giving them free tokens.

Buy quant you fag. We're going to the moon.

>> No.14660537

this... vechain is fucking awesome

>> No.14660574
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Vechain is going to be replaced by EVE

>> No.14660907


>> No.14660992

Vechain will make you rich if your patient. Your searching for answers from biz, so taken at face value at least, that's not going to be something you possess too much of, so buy QNT instead

>> No.14661045

Going to give you a non-bullshit answer here. When it comes to ALTS no one has any idea what will or will not survive (if anything, Bitcoin included). When it comes to ALTS there are very few with working product let alone large publicly traded companies as partners/users. VET, BAT, XRP around here and Reddit are labeled as scams or what not, but they are working products with legit backers. Bet on the horses ahead in the race.

>> No.14661050

This, VeChain is gonna be called a scam until the coin actually appreciates in value which will only be done when the excess THOR is depleted. That:s going to take a while. It:s a long hold.

Buy LINK and then reallocate some into VET and whatever other project when/if LINK takes off.