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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14659945 No.14659945 [Reply] [Original]


Who wouldve thought that the guy who sang the pokemon theme song is a part of our team?
Dude hates federal taxes, Distills his own water and supported Ron Paul 2012.
Also interesting to listen to him bust out random songs

>> No.14660037
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>> No.14660074

I know right? Blew my fucking mind; he even made a bitcoin version of the pokemon song


>> No.14660133

He seems to support crypto as a payments system not just to generate wealth but prefers big daddy bitcoin is this the /Based/ way to think about it? Is Jason Paige /ourguy/?

>> No.14660239
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Dubs in my thread?
>mfw the pokemon guy gives me faith

>> No.14660344

>at ~30 min when he just freestyles a song
top kek

>> No.14660358

Dont have too much faith in the price going up have faith in crypto adoption happening. They are not the same thing but it will make the world a better place anon. Your bags arent going anywhere though.

>> No.14660388

>Dude hates federal taxes, Distills his own water and supported Ron Paul 2012
Unfortunately cringe and a sell signal.

>> No.14660400

More dubs; yeah he is definitely a musical soul but also a libertarian definitely not the status quo

My bags are in some shitty coins but I have a lot of BTC I am not worried.

>> No.14660428

Shitcoins going to zero though sorry to say

The dudes just having fun

>> No.14660462

I thought it was a sell signal too until I watched the interview he is BTC maximalist it looks like so he is just doing his part instead of shilling shitty projects.

Not Zcash or MAKER

>> No.14660590

Zass to zero EASILY get your head out your ass it isnt even private to governments.

also FUCK is the Hosts singing TERRIBLE at the end. @45 minutes in

>> No.14660628
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>> No.14660717

god can summer be over already

>> No.14660725
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Disagree governments need access at the end of the day; well in an imperfect world. which is what this is
Thats just like your opinion man

>> No.14660847

>Hating on pokemon while posting on a serbian blanket poxing board

>> No.14661005
File: 344 KB, 2000x1333, 1549853887973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw hating on tiny cartoon creatures when posting on a taiwanese trading card forum