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14657809 No.14657809 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with the fact you can’t get women despite being a millionaire? I don’t want to read your bragging so beta and omega fags only

>> No.14657873

Women are filth, I fell for the have sex meme and now I have HPV and im probly gonna die from throat/dick cancer before i make it cause i ate a rotten cunt and go to hell, dont fall for the roastie jew or you will never make it

>> No.14657886

I’m poor as fuck and I don’t have this problem. Have sex incel.

>> No.14657912

Also im pretty sure the girl who transmitted it to me knew she had it, fuckin witch

>> No.14657963

I got the HPV vaccine as a lad because my parents will believe anything the jews say. I am probably autistic from getting 50 vaccines but at least I can eat nasty pussy with lower risk I guess?
Hey dickhead I already told you that I can’t get sex. I have only fucked fat chicks recently

>> No.14658110

jews love that. fucking you without you knowing.

>> No.14658128


>> No.14658152

Have sex incel

>> No.14658165

first let me start by saying that it was I who decided to break up with my last 2 girl friends because we weren't meant for eachother. I mean I broke up with my gf then had a quick thing with another girl and then I decided to go alone.

Why? Because I am not a super npc normie that just needs a girlfriend. Any girl. if she isn't a decent human being I wont settle.

You have to be very stupid to think that all there is to life is having a girlfriend. Really, really stupid. You have to be equally stupid to think that all there is to life is having lots of money. I would say even more stupid.

I dn't have to cope at all cause I am above NPC zombie normie slave tier thinking.

>> No.14658185

When I'm rich I'll pretend that I'm gay with a friend who I will pay, and get a surrogate mother to carry my child. Divorce I get the child and voila, I got my child without having to interact with roastie whores.

>> No.14658195

I got together with that girl friend after I settled for less because of being on nofap. nofap wasn't the mistake here, settling for less was.

I don't regret it though we had very intense loving moments too.

>> No.14658208

If you're a millionare you can get women.
no buts

>> No.14658217

Nice so you can’t have sex because you’re subhuman and you want to bring another subhuman in the world to suffer because you’re a lonely fsggot who wants others to suffer with him

Hope you die in a fire before it happens

>> No.14658245

thanks for the tip

>> No.14658272

>I’m a beta so I can’t get a girlfriend
>I don’t have a girlfriend because I’m a beta
Self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.14658279

You are coping harder than I am. Having a family is the main point of life. Being a single neckbeard past 35 is hell mode
I am a millionaire with multiple cars and a sick apartment and I get zero women other than fat whores. Occasionally I get desperate enough and fuck a fatty otherwise I get nothing

>> No.14658280

typical projecting comment really. it just shows how sad of a person you are.

>> No.14658287

what have you tried doing to get these wimin? i would of thought flashin money would work

>> No.14658294

pointless comment

>> No.14658315
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no I just told you I don't have to cope with any circumstances on this physical plane cause I ascended above your normie tier materialistic thinking. Most relationships nowadays are pure lust based shit fests. I wont have that anymore. stop projecting. also this thread is useless.

I'll be brutally honest with you too I can go outside and get a girl whenever I want.

if you are 35 and a disgusting looking neckbeard. You got jewwed by bad habbits. I bet you wank regularly.

>> No.14658325

Cope and fuck off retard I am 26

>> No.14658332

This. Imagine having sex problems in the year of our lord two thousand and nineteen

>> No.14658340

There is no good way to flash money. My best shot is my car and you can’t really show it off without looking like a douche or actually getting a date

>> No.14658354

not a beta so please forgive my intrusion into your thread.
>46 years old
>twice divorced
>no children
>numerous degenerate flings with thots
>past 3 years have living in self imposed isolation and wouldn't touch a woman even if she was 10/10 semen demon standing naked in my kitchen.
If I had to do it all over again, I'd focus all my energy on acquiring wealth and self-development, then snag a tradcon christian white woman from a backwoods church somewhere. Instead, I'm a wage cuck just trying to pay my bills. Learn from me, please.

>> No.14658368

see how mad and sad you are lmao.
I'll stop giving you tips. You aint worth it.

>> No.14658373

Your post started off looking like a dickhead but you were not a dickhead. Thanks for the advice anon I will consider it

>> No.14658376

Is 27 too late to get your life right?

>> No.14658384

Ugly inside = ugly outside
Bonus points for not actually being a virgin but pretending you are

>> No.14658390

no. men peak late 30s, if you aren't a complete failure that wanks everyday and eats shit food.

>> No.14658391

read the OP before trying to brag next time champ

>> No.14658399

fuck no, bro. you've got your whole life in front of you. what I wouldn't give to go back 20 years to where you are now and start over.

>> No.14658402

27 year old.
It is not, but it by this point you should have momentum you can alchemize with in the form of connections, knowledge, or resources.

>> No.14658417

Yeah I am aware and I might as well be a virgin
Men do not peak in their 30s that is some of the ultimate cope. Men decrease in value at a slower rate than women so your relative value can improve that’s true

>> No.14658446

> muh cope muh this muh that.

lmao. I see why you can't get a gf. loser mentality.

>> No.14658464

Bro... I think you have the last chance to buy some real gem which can help escape from the cage wage... and I feel that ZBUX is the right one, the hottest meme coin of this seasson. https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/zuck-bucks?utm_content=zuck-bucks&utm_medium=search_coin&utm_source=coingecko

>> No.14658467

yeah already established that I suck in the OP asking other people who suck (most of you) how you cope

>> No.14658479

You don't want a woman whos only with you for money. I've had that and it was disgusting. She was trying to act like a perfect gf but it was fake and the mask was often slipping, she would lash out or look disgusted when we were intimate. We started genuinely hating each other after a while.

>> No.14658508

>Men do not peak in their 30s that is some of the ultimate cope. Men decrease in value at a slower rate than women so your relative value can improve that’s true
I disagree. As I said earlier, I'm not a beta. I get more attention now, at 46, than I ever did as a 20 something. Women like rugged, strong men that exude masculinity and authority for partners. Not smooth skinned manboys who lack true self confidence.

>> No.14658512

I just recently was able to seperate myself from my insanely toxic family, and have been able to save money, buy a car. But I feel like the next step is to have my own house, but I feel like I might have to slave another 10 years before that. While at the same time, I want to have a relationship with a woman but I feel like I need my house and financials in order. Some people say I shouldnt worry about that, but after seeing friends and family suffer because of monetary issues, I cant help but feel like I need complete stability before trying to have a lasting relationship. Any tips?

>> No.14658515
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I'm done here. later.

>> No.14658531

these bitches be nasty. Most of them don't even get checked for STDs on the regular with the amount of dicks they hop on. You got to raise your standards bro and only fuck clean girls. Give it a sniff test and if it smells funky just walk out. I actually did this to one hoe and the look on her face was priceless

>> No.14658550

Men definitely peak in their 30s bro. Men in their 20s are retards. You need more experiences to become high value

>> No.14658556

Very interesting anon. Any other stories to share?
Possibly true in your case but my observations about life from going out do not confirm this
Definitely do not get sucked into thinking you need a house and other trappings to get women. If you are attractive just do it. Women age 20-30 are making more money than men now so you can probably find a breadwinner if you are good looking

>> No.14658569

all the fatties I have banged had nasty smelling pussy so I prob have a disease good to know
That’s a good point. I’ll take that under consideration

>> No.14658587

I've had unprotected sex with two different women who apparently had HPV and never mentioned it to me. In bothh cases I found out about it from other people after the fact.

>> No.14658601

This is called borderline personality disorder and it's the type of girl that will pop your condom for you to get her pregnant cause she "loves" you so much

>> No.14658640

Twice divorced.... where did it all go wrong

>> No.14658647
File: 182 KB, 829x767, 1527544808864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you wouldn't drink milk that smells spoiled so why would you stick your dick in pussy that smells spoiled right?

>> No.14658664

According to studies that really pissed some females off, men peak at 55 and women peak at 18 lol rekt.

>> No.14658666

desperation basically. You’d be surprised how much your standards can drop after a while

>> No.14658692

You're a millionare.
You can contact whores through instagram and tell them you're a millionare.
Hell tinder bio:
hi im a millionare
cold approach:
hi im a millionare
How do you fuck up this badly.

>> No.14658695

If I moved to the city, I could see what your saying. But I live in the country, small town lots of land kind of area. I'm an attractive guy, great shape, nice hair, very masculine dude. But using my looks to get women I think was part in what set me back in my early 20's when I was smashing poon and crashing at different chicks places every weekend. The last 2 years I have just been working and isolated myself from the things that I felt were holding me back (family,friends,pussy), but I feel like I have dived further into depression and really just want smash pussy all the time.

>> No.14658711

I think you did that wrong

>> No.14658767

who do you think are going to reply ? women wanting to steal the money. dont a be a fucking retard

>> No.14658768
File: 80 KB, 719x675, 1527797162264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of satan. Do not fall for it brother, I've been there too. That's what they want. Remember there are 3 billion roasties out there

>> No.14658781

And thats why fapping is so good. It allows you to maintain standards.

>> No.14658786

That does not work. This is the kind of delusion I was referring to. This is the fantasy you have not real life. >>14658695
Well I think your post had mixed messages but I enjoyed reading it. I used to be good with chicks through age 21 or so then I went into an extreme autist mode due to crypto and I have never recovered. I think living it up in your 20s is the best I will likely have lifelong regret that destroys me from the inside until I die

>> No.14658803

> I need a house
fuck no, forget about the mortgage. create a business and dismiss thots. focus on monetary gains

>> No.14658814

3 billion roasties but only fat or non-white ones are into me. I do not blame anyone for this either. Thank you for the support I laughed at your image too
yeah fapping is what maintains my sanity that’s a good call

>> No.14658881

I've never cared about women so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.14658883
File: 23 KB, 197x432, 18428d1346957597-male-female-size-difference-lou-n-eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have constant DEEP sex with all of my female dogs and I will never, ever have:

-Child Support
-Clothes to buy
-Restaurant obligations
-Jewelry to buy
-Confiscation of my property I've worked 3 decades for
-Rape accusations
-Insane new baby hospital fees
-A faggot teen that doesn't respect me

And yet I get constant, constant sex on demand. Married normies have to pay $300 to take their wife out to dinner, for a CHANCE at sex. Meanwhile my dick is always wet with animal hole.

Laugh all you want, but at the end of the day, you'll be the one in alimony court, not me. Good luck to you normies. You're gonna get REKT LMAO

>> No.14658913


>16 years old
>cute 17 year old pear shaped big booty thot friend was trying to fuck me for years
>boyfriend gave her HPV before they broke up
>didn't know what it was, decided it was bad news and friendzoned her
>some years later she has to freeze her eggs and shit because of cysts, I am a 30 year old who looks 25 with no health issues and a 20 year old imported slav tradwife

Always go with the gut fellas.

>> No.14658924

So you made millions off crypto ? why not try to help people with that, become a celebrity. Women like status even if you are not good looking.

> but but I want women to like mee not my moneyy
You like women because of their bodies and faces, you are also superficial

>> No.14658955

that is fucking disgusting mane

>> No.14658996

ok dude enjoy your alimony.

No matter how much money I have or don't have, sex is free access to me.

>> No.14659000


>> No.14659026

I had decent money since I was 21 and was with a girl at that time up through the end of last year. We had moved in with one another, enjoyed it for about five years, never fought about money. Towards the end of the relationship the struggle began to be what should our purpose be in life. She wanted material things and to take it easy while I wanted immaterial ability and yearned for knowledge and putting that knowledge into practice.
The only advice I can share with you is what I learned: have the money and your purpose in life known and established before entering a relationship. If you don't know what your purpose is and happen to discover it while in a relationship, and it doesn't jive with her, then it is hard work to undo that momentum.
Command your life's destiny and never surrender the reins to anyone or anything.

>> No.14659081

u sick bastard.
just fuck a prostitute. nothing like being balls deep in some teen qt

>> No.14659086

Sorry to hear that man.
Nice win
Any tips on becoming a celebrity? I have already helped tons of people using my money including my family. Regarding your second point I do not deny that whatsoever
Great advice!!

>> No.14659102

this is animal abuse, I hope your dog mauls you to death

>> No.14659449

Not mortgage, straight buying. There are affordable homes and land where I am at. I could mortgage a house now, but I dont think that would be a good investment.

>> No.14659471

Thanks for the tip, I found this helpful

>> No.14659497

Crypto is when I started isolating myself

>> No.14659885

I was a pussy that lost my virginity at 24 with a 5 years ok than me, I just wanted to have sex because all my friends were having their first experience (we are a binch of weirdos all we didnt have a girlfriend ever), after that I started to have confidence and try to hit a couple of whores in my job, did it in a couple of months, I knew I was bad with woman conversations but I still tried. Fast forward Im still a nerdy but I suceed wirh businesses and now have a ton of money, however I I dont get pussy very often even i have a good car, house and not bad looking because my ducking attitude towards then, I threat them well and stuff. I in that they dont want that kind of man for sure because id try to be an asshole, canceling dates at the last minute and stuff like that, last weekend i kisseda girl in the first date and even suggested to go to my place to have fun, she agreed and fuck her. OP just be a douche if you want to get laid and dont ask her anything politely, just be confident and don't threat then like their queens.

>> No.14659919

>Also im pretty sure the girl who transmitted it to me knew she had it, fuckin witch
Based girl

>> No.14659938

>HPV vaccine
There's like 15 different strains of HPV, you probably got a vaccine against one. Good luck.

>> No.14659985

Can confirm, in early 20s and am retard when it comes to soc and world stuff

>> No.14660183

shut up retard. They are way happier than your dogs

>> No.14660250

audible kek

>> No.14660283

Try 100 strains. The vaccine protects against 4.

>> No.14660304

who said i wanted women?

>> No.14660449

Thanks buddy this was one of the most helpful posts in here.
damn so I got autism for literally no reason
are you gay? How is that?

>> No.14660619

i dunno anon i'm actually inconveniently attractive to girls, can't even be friends with one without them falling in love. just be yourself bro lol

>> No.14660783


>> No.14661213

ah a good reminder that even though it's /biz/, it's still 4chan after all

>> No.14661293

>How is that?
I want to blow my brains out every day in shame

>> No.14661512

I literally have a grand total of 700 dollars and I have a woman.

>> No.14661563

The fucking truth right there

>> No.14661686


Jokes on you retard I’m not a millionaire I’m poor

>> No.14661768

Im broke off and on with welfare

Evicted three times, phone locked, bills stacking.

I get dates, broke.

Never talk about money to a girl you date.
Never tell them you are money, never.


Good luck frens

>> No.14661887


The only problem with what you're saying is that conservative Christian women are usually terrible in bed.

Getting a traditional housewife and a freak in the bedroom is very difficult

>> No.14661918
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Sing halleluja and get it right this time.

>> No.14662027

>I need complete stability before trying to have a lasting relationship
you'll die alone anon. alone and instabile.
It's not just you tho, the housing market has done more to fuck up relationships in general than any other singe cause. Housing ≠ Investment, or it shouldn't. They fucked up, those greedy selfish parasitical hypocritical boomer cunts

>> No.14662048

totally sick

That being said, if i had to, i would chose a dobermann as well. Nice taste in dogs.

>> No.14662052

having a tradcon cutie outweighs a “freak in the bed” by about a million to one