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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14657175 No.14657175 [Reply] [Original]

I don't read much from many 30k-75k stinkers anymore, did you sell parts of your stack in the current price range? It's probably very ugly to be living like shit while having some low six figures in a risky asset. I think most 10-20k guys didn't sell a bit.

>> No.14657188

Why would anyone sell at these prices?

>> No.14657200

you dont have a job to support yourself in the meantime? Fuck are u going to do with 100k+?

>> No.14657203

We're hiding

>> No.14657208

No you nigger. Why the fuck would we post here anymore? All has been discussed. Breadcrumbs were real and confirmed. All u have to do is wait. Tired of spoonfeeding nulinkers. Fuck u

>> No.14657223

also dont hear much from pre 2017 btc shills either
they are now so rich they are scared tontell anyone

>> No.14657235

Not a nulinker, just a poor oldlinker with 15k. It's just weird that in folio threads or in random posting people would bring up their stacks of 30k, 45k, 70k, etc etc and now they're kinda gone. I think some actually are doing some wealth management with a part of their stack.

>> No.14657238



>> No.14657250
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can't see any signal beacons from any of your nodes, faggots

>> No.14657254

You might wanna check the 1day chart faggot. Shit is going dowwwwn! Case in point? Look at NEO.

>> No.14657258

I lived off of ramen for months while working overtime to accumulate my humble 50k stack, like hell I'm about to throw away my birthright for a few thousand in worthless fiat. Don't ask me about selling again until 1k eoy. And even then guess what?

>> No.14657283

Just chill. You're gonna sell if you keep over thinking. I'd suggest you sign off of this place and don't come back. It's a chamber full of negative people after your link who's best interest is for you to sell

>> No.14657358
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We've already made it. It's just a matter of 6-36 months now until we've made spectacular wealth.

Selling or death is the only obstacle to becoming part of the high net worth elite.

>> No.14657444

This isn't how I feel.

I live with doubt every day and wonder if I'll ever be able to buy that house and dog with my girlfriend.

>> No.14657459

40k stack here haven't sold a single one. Like others said the influx of retarded nulinkers and "next link" shills has made posting here even shittier than usual, so why bother getting called a larp just because I'm not a late plebbitfag and actually went all in at 30 cents.

>> No.14657467

Must have a smaller stack.

Wait a month and you'll feel it set in. Just the death of caring.

>> No.14657498

3.5k, bought in, in May

>> No.14657518
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the bigstacks are all on linkarium lmao get fukt

>> No.14657526

>with my girlfriend.

You do not deserve Link. This project was not meant for normies, this was not meant for fucking consumers and other empty-headed football fans to make quick buck.

Why don't you go buy some fucking gasoline or groceries? Chainlink is, and was created for the NEET INTx -master race, the greatest transfer of wealth in recent history.

We become like the beautiful ones of that rat experiment, but we get to leave the rat race once and for all and to be made Gods of the new race.

The age of the fat Neet kings has come.

>> No.14657557

I have 20k linkies and I'm just so bored with everything. Even this place is shit now

>> No.14657571
File: 562 KB, 824x530, Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at 6.44.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13k stack here,

i stopped accumulating at .80 cents

also where do i poke a hole in my finger that i smashed?

through the nail or under the cuticle?

it hurts bad and it looks like it gonna pop

>> No.14657608

Because it's going to crash sub $2

>> No.14657657

most of us bought in around .25 cents.

sub $2 not that scary to us

>> No.14657683

Man, you did a number on that one.

The hole in the nail is to drain blood, and be gentle. Just drill trough until some blood starts coming out and stop. It should allow the nail bed to heal enough that your fingernail still attaches properly in future.

That cuticle though, woah. Your fingernail is probably going to stop growing for a while and be a bit manky, just take care of it. Not much you can do for the cuticle, just don't mess around with it for now.

>> No.14657698

Why bother posting, all we have on here now is a bunch of fudders lieing to try and drive down price to accumulate. They are clearly clueless. It's pathetic.

>> No.14657722

Perfect example here, what indicates anything that Link is dropping below $2. Comedy gold.

>> No.14657728

>You do not deserve Link

If you're one of those elite neets, will it really make you all that mad if I get to have a baby with my longterm gf and live off 3 million?

>> No.14657836

thanks maybe ill go to the urgent care i dont have any hot needles around .

>> No.14657978
File: 109 KB, 333x386, Hugh_mungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that guy Hugh Mungus?

>> No.14658218

I sold and will continue sell tiny portions, 1-300, if i need extra cash. But when my portfolio reached 100k i have reached peace of mind.

>> No.14658281

So you’re gonna be poor forever?

Good job champ

>> No.14658305

I also enjoy selling tiny 100 linkie stacks. Sold a bunch of them above $4, keeping 400 on coinbase in case I need any quick cash. But other than that, not selling

>> No.14658348

The newlinkers are hard to be around

Why do I want to participate in threads where 95% of the posts are "how do i buy link" - I lurk here while shitposting on /pol/

>> No.14658378

I want to kill myself for only buying a 1k stack below 20 cents in 2017.

>> No.14658428

>Why do I want to participate in threads where 95% of the posts are "how do i buy link" - I lurk here while shitposting on /pol/

This describes me perfectly. Bought 150 link at $1.20 though so thanks biz

>> No.14658437

that post wasn’t about you then, that’s why you don’t feel that way.

>> No.14658466

Hold for ten years, don't pussy out

>> No.14658477

I replied to that post and it's exactly how I feel.

t. 100k+

>> No.14658478

I need $100k to pay for my training to become an airline pilot that's all I want in life

>> No.14658488
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I want to kill myself for only buying a 10k stack under 20 cents

>> No.14658497

Haven't sold a single one.

>> No.14658504

Heat up a clothespin with a lighter and push it through your nail, Anon. Sooner rather than later.

>> No.14658554

Yes go thru the base of the nail. YouTube subungual hematoma for instructions

>> No.14658570
File: 494 KB, 1184x1855, chainlink is a scam 100% confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause Chainlink is a proven scam?

>> No.14658585

You're gonna lose that nail, and it's gonna suck for months until it grows back

>> No.14658599

I've never even moved any off my trezor.
t. 50k linklet

>> No.14658617

105k. Added to my position.

>> No.14658630
File: 341 KB, 663x429, inanna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a good dream anon, very comfy

>> No.14658984

This. I think everyone on this board that holds a significant amount of link would jump on those prices to scoop up moar link

>> No.14659040

sold all at 4.4 and went all in OMG

>> No.14659079

All in on OmiseGo?

>> No.14659085


>> No.14659316


ER doctor here, make sure the nail is properly placed in the skin fold. Seek medical help if necessary. If the skin fold doesn't remain open it can collapse and you'll get deformities once the new nail starts growing.

>> No.14659360

I have a humble 30k stack. Last buys were at $2.22. I probably am just gonna hibernate for the next year.

>> No.14659367

this. 100k might buy you a little cuckshed and allow you a little extra disposable income from your wages that you wouldn't have to spend on a mortgage. FUCK THAT im riding this thing until i make it or neck.

>> No.14659433

Updates in OMG?

>> No.14659453

70k marine here. I sold some when it was above $4 and bought it back over the past few days plus got a nice bag of NKN with my swingie gains.

>> No.14659636

you should sell anon, you're never going to make it desu
if you're not bored waiting for the inevitable then you don't fully understand what the inevitable is and you'll likely just suffer through price swings

>> No.14659686

Just cut it off and sell for more link

>> No.14659706

Have sex

>> No.14659769


Its over.the worse is Only nu-linklets are remaining in the market.

We cant even pass 3.4$ price because no whale is buying upwards and nu-linklets were not enough to keep the price up. Whales keep cashing out

Buy eth or btc instead

>> No.14659923


>having a proper healthcare system

>> No.14659944

You have to go back.

>> No.14659965

>>14657175 (OP)
Just swinged some Lym, now I have 30k stinky. Can I go back to my mothers basement now?

>> No.14660573

The smart ones went into qnt (quant).

>> No.14660709

D for delusion. Just because there are partnerships etc. doesn't mean shit til the price goes up. And you know what? It won't - at least not substantially. Here's why.

There isn't juice left in this market anymore, it's moving less and less and slower and slower and all the big boys realized this and cashed out whatever they could (still a good 20x) at 5USD. With stability comes killed gains.

Think about it, if ETH had the same partners announced in 2016/2017, the price would have gone absolutely parabolic. Now all we get is a measly pump to 5 USD and a retracement to 3.

We are running on fumes and everyone trying to tell you otherwise are either trying to fuck you over or are living in never never land.

>> No.14660774

They're not selling anything substantial at 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 bucks - hence why we're still where we are after a massive pump. This is only the beginning.

>> No.14660856

The lead developer got a new skateboard with the New York Stock Exchange sticker on it, so partnership will probably be announced soon.

>> No.14660931

I had a 22k stack, sold 15k so I'd only be playing with House Money and I still made some cash. However, I wanted a 10k stack for a solid node. So I bought back in. Then I wanted to be able to sell while we go up, so I bought up to 13k. Then I wanted to be able to sell more along the way, so I bought up to 16k. Essentially I'm 15k USD less than I had before, and 6k LINK less than I had before. It was a horrible mistake. It wasn't even swinglinking, this was months apart. It was like a solid investment deal, followed by FOMO.

>> No.14660972

>nothing exists to ensure the data is accurate!!!!
What do you think the 650m LINK is for? Did you think they, or the companies they partner with, wouldn't make money-printing Nodes with it?

>> No.14661769

Its not moving like it would in 2017 because everyone is afraid and every stupid normie that would pump the price absolutely parabolic lost their lifesavings in 2017 kek. Just wait for adoption.