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14655200 No.14655200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you say "Sergey, pump my Chainlink bags!" in your language?

>> No.14655220

"Sergey, pamp me baggies o' link"

>> No.14655221
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Sergey, pass the bong!

>> No.14655222

>low effort demographic thread
go away

>> No.14655226 [DELETED] 

Sergey, pomp mijn schakelketting zakken!

>> No.14655231
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Sergey, pumpa mina kedjelänkssäckar.

>> No.14655294

Sergay, pompe mes sacs de chaînelien

>> No.14655376

Sergey, pumppaa mun linkkibägejä! Vitun homo

>> No.14655403

Sergey, bomba os meus sacos ChainLink!
(literally: Sergey, bomb my ChainLink bags! lol but it can also mean 'pump' instead of 'bomb')

>> No.14655405

how do you know it is an AI in the link oracle asking these question?

>> No.14655409

sergey. Dump it

>> No.14655417


सर्गेई मेरे बैग पंप

>> No.14655471

Sergey, pumpe meine Kettenverbindungssäcke

>> No.14655482

I don't speak your language, but why did you call sergey a fag there?

>> No.14655488

Pump me bags ya cunt!!

>> No.14655499
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>> No.14655532

Idiot, the marketing bubble will not happen this time. Fuck back off to twitter

>> No.14655577

Sergador, pumpador los bagadores Enchainlinkeada.

>> No.14655600

Sergey, pomp mijn zakken

>> No.14655617

Cum in my ass daddy

>> No.14655645

Pasaka.i akong mga bag!

>> No.14655660

Sergey, caidéil mo mhálaí Chainlink!

>> No.14655669

Baserad och rövpillrad

>> No.14655674

Watashi no baggu o ponpu, Serugei Kami-san

>> No.14655707

Σεργkεη, τρομπαρε τα σαkια μου kρίkων αλυσίδας

>> No.14655733

Purisu serugey pampu mai chenurinku bagsu

>> No.14655780

Fundamentally, basically we are theoretically all made of cheese.

>> No.14655836

Sergey Nazarov, sentinam meam sacculos,

>> No.14655876

Sergey, sauge mein arschloch sauber

>> No.14655947

Serge, pompe mes sacs de lien-chaîne s'il te plaît

>> No.14655956

Putain bordel XDDD

>> No.14655971

nyomjad tesam xDXXXXXXXDdxxd fol az egekbe geci

>> No.14656107
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ni hao, wealthy chinaman

>> No.14656515

Sergei, pumppaa minun linkkipusseja

>> No.14656722

Sergey, bloas ma meine Kettngliada Sackerl auf.

>> No.14656830

Sergey, pompa le mie borse di Chainlink.
Correct phrase would be:
Sergey, ingrossa le mie tasche di Chainlink (meaning fill my pockets with Chainlink)

>> No.14656880

Aye Sergs ya fucken cunt, it's your fucken shout cunt!!

>> No.14656999
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Älä nyt kuule yhtään ala urputtaa tai saat turpaas vitun hintti.

>> No.14657708

Sergio, súbeme las bolsas