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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 767x1024, 1550050110436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14654129 No.14654129 [Reply] [Original]

what in their brain makes them operate like this

>> No.14654141

i knwo rihht? beta cucks are so pathetic. who the fuck would spend hours upon hours and thousands of dollars on some random.i ternet girl

>> No.14654151

That must be satire!

>> No.14654155
File: 58 KB, 1270x1248, fix me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it absolutely must!

>> No.14654157

Cucks like this. Disgusting. Good lesson never to be like this.

>> No.14654173

I've read this before a few times, but I've never seen the girl. That bitch is ugly as shit, what the fuck. Also I hate to be that guy, OP, but not /biz/ related. SAGE

>> No.14654174

jesus holy cringe. Both parties are fucked here though

>> No.14654205

This cuck gave 1000s of dollars and the better part of his time over two years to this thot. Totally /biz related

>> No.14654246
File: 33 KB, 400x628, gfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl reminds me of the girls who manage the Ethplode telegram

>> No.14654293

I'd say there are zero chances this is real but men have a really flat bell curve so naturally there are gonna be retards that dumb

>> No.14654314


There's no way this is real.

>> No.14654326

>what in their brain makes them operate like this

The cuckothalamus.

>> No.14654328

Alright, I'll concede that. But I stand by the ugly as shit part.

>> No.14654350

>This cuck gave 1000s of dollars and the better part of his time over two years to this thot. Totally /biz related

that's nothing compared to the money and time i've given sergey

>> No.14654428

>The cuckothalamus.
kek, thaks fren, you madde my day a little brighter
(no homo tho)

>> No.14654469

Its a sickness called being white

>> No.14654470
File: 47 KB, 421x441, 978F00DD-4931-4207-9655-DDE831F35253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rad and chad

>> No.14654471

I commend her on being able to keep a straight face when replying to this cuck.

>> No.14654472

No sense of reality
I'd argue that most twitch jannies have this mindset

>> No.14654477


May be fabricated, but its an example of what happens. Genuinely bro.
There are strange men who donate thousands let alone anything at all to these thotts playing games or whatever. Many are average looking too.
I dont get guys who pay camgirls either but why dont they literally do that instead? Or get a hooker?

I just dont understand what the fuck they are doing it for.

>> No.14654486

This shit HAS TO BE BAIT.


>> No.14654507

this is fake right? stpeach has a boyfriend publicly. you can even see him in her streams.

>> No.14654535

maybe it's that very mod
he made it bros

>> No.14654541
File: 173 KB, 800x900, 682853D0-C5CA-40FB-80BC-0FA817FBCBAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fact you know this means you need to fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.14654567
File: 76 KB, 1156x644, 2019-07-08 11_02_58-TubularUnusualFennelOhMyDog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at her mods and tell me there isn't a high probabilty for this being real.

>> No.14654572
File: 116 KB, 960x833, 1561934521574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking ape had an interesting point on this. This kind of male has the desire of female affection, but is not willing to put the actual efforts to aquire it :
>get a valuable job
>assume responsibilities
>have productive hobbies
>pay for dates
>provide for her

For these men, paying a female on stream for time to time is much less costly than getting their life together and investing in a riskier relationship with an actual female (that could leave at any time).

>> No.14654745

>That bitch is ugly as shit
He's pretty cute for a tranny.

>> No.14654781

What the fuck is wrong with these sort of men? When I paid for a escort I always second guess doing it because I hate having to give them my money, but to give thousands of dollars to some internet whore makes no sense at all? I will never understand it

>> No.14654791

the dude's beta af who cares

>> No.14654815

>This kind of male has the desire of female affection, but is not willing to put the actual efforts to aquire it
No, that's not it. It's the lack of belief you could be able to acquire a woman stopping you dead. So you become an orbiter to get at least some attention. Better friendzone than nothing.

I used to be like that and in the end, I didn't have productive hobbies or pay for dates or have a valuable job. I went jogging and started some mindfulness shit to achieve two things:
- stop hating on them just because they won't fall in love with me
- get a life and stop focussing on how into gf.

Took me a couple of years but worked. I am still a beta and introverted, but I do have family and a FWB or two on the side (wife knows and approves). The idea that you have to become Chad before into gf is counterproductive, as betas never will be able to. Baby steps and stop looking for that 9/10.

>> No.14654832

Beta males

>> No.14654844

the thots or the cucks?

>> No.14654881
File: 598 KB, 2048x1558, 1553472605961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to everyone who thinks this is fake
It's not
this is a large part of the male population.
this is your competition.
this is who you think is better than you when you feel down.
this is who has a job on your level.
these guys are even your boss.

Strive higher /biz/, knowing that these beta cucks are everywhere and the only thing holding you back is your own insecurity

>> No.14654888

I'm glad you have an happier life now, anon

>> No.14655030

Thanks anon, so am I.

>> No.14655106

This is some feel good shit. Seeing massive losers like this makes me feel like a godamn winner

>> No.14655172


>> No.14655356
File: 20 KB, 277x265, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my ID is purple and called eVrODU7G then e-thots will be the main driving factor in cryptocurrency adoption by mainstream gamer nerds within 2019 as sources of alternative and pseudo anonymous, hard to trace income.
Screenshot this.

>> No.14655455
File: 210 KB, 888x1120, 1558230569276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14655487


>> No.14655495


Deleted his earlier comment.

>> No.14655500

Who is more beta, the fan or the husband?

>> No.14655546


>> No.14656076
File: 251 KB, 553x553, 1561888792106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hits close to home. i think it's storytime, bros.

>Be the top donator of that month for this particular streamer
>She's playing Red Dead 2 Online
>Occasionally ask her on Discord and donations during the lead up to the Online launch if I can join her posse
>Online finally rolls out
>She has no room in the posse, it is composed entirely of her mods
>Feel like I've just been punched in the balls with the power of 13 suns

Needless to say I dropped the bitch after she thought she could walk all over me like I'm some cashcow, I've not looked at her stream since, removed it from my bookmarks and I've moved on to another girl who is a smaller streamer and who I make feel cherished as I'm one of her only regular donators and we chat on Discord every other day. I think I've made it, guys.

>> No.14656101

So your plan was to ... buy yourself into being her friend? Were you serious?

>> No.14656132



>> No.14656155

Fan, husband has all these betas cucked

>> No.14656179

Daily reminder that >she is mtf

>> No.14656207

This is just sad. The guy on the left with barca jersey looks like he might be a bro

>> No.14656209

It isn't https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z-h4xVwmeQ

>> No.14656235

Ya because if you did all those thing listed you would instantly get a traditional gf. These are not 50s anymore you boomer

>> No.14656272

>pay for dates
>provide for her
In 2019, this will respectively get you marked as "free food" in her phone, and cheated on.

>> No.14656313

Unlike donating to twitch thot streamers online, which will get you marked as "super chad"

>> No.14656319

This guy sounds like a fucking cuck

>> No.14656351
File: 1 KB, 72x80, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just so tired of modern western society. Men being taught to be beta and then ridiculed for it. Women being taught to act like a man and then enter her 30s childless.

Sometimes I'm happy western culture is a minority in the world and gender roles will eventually be restored due to simple arithmetics.

>> No.14656353
File: 2 KB, 125x101, 1562020154110s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you wanted to avoid being seen as some cashcow? And then you do it again this time with some smaller streamer.

Anon I....

>> No.14656364

>but I do have family and a FWB or two on the side (wife knows and approves).

Is your wife's self esteem in shambles or is this an open relationship?

>> No.14656416


>> No.14656566

>That bitch is ugly as shit, what the fuck
Post your gf

>> No.14657590

back to discord tranny

>> No.14657794

this guy posted and deleted his post so he knew his ID, don't fall for it

>> No.14657820


please tell me this isn't real what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.14658133
File: 233 KB, 1131x800, tumblr_pfjka9Lvi41x4gehbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.14658159

Look at that high test jawline and shaved Adams apple

>> No.14658232

It’s old as hell, but I’m fairly sure it is indeed real

>> No.14658838

this must be bait

>> No.14658978

that can't be real

>> No.14659600

>what in their brain makes them operate like this
Literal sex deprivation

>> No.14659654

>you become an orbiter to get at least some attention. Better friendzone than nothing.
>I used to be like that

>> No.14659683

I don't care. These absolute holes will soon be shilling BRAPPERs for us, and they will WORK for the NEETs. And how will we reward them? By using our PHAT stacks to make them humiliate themselves, and thus show all beta males their true nature.

>> No.14659727

>back to discord tranny
Based incel

>> No.14659762

When will betas learn that investing women is tantamount to margin trading

>> No.14659928

I had a girl lie to me about having a husband because if I would have known she's married, I wouldn't have given her time and attention or want anything to do with her (including sex). She was lonely and wanted validation... So pretended to be single. Made our friendship a complete fucking lie.

Women know that when they have a husband, men who would want them for more than quick sex will want nothing to do with them. In case of the mod, he feels cucked. Cucked of time and effort. And money (which is his fault). He is venting and going about it the "wrong" way, even if it's fake.

All one needs to learn from this sort of experience is to never give your time or money to women.

>> No.14660620

If you dont fck woman in 1 month you will never fck her. You just friend.

>> No.14660945

i dunno, i was friends with a girl for a year who had a crush on me, then i fucked her

>> No.14661239

Because you can tell from the way its typed.