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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14653206 No.14653206 [Reply] [Original]

what's on your mind, /biz/?

>> No.14653230

All coins in my portfolio are red now, I wonder if I ever gonna make it.

>> No.14653248

made a ton of money on EVE and dont know what to do with it now.

>> No.14653277

Picking out my making it van

>> No.14653281

Looking to join a paid group that actually makes money.

>> No.14653288

chicken or beef?

>> No.14653291

how to 10x my holdings

>> No.14653307
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Go take a shit at the beach, and wipe your ass with your left hand. Like you usually do.

On topic: I'm thinking about fucking a girl in an SS outfit. U?

>> No.14653320

Some indians are aryan you dopey faggot

>> No.14653361


>> No.14653368

how much?

>> No.14653369


>> No.14653372
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The superior race

>> No.14653374
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pork, chicken and beef sir.

>> No.14653440

I'm white but it's true

>> No.14653446

Trying to find a better job but nobody ever calls me back.

>> No.14653447


>> No.14653460
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Oh the usual. I'm considering how much better my life would be if my parents hadn't been retarded degenerates who divorced, clipped my dick, got me hooked on adderall and raised me in a non white city without ever meeting my father.

>> No.14653609

Based Pajeets.
Imagine squatting down with the cool beach breeze gustling across your sweaty balls making them tickle and rise.
Then you shit in the water and wait for a small wave to come in to rinse your ass with salt water.
Bonus points if a braphog is nearby and you get to watch the show while pooling.
Based jeets

>> No.14653619

Nuke token

>> No.14653620


>> No.14653627

Nuke token

>> No.14654148
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>> No.14654300

My gf is German and let's me wear her great grandad's SS uniform.

>> No.14654334
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at least not everyone here is a complete retard

>> No.14654368

I'm completely baffled. I ask myself why biz is so racist. The racism needs to take a hike from now on or I'll leave this board for a mature one with kind people

>> No.14654386

thinking about discovering new worlds
i was truly born at the worst fucking time

>> No.14654436
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>> No.14654451

This, i am contemplating on our very existence. It all so tiresome with all the racism.

>> No.14654456

Snacks and beetus.

>> No.14654458

I'm moving to another city but just met a girl I really like. I feel conflicted as I have turned down relationships with other women because I felt like I didn't want long distance but now I'm seriously considering it with this one. I'm concerned that this could be it and I'm almost immediately leaving

>> No.14654460

Imagine the hate filled anus of a person, that only cares about his ego and saving money.
He supports mass killings of anyone bellow him, but not him, because he is an individual with hopes, dreams and desires, much more advanced than the regular "normie"
He would rather burn money if he cant benefit from it.
Niggers are stupid and dont deserve anything including the air that we share.
Normal people accept life as it is, and no matter what, work to make it better for everyone.
An egoistic parasite will dump tons of trash in the ocean to save 5$ so he can later buy a McDonalds, because such an individual deserves the best.

>> No.14654482


>> No.14654489

Another day wagecucking

>> No.14654491
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>> No.14654753

how to make a multiplayer game using websockets

>> No.14654775

Sometimes I think I should put my money in stocks and be at more peace.

>> No.14654786

im coming to terms with the fact all the adults in my family are huge pieces of shit and are the reason why me and my cousins are dysfunctional. I'm trying to be loving and keep loving them but it feels impossible now.

>> No.14654793
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Just want to make it and buy a house in nature and drink coffee and go hiking.

>> No.14654831

My butt hurts.

>> No.14654848

What makes me happy and how do I achieve those things?

>> No.14654868

I think I have lung cancer.

>> No.14655396
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>> No.14655553

why do you think so?

>> No.14655597

I posted in /adv/ but basically got meds for bronchitis, cough has mostly gone, but I still wheeze, have pressure in my chest, often wake up coughing, extreme fatigue. The last one scared me, like unimaginable tiredness I never thought possible for a 22 year old, literally dropped my phone in the middle of typing a sentence and laid in bed gasping. I got a 6 figure LINK stack and it’ll suck if I croak before seeing it moon or if I have to spend it all on medical fees.

>> No.14655601
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>> No.14655610

based and redpilled

>> No.14655635

just realized I won't make it
400 link isn't enough to buy me a nice sailboat like i wanted. oh well, doesn't matter, small one it is

>> No.14655762
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>> No.14655776
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The fact that I don't know how I'm gonna pay my £380 rent in August because my maintenance loan doesn't come through for another month.

>> No.14655790

I'm thinking about how I sold all my linkies last year at 3k sats and now its up 10x in sats and even more in USD. I fucked up biz.

>> No.14655792

have you tried changing your diet? hopefully it's nothing serious

>> No.14655805

Also I had 50k linkies and 50k req when they were both around rank 100 on CMC. Thought Link was a scam like Req.

>> No.14655807

are you me

>> No.14656718
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Have a job interview today at in 5 hours

>> No.14656743

I don’t know if changing my diet would help. I just booked an apt to see the lung doctor tomorrow.

>> No.14656774

Even if I was rich, would I be happy?
I wouldn't have enough wealth to change this world.

>> No.14657130
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just smile and relax anon

>> No.14657146

I was thinking about the same thing last night, idk bro

>> No.14657150

To quit work ASAP

>> No.14657161

You don’t have to change the world, just yourself. I remember having the fleeting thought sometimes that, “at this moment I am happy,” for example sitting down to eat my favorite meal after a long day and a good workout.

>> No.14657162

What platform do you trade on? Want to join me fren?

>> No.14657219

You should really respect the Indian more. But your ignorant little brain would never figure out why.

>> No.14657220
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>> No.14657249

Fuck jews