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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 400x400, Harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14649168 No.14649168 [Reply] [Original]

Am I crazy for thinking this is the most guaranteed 10x+ out there?

>Legit VC investors
>Team has an amazing pedigree
>Consistently meeting aggressive deadline schedule
>Already have working state sharding, which ETH won't have until 2021 AT BEST
>EVM compatible, so any important ETH projects can be instantly ported over like Chainlink, Enigma, whatever, also web3 tooling and metamask will work too
>Currently at ATL

Am I missing something? This seems like incredibly easy money, these guys ate the mETHead developers lunch already. Why isn't everyone buying this?

>> No.14649201
File: 781 KB, 968x479, coinb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase listing is also imminent

>> No.14649213

Stop with the moonboy shit this is a SERIOUS THREAD

>> No.14649223

> Am I missing something?
team dumped 500 BTC worth when they promised to lock their tokens until late 2019

>> No.14649242


brainlet alert

>> No.14649254

Pajeets like you make me think I must be missing something obvious

>> No.14649259

>Why isn't everyone buying this?
Everyone FOMO'd into Link and are praying to break even.

>> No.14649263

How much do you need to make it?

>> No.14649269


you're not missing anything, there's seriously a coinbase listing imminent

all of your other points are valid

i aint no jeet

>> No.14649308

Was looking for a Harmony thread, thanks OP.

What VC investors? I read the Onepager and Whitepaper but haven't heard this bit of information. Also let's not forget that this is also the first platform LINK is porting itself to, and how every single platform like this with WORSE tech, made it to the top 50. This is such an easy buy it's beyond belief.

>> No.14649317

Source for that Chainlink news?

>> No.14649324

Where the fk u been m8

>> No.14649332

Prison for 6 months. Just got out.

>> No.14649335

It’s hardly even moved yet. There’s still plenty of time to buy.

>> No.14649344

Tempted to sell 20% of my link for this. All-in link now

>> No.14649371

Do you have any actual proof of this beyond Garlam reacting with clap emojis to Whale alert's bot on Twitter? Were you able to trace that transaction to a confirmed dev wallet?

If you look at his other posts, he just seems to be an awkward dude that seems a bit wooden and autistic when it comes to social media. He probably saw that, thought "Wow big transaction!!" and reacted. You would have to be an even bigger retard to think that after working on a project since 2017, quitting their jobs at Amazon/Google/Apple, they would dump a large portion of their tokens right out the gate, risking the internet catching them, and with it their entire reputation. These aren't fucking pajeets, these are very public Silicon Valley guys that put their faces and names on the website. Stop being stupid.

>> No.14649390
File: 104 KB, 1096x735, LINK x ONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14649424

Fuck well if Link is going on it, I'm buying. I aint missing anything Link is connected too.

>> No.14649442


>> No.14649456

Suicide stack is under $2k. Not the worst gamble

>> No.14649485

100k stack here....not sure if i will make itttttttt

>> No.14649500

Yeah, I'm shooting for a 120K suicide stack.

>> No.14649504

lol you can't actually believe that

>> No.14649517

115k myself. Pray fren, pray

>> No.14649533

494k stack here...i was forced to sell off 300k to pay off some stuff I needed paid off asap. Kinda bummed about this but will adding more this Friday. Hopefully it hasnt mooned by then

>> No.14649544


>> No.14649549
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1558812472334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 60K, should I get more frens?
Had 500K but moved some parts to other Projects.

>> No.14649569
File: 9 KB, 303x166, 123131312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will pray everynight before i go to bed....god bless us all

>> No.14649575

Why not

Eth devs have been trying to get state sharding with PoS to work for years now, these guys actually did it. Every other 'ETH killer' has been centralized bullshit, this is actually the real deal

>> No.14649618
File: 222 KB, 250x250, 6113F511-CA6E-4BB9-9C01-0DD181DC38BE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will hit $1 before eoy screencap this

>> No.14649641

Wait for me frens I get my check tomorrow

>> No.14649644

In the end of the day, everything that isn't listed on Coinbase will die

>> No.14649767

If you want to survive you need to be easily accessible to the American market

>> No.14649778

Just officially brought my suicide stack. I have an addiction

>> No.14649793


>> No.14649832

How much?

I love buying harmony. Wish I wasn't poor.

>> No.14649850

Short answer: yes(actual Coinbase, not Pro)

>> No.14649863

What the fuck? When you larping pajeet faggot? Proof or larp?

>> No.14649881
File: 21 KB, 660x148, IMG_20190707_185643_163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted earlier today. Extremely bullish

>> No.14649918

No no no I need to accumulate more!

>> No.14649919

One is just as centralized uneducated Mongoloid faggot with foundational nodes. Select few will be running the network.

>> No.14649961

This. I need at least another two weeks.

>> No.14649968


Having a thot that uses gay emojis as their public face doesn't really fill me with confidence...

>> No.14649984

Your FUD is "muh BBQ" tier

>> No.14650028
File: 239 KB, 1440x791, Screenshot_20190707-190815~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one from earlier today

>> No.14650056

125K. Hope I dont have to kill myself.

>> No.14650651

Can someone get a stack size, ranking chart. 330k Stack here

>> No.14650898
File: 9 KB, 220x229, pink-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was that?

>> No.14650924

Why does this coin matter? Sell it to me, pajeets.

inb4: moon, easy x10000, CZ, ZIL, chads from sil.valley

>> No.14650951


>> No.14650987

The simple answer is that it is accomplishing everything on the eth 2.0 roadmap until 2022 by September/October

If you don't think that matters or is important, there's no reason to buy any

>> No.14651041

this. not a bad gamble...you buy now and wait 2-3 months. If they fail to deliver dump a a slight loss and move on(wont go much lower than this desu). If they actually deliver, enjoy moon to top 15.

$.50 is a $1.2b mkcap(and currently rank 16)

>> No.14651051

If it's so good why does it dump so hard? It is on a major exchange, it is not an unknown project that has to drop the tokens to make a living and bring the product.

>> No.14651099

this, and why today all of the sudden is this being shilled after weeks of people barely mentioning it after it dumped on binance

>> No.14651110

That's why I created the thread lol, I don't understand

I'm not trying to shill, this just seems like the most technically impressive project outside of ETH right now and I can't figure out why it's been dumping massively for weeks. I don't own any but am thinking about picking up a pretty large stack

>> No.14651228

>I don't understand
/biz/ buys high and sells low. Only time they bought low was Link.

>> No.14651312

I bought $100 worth today. Hopefully I'll be millionaire soon.

>> No.14651322

theres been 1-3 ONE threads every day for the past month just about

>> No.14651364
File: 1.18 MB, 1100x8589, 1562081481111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14651366

>guaranteed 10x
you forgot the second 0 desu
I don't know what your timeframe is, but in the next bull run a 4Bn mcap is a conservative estimate for this coin if it get son coinbase.

>> No.14651443

loled from the 4th screenpic from 4ch from 25th may.
Load your bags it's going x50!!
went -x2.

>> No.14651494

By the way your pic and 4ch screenshots is a proof that shills are real, seems it was shilled just as hard as nowadays before an organized dump.

>> No.14652035

and it will be shilled again for the organized pump. Shills are irrelevant. Only market makers matter. None of the shills are market makers.

>> No.14652148

thanks unironically just bought 600K, we are gonna make it. just got word of the coinbase listing in progress

>> No.14652346
File: 306 KB, 1125x1161, fullsizeoutput_c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im done accumulating.

Im not selling any below 1000 sats.

I use to own 10000 binance coins which i sold cheap. NEVER AGAIN.

Harmony will make me a millionaire.

>> No.14652371


Can somebody please edit this ranking chart for Matic and make it for Harmony.

- General of Matic: Sandeep Nailwal
- Lieutenant General: 50 Million Matic
- Major General: 25 million Matic
- Brigadier General: 10 million Matic
- Colonel: 5 million Matic
- Lieutenant Colonel: 2.5 million Matic
- Major: 1 million Matic
- Captain: 750k Matic
- First Lieutenant: 500k Matic
- Second Lieutenant: 300k Matic
- Sergeant Major: 150k Matic
- Master Sergeant: 75k Matic
- Sergeant First Class: 50k Matic
- Staff Sergeant: 25k Matic
- Sergeant: 15k Matic
- Corporal: 10k Matic
- Specialist: 1k-5k Matic
- Private: 1-999 Matic

>> No.14652447

ONE Swcond Lieutenant reporting for duty

>> No.14652473

this is due to run at some point. Got some news coming this week, hopefully some new exchanges and partnerships or something

>> No.14652562

19% circulating supply LMAO worse then Stellar

>> No.14652661

One of the biggest things holding this project back is the name to be honest. "Harmony ONE" sounds fake and gay and it's hard to take seriously.

>> No.14652710

I’m getting antshare vibes

>> No.14652738

whale pump signal

>> No.14652804



>> No.14652937


Name is perfect, what you call fake looks/sounds very comfy for normies. Name hardly even matters anyway, fugly names like antshares and walton used to moon before

>> No.14652995

This didn't agree well

>> No.14653005

No bullish at all. They just realized they are cocksuckers at managing community.

>> No.14653019


Capped. I'll post this in a few weeks/months time when I'm sitting comfy as fuck.

>> No.14653073

Sure... Google : Harmony one.

>> No.14653082

I want to fucking scoop your eyeballs out you fucking pajeet nigger

>> No.14653171

Wow, so agressive. All these remote controls that Google shown you make you sad ?

>> No.14653309

About Link. It is not Link using Harmony, it is Harmony using Link.

>> No.14653322

>my shitcoin using yours
>no its yours using mine
absolute state of manchildren of biz

>> No.14653333

He's not part of biz

He's a retarded fucking pajeet

go.. fuck... yourself...,, curry nigger sirs,,..

>> No.14653340

Checked. Pajeets BTFO

>> No.14653406

I don't care. Just telling the truth.

>> No.14653542

God damn, this looks like its about to pump any minute desu.
I would bet ONE tests 200sats in the course of the day

>> No.14653955

It's a shitcoin buddy.

>> No.14653983

Buy a mooncoin next time you go to prison
Cant have weakhand behind bars

>> No.14654448

Are you on meth guy ?

>> No.14655355


>> No.14655429


>> No.14655507


>> No.14655664

Still dumping! Looks like it join the 0.00 club.

Also this bitch >>14650028 is not a good sign, at all.

>> No.14655729

Pajeets on suicide watch!

>> No.14655732


you realize that dumping at this point is not even bad, right? the entry is only getting better and better.
you prefer to buy high right?

>> No.14655823

>- General of ONE: Some Chink
>- Kike General: 50 Million ONE
>- Pajeet General: 25 million ONE
>- Gook General: 10 million ONE
>- Osama Bin Laden: 5 million ONE
>- Nigger Colonel: 2.5 million ONE
>- Major Faggot: 1 million ONE
>- Captain Sweden: 750k ONE
>- First Ladyboy: 500k ONE
>- Second Faggot: 300k ONE
>- Nigger Major: 150k ONE
>- Butthole Pirate: 75k ONE
>- Plebbitor First Class: 50k ONE
>- Dick Washer: 25k ONE
>- Your ma: 15k ONE
>- Your pa: 10k ONE
>- Progtologist: 1k-5k ONE
>- Janny: 1-999 ONE

>> No.14655878

Whales will never pump this unless I sell

>> No.14655972

it's not good either

you have something that dumped since the begining, no news for weeks, then they try to communicate and it's dumping.
There's something fishy

>> No.14655988

are you one of them paid shills?

>> No.14656004


TRX's opening chart looked exactly the same, 4x'd or something then dumped straight for like 2 months, flatted out and then 100x'd

You dump arguments are not really valid, i would go so far to say that dump/keeping low prices can even be a bullish sign considering the phenomenal fundamentals, because bigger interested buyers are trying accumulate as good much they can

>> No.14656040

Nah! There is 1 Harmony VC that is a scammers! Look at Hivemind, who the fuck are these?!!! Unknown and unregistered group of poor and arrogant pajeets who invested early.
These group got involved with CoinSignals scam group early on and renamed many times. Main members of hivemind has been involved in several crypto scams!
Not a FUD, DYOR!
I can give you proof and screenshots! I’ll post later for fun and excitement!

>> No.14656048

trx is like on 300000 fkin exchanges, one is on one and its stupid af

>> No.14656062


Because loads and loads of muh new next-level blockchain projects are out there and none of them are getting used.

The smart money isn't in yet more blockchains. It's in the systems to connect blockchains to the real world and drive adoption, i.e. Quant and Link.

>> No.14656069

Please do, I'm curious now.

>> No.14656084


jesus, TRX was a binance ICO originally so it was ONLY ON BINANCE until after it mooned, then many exchanges picked it up.
please leave this board

>> No.14656328

This guy can barely speak English. FUD is great though, more time to accumulate.

>> No.14656340


>> No.14656384
File: 166 KB, 887x527, Raulito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harmony dump is being coordinated by Whales in the Harmony Price group.
TG HarmonyONEPrice

Go see for yourself. The admins Raulito and Ricky Crickets are deliberately tanking the price to screw token holders while trying to run some dumbass power play with the team. They're salty, they bought too high. They think they're funny but they're not. Tell me what idiot thinks deliberately sabotaging their own holding is clever? Join the price channel and let them know what dummies they are

>> No.14656414


>> No.14656475

1 harmony VC is a scammer and not registered!
Hivemind! Look it up.
Coinsignals scammer is part of the group

>> No.14656570

Robin Schmidt is main actor for Hivemind group who is a VC for Harmony.
He was involved in several scams since 2017.
He owns a free and paid group in Telegram called Blockchain Bulls which merged to CoinSignals paid group together with other hivemind members like @CryptoCoyote (on twitter). That group was involved in 3scams incidents and manipulation.

This is his website: http://elskid.com/supermassive/
I will drop more members name here soon to stop these scammers!

>> No.14656571

That Raulito guy is such a clown

>> No.14656714

is Harmony ONE a scam altogether? or are scammers just jumping on it?

>> No.14656832

Scams always pump the hardest, I just bought in

>> No.14656901

Feel free to touch me in that TG group : @harmonyoneprice, or in PM @realcryptoraul

>> No.14656920

Touch me in PM bro !
@RealCryptoRaul on TG, or publicly if you have balls in the @harmonyoneprice group

>> No.14656921

Pls sir my family

>> No.14656941

Heard tron got that new partnership with the Chinese gov

>> No.14657030

Welcome to a new era guys. No more fantasies now, you have a head to put on them !
Isn't it beautiful ?

>> No.14657054

fkin keked and justed, just buy bitplants

>> No.14657123

why the fuck would he bother lmao.
>Touch me in PM bro !
So touches of your father in law are not enough now? poor fag

>> No.14657132

Stop being a delusional bagholder you cunt. No one on price group wanted this shit to go down but what else we could do? The team cant even handle their shit. They said they were going to release the mainnet on last day of june and then they decided to open the mainnet 2 days before because they wanted to make their shit bbq event on sunday

>> No.14657145

Daaammmnnn you look salty af. Did we make your life savings vanish ?

>> No.14657159

Nah, I'm good my enters are 128, 138 and 144. I can imagine how rekt you faggots are

>> No.14657170
File: 167 KB, 400x400, 19lPXU-m_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all funds from TRX will flow to ONE now cuz tronies sunnies are getting raided


>> No.14657187

I'm not running after money like you do man. That's the main difference between you and me.
Come on TG, stop hiding on an anon board.

>> No.14657196


>> No.14657239

Bro can you tank the price under 1 cent for me? I've got buy orders staggered, made my first purchase at 140 sats, thanks

>> No.14657244

Cringe ? Like go back ?

>> No.14657255

Sats target ?

>> No.14657369

Who the fuck is this beaner goober? Can someone give me a rundown on what is happening? Why would the team care if the price tanks? It changes nothing to their eco system. All that is happening is some pajeets getting angry seeing their lunch money evaporate lmfao

Anyway raolito or whatever you're called: give me some bottom targets I want in on this shit

>> No.14657394

This guy raulito is mentally ill

>> No.14657437

He's mad that he bought the top like a retard so out of kindness he's making sure everyone else gets a better entry lmao. Can you even imagine the autism?

>> No.14657533


>> No.14657547

lmao this pajeet is broke as fuck. He is on his group shitposting all day long

>> No.14657554


>> No.14657613

The whole story smells like shit. There's a whole shill gang on the board today.

But im buying just in case it gets listed on coinbase and then pump.

>> No.14657616


legit. huge marketbuys alread happening as we speak

>> No.14657640


>> No.14657705

Maybe because I don't need a daily job. Is your brain able to handle that ?

>> No.14657723

It's a fucking pleasure to read y'all.

>> No.14657800
File: 28 KB, 399x339, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge marketbuys alread happening as we speak

and it is still dumping cant make this shit up

>> No.14657843

What the fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.14657937

TRON got raided by beijing officials - up 4%

Harmony announced partnership with contentos
- down 5% but wait, contentos is up 27%

Fuck this bullshit, Fuck CZ and his whale group

>> No.14657987

Seeing this thread derail is a reminder that as bad as biz is, the state of crypto telegrams is truly depressing

>> No.14657996

But funny af too

>> No.14658034

It's really not, but enjoy yourself dumbass

>> No.14658055

Dammmnnn, why so serious ?

>> No.14658067

This thread is so incredibly bullish. If youre here more often you know this and DAG are going to be big.

>> No.14658078

Finally !
Someone with a brain here !

>> No.14658106

Why do you talk like a boomer spacing out your punctuation marks.

>> No.14658116

Because we type like this here.

>> No.14658250

Hodl Harmony and until 80 sats.... there has to be the next MFT ahaha... going down hill since listing... see the pattern?

>> No.14658302

These guys talk like literal retards what the fuck is going on

>> No.14658331

And it dumped again, new low after every shill compaign.

>> No.14658396

because your thread got linked to in the TG, so all the jeets are here. that's just the way they communicate.

>> No.14658461
File: 81 KB, 381x524, 1559872310106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now whales bought another 2M One, plus more.

>> No.14658493

Trying to buy, ETH is taking forever to arrive. This is why we need ONE, lads.

>> No.14658498

>12bil total supply

okay my buddy ol pal

>> No.14658581


>> No.14658607

No. Michlan is already balls deep.

>> No.14658632

Only 2 billion in circulation.

>> No.14658633

i see

buying a lil more to round out my stack at 400k. Let's fly

>> No.14658701

William Edmund here it’s time we dump this POS to 0 and exit scam. Fuck these POS’s

>t. Edmund

>> No.14658780

Scammers scams scammers

>> No.14659011

he's using a pajeet keyboard

>> No.14659019

Hyped af

>> No.14659382

Or maybe because I went to school.

>> No.14659432

It's never acceptable to have a space before any form of punctuation, other than a dash on some cases.

>> No.14659775

It is here.

>> No.14659873

Whale here. Y'all guys will be very happy tonight

>> No.14659883

Maybe in your savage language, but not in any form of English.

>> No.14659895

Based whale bro

>> No.14659956
File: 987 KB, 229x176, kekkkkkkkkk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a special kind of idiot to fuck over projects publicly using their real name and photograph lmao

>> No.14660046

they’re not rich enough to do shit for very long

>> No.14660229

post source

>> No.14660232

shit has been down for a full week while the rest of the alts recover...

>> No.14660265

The picture is the source

>> No.14660290
File: 162 KB, 1440x901, Screenshot_20190708-174123_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I've sold my 7.3 ZEC. Picked up another 50k of ONE to add to my 325k stack I bought at 240.

I'm now all in on this project.

>> No.14660751


>> No.14660767


>> No.14660850
File: 452 KB, 578x491, harmony nasa ONE spacemoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some big contracts being officialized, he he

can't say more

>> No.14660869

btw the one is the middle is Prince Abu Bakr al Babwa, billionaire investor.

>> No.14660873

Good one, anon. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.14660956


>> No.14661105

larp. there’s no such prince billionaire with that name

>> No.14661183

It's Aladdin

>> No.14661214

Yeah and the guy on the right is Yao Ming he's got money too

>> No.14661610
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, Zug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post your coins and I will rate them.
Shills go to your own thread.

Who am I? Worked for Index Funds and got sacked... not too long ago.
Yes we will see new ATH this year.

>> No.14661623

Might as well start off by rating Harmony

>> No.14661642

Rate Harmony then cokebro.

>> No.14662139

lol making your own telegram where you plan on "crashing" the price of something because you bought too high, thats the dumbest shit I've ever heard. All you're gonna do is get rekt and enable other people to buy cheaper and make good profits. Dont see the logic in it at all

>> No.14662342
File: 394 KB, 1200x702, 1562013924756-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this thread is poppin'

bullish af

>> No.14662505
File: 313 KB, 622x464, 1510231823048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14662543

It only seems to make sense if the opposite is true, right? Hmm...

>> No.14663136
File: 97 KB, 778x663, 2019-07-08-10-25-09-752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14663709

He knew my crypto story would end with this shit coin. What a mistake buying this trash omfg

>> No.14663865

im ruined
thanks biz

>> No.14664134

lol at ppl crying , when btc is pumping... just wait for the next alt wave, jeez

>> No.14664424

But a nigger.

>> No.14664515
File: 122 KB, 620x452, 1531431263814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always darkest before the dawn, r-right

>> No.14664598

Bros I'm scare

>> No.14664933


>> No.14665019

>double bottom

>> No.14665064
File: 410 KB, 602x946, 1555716616795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually fucking ruined
FUCK this shitcoin and FUCK ftm

>> No.14665249

We hitting 100 sats boys

>> No.14665259

You're seeing state protection in this video. Tron might have been something completely different when it started, but China has already selected Tron as it's cryptocurrency for the future. If you don't think that governments have some of the smartest minds working to secure their financial future, you will always be broke.

First the WB lunch, and now this. Bullish af.

>> No.14665441

because i haven't sold. whales are just waiting for me to sell before they finally pump it.

>> No.14665475

Sell. Take one for the team

>> No.14665541

Can i have a quick rundown on Harmony?

>> No.14665597

>Rothschilds buy ONE
>Made buy aliens
>rumoured to give holders psychic abilities

>> No.14665927


>> No.14665967

took out a student loan to buy this, about to buy $12000 worth

you gotta take a shot in this life, and this is my shot...

>> No.14666091

Whales manipulating until tonight. Then? Rocket ship.

>> No.14666128

because i still haven't sold
back in 2018 i pissed off a whale group by saying some stupid shit in a cointelegraph's disqus section and since then whenever i bought something it just suddenly goes down without any news and if i sell something it just goes up the next day

>> No.14666173

Anon, you know what to do. It's for the greater good.

>> No.14666206

yea thats it. You retard

>> No.14666323

you can't just call someone a nigger
frick man

>> No.14666338

i bought in way too high (june 30)
can't sell right now unless somebody is willing to donate some of their stack

>> No.14666420

My bags are getting heavy af. Save me based CZ

>> No.14666566
File: 510 KB, 1333x2000, 1542623774288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4.27 mil here

IRON HANDS. Im not selling until 1000 sats.

>> No.14666606

send me 20k ONE and i'll sell all my stack so the whales will finally pump it

ONE Address: bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23
ONE Deposit MEMO: 101821531

>> No.14666622

ONE $1000 EOY