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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14642145 No.14642145 [Reply] [Original]

I'm long BTC (not a risky bet I know) but I am sad I didn't accumulate more. Will we every see sub 5K BTC again? How low do you think it could get from here?

>> No.14642173

We're in no man's land right now.. This will either moon or go back to 9k.

>> No.14642179

I honestly don't think it's going below 4 figures now. It's been down to 9600 and the rejection was so fast that if anything it's going to deteriorate very slowly, but it's more likely it's going up.

>> No.14642197

Totally agree although I do not see 9kterritory, 10k maybe a quick wick but that’s it. I feel this week is the big push week for over 15k

>> No.14642201

We will hit sub 2k within the next year. Tether implosion is literally inevitable

>> No.14642222

Not likely. Too much buying going on right now plus the supply is dropping in 10 months with the halving.

>> No.14642224
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>> No.14642237


Did you mean below 5 figures? 1000 is still 4 figures lol

>> No.14642245


>> No.14642316

This rally feels like someone was trying the replicate the 2017 rally with the same tactics and failed miserably. People always invoke “tether fud” but tether is causing just as much damage to this space and the wily not did. This could drop like a stone back to 4K at any moment. I can’t understand how this space has fundamentally changed since we where at 3k? We’ve have no regulatory news...no investment companies can legally invest in the space, even fidelity still havnt figures out what their doing with it and no new mass adoption from any retail outlets. I’ve been buying btc for years but I’m not touching this rally with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.14642326

I'm sorry, yes, I meant 5 figures.

>> No.14642329

it will dump around september to 7-8k then go back up to 13k or so for the halving then slow bleed to at least 2k and possibly never recover

>> No.14642333

Like the wily bot did*

>> No.14642373

I seriously doubt btc will never recover.

>> No.14642448

you might be retarded


>> No.14642471

This is all just some sideways bullshit, people lose their minds over it going up a few hundred $ and going down a few hundred. The truth is that nothing has happened all of last week.

>> No.14642480


>> No.14642533

This. You have to be a brainlet to not understand percentages.