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14640308 No.14640308 [Reply] [Original]

Wen moon

>> No.14640344

why would anyone buy silver? it's not as easy to store as gold, you need alot of space to store considerable wealth.

sociecty won't collapse and in the case of high inflation / currency reform gold will perform better

>> No.14640366

JPM has 100-800 mil oz and they are still stacking

I don’t know why the fuck don’t you ask them

>> No.14640376


>> No.14640391
File: 1.06 MB, 1178x1643, 17188581-FB9A-41EE-BFC2-22AA2CB7B632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought two perfect graded 2010 pandas for a total of $100.

>> No.14640410

>its so cheap you cant even store it all

sounds like buying at the low point to me

>> No.14640422

silver is the retarded cousin to gold, which is the retarded cousin to BTC

>> No.14640425

what's the best way to contact them?

>> No.14640474

Write Jamie Simon a post card. They have been accumulating hundreds of millions of ounces while the price has been tanking. It’s a matter of public record

>> No.14640773

I think their stake in silver is more for market manipulation than hyper inflation. I think they might be trying to pull what the hunt brothers tried but didn’t execute properly. It’s hard to say but I’m sure they wouldn’t buy billions in physical silver if they weren’t trying to be market makers. Either way buy silver when it’s cheap.

>> No.14640813

when silver main net comes out u can stake them

>> No.14640816

They’re buying because they think the value will go up. Plain and simple. And now they have the power to make this happen on a global scale

If silver hits $100 the total value of their physical holdings will be at least 12 billion and realistically closer to 80-90 billion. If it hits 500 (in proportion to the number of total dollars in circulation) they’ll have about 400 billion in silver holdings

>> No.14640850
File: 66 KB, 675x601, silverboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about "when"
just keep stacking until then
global liquidity crisis is coming
other nations will default on their dollar denominated debts which will actually strengthen the dollar at first because it will be in demand
eventually the crisis will catch up to us as other nations look to alternatives
then the us will default and the 5 trillion dollar futures market manipulation will unravel
until then just enjoy the low prices

>> No.14640893

Yes agreed with this timeline, I think the dollar will also get stronger in the next crisis

The problem is I don’t want to miss out on chainlink gains before it happens. Not sure what division I should make for my portfolio

>> No.14640918

Diversify and buy silver/gold with crypto profits.

>> No.14640944

at least you are not one of the brainlets talking about the imminent demise of the dollar, every other fiat currency looks way worse right now

eventually yes, but not now there is a global undersupply of dollars if anything

>> No.14640993

The problem is more complicated than that. Just because the dollar will get stronger next crisis doesn’t mean precious metals will weaken or remain suppressed.

Two things could still happen:

1. Central banks may be forced to actually raise rates during next crisis to combat inflation
2. Independently of the above, gold and silver could still moon. If there’s too much FOMO into the above banks will have to lift their suppression and it’s off to the races

I think that despite the dollar getting stronger next crash, gold and silver will both moon. Gold to 5k at least and silver to 100-200

The euro and yen are going to get raped for sure though

>> No.14641016
File: 275 KB, 1864x712, silver tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't worry about "when"
>just keep stacking until then
>I think the dollar will also get stronger in the next crisis
truth, the dollar is pop like an over inflated balloon

remember when anon reminded you?

>> No.14641068

I was the OP of this thread. Doesn’t change the fact that there will be a global dollar shortage next crisis

That being said I do agree extremely strongly with last line he said. It is still within our power to ride their wave and become insanely rich

>> No.14641106

because china is hoarding it

>> No.14641131

Proof? I’ve only seen JPM is

>> No.14641164

>global dollar shortage
how do you see this happening friend? im fearing inflation here because foreigners dont want their USD and they all come back here

the indians, dots not feathers, have been buying more recently also

>> No.14641188

In 100 years or so.
You buy shinies for your grandchildren, not for yourself.

>> No.14641263

If your cost basis is in other currencies besides the dollar, yes gold will probably rise substantially. The rise will be much less substantial vs dollar gains imo

The real problem is the dollar denominated debts outstanding to the rest of the world, that's where the demand and thus strength comes from. Also US economic strength is pretty good vs the world right now

>> No.14641287

The former I agree with, every country will be scrambling for dollars. But As for US economic strength that’s a complete mirage. During the next crash our corporate debt will implode and our stock market will crater just like any other on the planet

>> No.14641308

>Society won't collapse
Society collapses every Black Friday for $100 off TVs.
Wouldn't take much for the large city populations to chimp out. Do you want to be standing in line to get your daily rationed $50 out of the ATM along with the chimps or be comfy at home with your silver.
Hold some physical cash too, enough to pay expenses for a few months.

>> No.14642213

>every country will be scrambling for dollars
you keep saying this but i think you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground. the last 10 years have been people moving away from the dollar

>> No.14642274

You don’t know what you are talking about. When the fed raised rates last decade every country on the planet was begging them to stop since dollars were fleeing their banks

>> No.14642357

>When the fed raised rates last decade
you mean the last 2 years fool?

>> No.14642411

Meant december not decade