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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14640137 No.14640137 [Reply] [Original]

Pajeets know nothing. Limp dick whale group fudding the shit out of $ONE, bbq coin, no dev, total bs.
Blah blah we gonna tank your coin if you don't pump this shitcoin. Blah blah blah. Do it you moronic fuck turkeys, shank your own pf and GTFO.

Partnerships under NDA, eng team that actually knows how to write fucking code. No shitcoin tesla giveaways for curry niggers.

Silicon valley where shit gets real. Marketing about to kick into overdrive. Every cunt on the engineering team is Ex Google, Apple, Amazon. CEO sold his last startup to Apple. Elrond euro fags so ashamed of their team they don't even put them on the website. $ONE first sharded PoS blockchain. Ever. You do the math. Or don't.

Y'all prolly just listen to some milk-cunt pootuber telling you Elrond's better. Go talk to an engineer who actually knows shit.

Elrond's a faggot elf. Got it? Would you buy this?

Fuck, why bother...

>> No.14640419

Because I like to make money.

>> No.14640469

Dumped this shit at 75 soon after trading started and never looked back. Those who buying now will be holding heaviest bags of their life

>> No.14640678

>WATCH me tank $ONE and pump ELROND!!!!
>CZ is my bitch nigger!
>We fucking hookers in Monaco motheahfucka