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File: 50 KB, 397x595, gilles_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14639343 No.14639343 [Reply] [Original]

> 12 pajeets hired to paste copypasta tech memes and interview themselves all the time
> they copy other memes and make low energy RLC aids versions using photoshop 2.1
> they do this 24/7, for months, 3/8 threads per hour, there's one paedo answering with copypasta shit and the other morons asking useless questions to bump the thread

> 12 pajeets freaking out, totally triggered, insulting "someone" they call "transjeet"
> The RLC shill threads are full of porn tranny pictures, curry, regular trannies, AIDS, dogshit, screams, there's no way to recover and to shill copypasta anymore
> This trannycoin is going to 0

>> No.14639386

Nobody cares about this shitcoin. Stop making these threads.

>> No.14639429

Better to keep them JUST IN CASE some newfag falls for this scamcoin

>> No.14639765
File: 3.35 MB, 480x270, ECDA7FDF-0962-4002-B3AB-67F31E5245D8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transjeet is you, street shitter

>> No.14639794

>nobody cares about the next 50x literal god token


>> No.14639837

Observed it too
The usual cycle, with shit

>> No.14639844

RLC, Vidt, Lit and QNT are all literal who flavour of the month scam coins. Congrats to anyone who rode their pumps, but don't try to shill them as anything more than pnd's that won't be around this time next year, and don't pretend you're "investing" rather than gambling on shitcoins.

>> No.14639917

> Brown ip detected

>> No.14640005
File: 8 KB, 250x193, FDE5B075-38C0-4A46-8987-F4145776C767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collabs // partnerships w: intel / ubisoft / EDF / IBM
>scam coin

Pick one worthless faggot.

>implying your team of curry stuffers knows more than businesses totally over 1T market cap

Stay poor faggot, it means nothing to me

The only thing brown here is you, street shitter

>> No.14640025

Screen capped kek

>> No.14640045

> Gilles had a mention on the intel blog, shaked some hand, they noticed his hands smelled of cock too
> Old news, just vaporware
> Price is still at Mumbai price after the v3 dump

How's the time in indonesia AABE?

>> No.14640090

This thread smells like curry and shit.

>> No.14640136

>INTEL literally shilling RLC on their website, video of one of their lead engineers discussing the future of RLC


The FUD is so weak now its almost embarassing transjeet.

>> No.14640152
File: 24 KB, 350x264, 5788B9BF-9476-4F2D-AB9B-990A8E274030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave and it will smell better then, vishu.

>> No.14640177

> Some random event video, they've thousands
> 26 FEB
kys Gilles, it's over

>> No.14640247

>Largest mobile tech conference in the world
>over 100,000 attendees
>takes place once a year

You are drowning in poo, transjeet.

>> No.14640293

So, why are you so desperate to shill the shitcoin 24/7, Gilles?
And... where will you sell the coin in september, craiglist/Mumbai?

>> No.14640371

>FUDS RLC 24/7 as part of an organized paid street shitter group
>gets called out for being full of shit

Hurr Durr why you shill

RLC will be listed in the US, and is still available for everyone else on multiple exchanges.

Verdict: BTFO

>> No.14640443
File: 130 KB, 683x1024, 15424521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> RLC guys are really fuming.
Why do you react like the shitcoin is yours?

>> No.14640475

Wow, this guy really does spam these all day and night, huh?

>> No.14640488

Yes, we're here forever, do you like it Prumbaj from Mumbaj?

>> No.14640499
File: 49 KB, 731x265, 4chan_shakedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you these guys?

>> No.14640523

The amount of cope here. If Intel are all in why do you need to shill here? Surely institutional money is worth more than us dirty pajeets? Oh wait you've got bags that need dumping. It's not too late to sell at a loss and regain with Link fren, just don't bring your ranjit shill attempts with you. We don't need it.

>> No.14640580

Nobody “needs” you curry pusher. We just destroy misinformation, and want to see our fellow anons make it.

Also: Most of us are already in link, you dumb fucking worthless street shitting faggot.

The smart anons will see through your broken english, will read the links / watch the videos provided, realize you are full of shit, and will make a lot of money.

The rest dont deserve it.

>> No.14640615

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.14640668
File: 8 KB, 259x194, pjts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> We just SPREAD AWARENESS 24/7 with lame copypasta
> And of course we spread AIDS
Those are the same streetshitters shilling this trannycoin 24/7 before v3.
There were already "intel ali baba great tech memes" and "$300 EOY".
The coin was dumped by devs to organize tranny parties and lost more than 50%

So, basically, they don't need your curry, but they actually need it.

>> No.14640722

>dev wallets havent been touched since the project started
>devs are sitting on over 100m in BTC // ETH

Your FUD has been destroyed on every level. Its getting boring, so I’ll leave you to spam low IQ indian street shit nonsense like “ tranny tranny gay gay indonesia” bs.

Reality is If anyone listens to you they deserve to stay poor.

Later faggot.

>> No.14640761

> Devs stole money from investors
> Now devs are willingly to put the stolen money on the plate again

My fud has been destroyed only in your tranny imagination, guess who is winning, Gilles.

>> No.14640866

You need a hobby

>> No.14640880

Very good Fud sir. Buy my fud sir. Please mister my fud is so undervalued

>> No.14641271
File: 518 KB, 1277x1099, D1379747-116E-4022-B209-6DF3CE70E25E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this level of desperation

Holy shit dude. This level of COPE is hysterical.

Fuck outta here w this shit.

>> No.14641320
File: 1.19 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Frenchs Fuming HARD