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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 201 KB, 1242x1257, ceo per hour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14637678 No.14637678 [Reply] [Original]

>The higher up the hierarchy you go
>The less work you do
>And the more money you (((earn)))

>> No.14637697


>>The less work you do

This is wrong and exactly why you will be poor for the rest of your life.

>> No.14637702

But there's only ONE CEO

Vs hundreds on minimum wage

In pretty sure the sum of ^^ is LOWER than the CEOs pay

>> No.14637722


> and the more responsibility you have

>> No.14637782

Ye, less work an average Joe can do and more work only a highly qualified person can do.

Say, there is an opening for a job where a man has to press a button every hour. The problem is the button is on a big panel with 1000 buttons and every time someone presses a wrong one, the company loses $1M. You could hire a simple guy, who'd trial and error his way to the right button and pay him $15/hr. Or you could hire that one guy who knows ahead which button it is, but he asks $1500/hr. Which one would you hire? Also, that one guy has 2 other offers to operate similar panels in other companies, and you don't know how much they are offering him. A colleague suggests you up that salary to $2000/hr, since if that guy picks another company, you'll be stuck with a $15/hr imbecile. Would you listen to him?

>> No.14637836

If running a corporation is so easy why don't poor people just do that?

>> No.14637850

> Be a cashier at McD's.
> Fuck up.
> Get a warning or slap on the wrist or absolutely nothing.
> Be a CEO at McD's.
> Fuck up.
> Get booted out before the day is over.

>> No.14637852

Hire the guy for 15/hr and teach him the right button. Save 1000/hr.

>> No.14637921

Then once he learns which button to push and that you’re paying less than the other button pushers - he goes and finds a better paying job.

>> No.14637929


Plus: Be liable for losses. Of course there are insurances for that, but these insurances will come after you to get their money back in case you fucked up carelessly.

>> No.14637938
File: 103 KB, 1080x1080, 1560884853707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex

>> No.14637975
File: 345 KB, 642x471, dddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your work slaves fuck up you'll have to be responsible for it

>> No.14637982

So do you guys think this guy doesn't know that?
Do you think he's looking to convince people based on this massively flawed image? And that he's not just looking for (you)'s?

>> No.14637990

Wow! It sure sucks to being responsible! That's totally not what the lower management do!

>> No.14638004

My life has unironically become easier the more money I've made. When I worked at McDonalds everyone but me rushed between that and a second job each day; they stand for hours on end and can't even go to the bathroom when they want to. Couldn't afford a car back then either so I biked everywhere; a lot of poor people do either that or use public transportation, taking hours on what would take minutes using a car. Now that I have a better job I have paid vacation for weeks at a time and sit in an air conditioned office all day.

If I was rich I'd start my own real estate company and be a CEO. Then my life would probably be even easier.

>> No.14638042


Not to the point of being liable with their personal money/property.

>> No.14638063

i remembering graduating college and thinking i wanted to big a bigwig one day, top of the foodchain at some company. it's 10 years later and i'm intentionally avoiding promotion to stay away from the politics, pressure, and expectations associated with executive leadership that's still 2 levels away from CEO

>> No.14638075

People writing posts purely for imaginary internet points? I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, Sven-Åke. This is 4chan, you want plebbit.

>> No.14638078

And of course Walmart is the biggest cheapskate even with they pay CEOs. Why would anyone from the top down work for that shitty company?

>> No.14638084

>already rich from disproportionately high salary
>oops got fired
>I have to sell my private jet
my heart weeps for all the CEOs out there

>> No.14638094

Fuck off to reddit with this communist shit

>> No.14638367

So i train another, big deal

>> No.14638599

You're a fucking brainlet if you think a CEO doesn't work harder than than some 19 year old minimum wage scumbag dropping food on the floor. They are on the clock 24/7 and only a complete psychopath can be effective at it. Do the math and redistribute 100% of their salary equally to all employees in the corporation and you'll end up giving everyone like $10 more for the entire year.

>> No.14638615

>having 2 jobs is more work than having 1
Excellent observation sherlock

>> No.14638631

There's literally tens if not hundreds of thousands of employees at these companies though. If you eliminated the ceo position you'd maybe save enough to the rest of these employees a couple hundred dollars per year.

>> No.14638643

>if inheriting extensive land holdings by noble birthright is so easy, why don't peasants just do that?

>> No.14638656

I like it better, when we give all luxury to lucky people who are born into family of (communist) party leaders. They have done so much more to earn the nice life. Political leaders are so much more hard working people.
Walmart should definitely pay their employees 0.1 cents more per hour and kick the CEO.

>> No.14638666

that's doubling the wage for wagies. let's do it.

>> No.14638670
File: 48 KB, 622x1024, 1561868077346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did the math for Wal Mart a year or two ago and it worked out to be about $10 a year extra for all employees, average, if the CEO gave 100% of his salary. Big fucking whoop when you consider how important that job slot is and the need to fill it with a competent psychopath.

>> No.14638673

>for the entire year
not per hour

>> No.14638680

No it was not $10 an hour, it was $10 total for an entire year

>> No.14638771

>Run own company
>Do all the work
>Technically CEO of company

And to this day I do not know what a CEO does

>> No.14638792

I understand performance based pay but wouldnt it be better to distribute that money across a board of people who specialize in each specific task? Paying CEOs in stock packets seems really counter intuitive because the second you crash the CEO is out of there

>> No.14638841

because they are genetically flawed natural slaves

>> No.14638861

No wonder to flip burgers and think this is a good idea

>> No.14638881

If you dont like ig then make your own company like they had to

>> No.14638980

No one even argues that corporations can't afford it. It's the smaller businesses that can't. Minimum wage prices small business and lower skilled labor out of the market. Stupid image.

>> No.14639037

What a CEO does is
>run own company
>do all the work

>> No.14639072

That doesn't sound right going by what I saw happening at other companies

>> No.14639080

Executive positions are just a jewish social clubs