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File: 27 KB, 861x758, BE992B91-3BAB-4C28-851D-86131D88920F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14630798 No.14630798 [Reply] [Original]

Have about $1,500 to deposit on crypto, what are my options? link, quant, vidt, lit, rsr, btc, eth, ltc, brapper, xrp, elrand, rlc, eve, bomb, nuke, pi, hot, mitx, bat, ftm, void, harmony, and matic niggers please leave.

>> No.14630816


>> No.14630819


>> No.14630820

all in LINK

>> No.14630835

Nice ID. Go 50% BlockArray 50% Swarm City

>> No.14630837

zbux faggot

>> No.14630862

LINK and BTC at 66/33 respectively

I'll also shill for zbux, if it's under 40 cents

>> No.14630874

honestly just go all in on VIDT and hold for a few months

>> No.14630876

actually this

>> No.14630884


Look into hot and orion protocol, you won't be disappointed

>> No.14630889

Your only option is clearly bsv

>> No.14630904

brah 1500 is enough for 1 coin or maybe 2 small caps

>> No.14630935

cardano. it will 5x easily in the next few months.

>> No.14630976

also no adx, bsv zbux or orion

>> No.14630993

Nuke and VIDT

>> No.14631037

you're just left with shit, might as well go with the worst, BSV with 5% in BCH

>> No.14631068

>no biz coins
go back to plebbit if you're just going to be a crotchety fuck about it. only things not on your list that I dig halfway are BTC and UBT

>> No.14631123

Harmony unironically

>> No.14631156

also no bch and not ubt

>> No.14631164

>I want to invest in crypto but none of the good ones
are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.14631170

Qnt will be 100 eoy

>> No.14631189

Pi is free, so thats a no-brainer either way.
You can use my code if you want
> hapilinkyboie
Other than that i cant recommend what you should do with your money.

Personally im all in on LINK with a 2.6 average buy in, and mega comfy

>> No.14631240

pi is literally a click on your phone every day, still really early too, deflationary and scarce supply. Watch this silly faucet shit moon hard in a year
you have to use a code for sign up mine is seancasey

>> No.14631276

nice FUD. 4 digits by EOY easy

>> No.14631813

XMR AND BRAPPERS are the only ones you need.

>> No.14631950

sorry man, I plan for the worst

>> No.14631972
File: 53 KB, 854x372, CapturemoreBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, all in BTC. It is the only one that will survive. It is the first and best. If it fails, they all fail.

>> No.14632043

Go for void.. Easy 5x in just 3 days. Screencap this.

>> No.14632056

EVE all in

>> No.14632264
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fast throughput (>1000 tps)
basically ETH but better

>> No.14632533
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>> No.14632569


Pros: >Ultra-low market cap, 6 million USD >Will make IOTA, NANO, and partly ETH obsolete with better technology >DAG founders decided to burn ALL their tokens, 7.2% of total supply! >Deflationary token model >MainNet in Q3 >Staking >Dynamic Partitioning >DAG has smart contracts >Horizontal scaling >DAG is a platform >CEO actually ran a business with 45 million in annual revenue >Advisor: Rehito (Ray) Hatoyama former Managing Director of Hello Kitty (Sanrio) >Partnership negotiations with NASA, General Motors and Denso >US, San Francisco based Just as Nano, DAG is: >Free >Instant >Green However, they are superior to Nano in virtually every way. >Part of a large ecosystem, with real use cases that will provide security for the network and world-wide market. Same as IOTA, but better >This large ecosystem and not solely a currency will provide protection from Central Bank regulators, like ETH & IOTA, but unlike Nano. >All zero-fee systems are open to spam attacks. Constellation has a much more advanced and elegant solution than Nano with their reputation system. >Nano has an insane business model where Nano node operators have to do it for free. This will either lead to a crash, where no one bothers to run nodes for fun and take all the costs, or an insane centralization where Amazon controls nearly everything. Constellation has a very elegant solution where micropayments are free for everyone, while large consumers of bandwidth will have to either pay for it in DAG tokens, or run their own nod Plus >Whitelisted for all major exchanges. Didn’t have ICO. No US pre-sale investors >Partnered with the University of Illinois >CTO Wyatt writes in academic papers At the point you realize what a gem this is, the price is going to explode rapidly. You can't expect to make a big profit investing with the herd. When something is obvious it's already priced fairly, or more likely in crypto, overpriced.

>> No.14632674

BRAP and VOID are both good projects

>> No.14632796
File: 7 KB, 225x225, image3847983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is pumping some shitcoin too you. Do your own research and invest in something that can change our financial system as we know it. Reserve Protocol are launching their app and RVS coin in Venezuela in Q3!
> Use case and moon confirmed

>> No.14632800


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.14632884

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you would suggest?

>> No.14632916

I saw this EXACT message exchange yesterday.
wtf bottery?

>> No.14632932

Didnt get a good answer

Do you know how to arb?

>> No.14632945

>invest in mocrocap now
>cash out 10x in a month
>all in btc
>nuff sed

>> No.14632965

thanks anon

>> No.14632967
File: 89 KB, 1700x583, R-LINK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSR to the moon by Dec 2019

>> No.14632983
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>> No.14632999


>> No.14633009


>> No.14633010

RLC is a scam anons do not buy

>> No.14633028

dropped a hard eth

>> No.14633055

You’re probably too much of a poorfag to afford B255.

>> No.14633073


>> No.14633165

Nigga why is the arb so good? Just unironically flipped 3 eth

>> No.14633313

Do you recognise the names Mr.gregory, mr.duffy, ms.farren?

>> No.14633314


>> No.14633616


>> No.14633767


>> No.14633800

Every time. Every time people come to this board and ask this stupid fucking question and never take the obvious answer that people always post first

is it really that hard to lurk and buy link?

>> No.14633860


If BTC doesn't take off this year, it will do it next year.
With any other coin you run the risk of people not giving a shit, the prices crash and never move again.

>> No.14633900

Good post

>> No.14633926

>not investing in stock market
>ignoring the fact that SPY has basically a guaranteed 10% rate of return, could be higher if you you aren't a brainlet
Sorry anon, you'll never make it:(

>> No.14633992
File: 179 KB, 960x390, 674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad portfolio:
25% LINK
25% ETH
25% XMR
25% BTC

>> No.14633995


>> No.14634037
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Mined Bitcoin on Ethereum

>> No.14634040
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>> No.14634096

>10% or MORE in the best of circumstances!!!

Nigger, I just made 10% in an hour on some random shitcoin.

>> No.14634212

>trade options
>daily 20% net worth changes, nbd
>trade shitcoins
>get excited about 10% gains
I'll stay away from the monopoly money, thanks for the advice tho

>> No.14634235

Wish I knew about this a week ago. Still, good arb

>> No.14634243
File: 343 KB, 526x1000, ETC Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum Classic

>> No.14634270

VIDT, t1 exchange soon, partnerships every week and extremely ahead of schedule in terms of validations. Uptrend still looks good after the correction. Matter of time before the pump occurs and faggots get priced out of a large stack at 50 cents

>> No.14634285

buy link

>> No.14634398


>> No.14634444

based REE id

>> No.14634449

All in RSR

>> No.14634917


>> No.14634926

You mentioned a lot of shit coins there... But you also mentioned the best coins available.

>> No.14634968

>pay taxes trading your whole net worth every single day
>in the red during tax season

>> No.14634985

just LINK

>> No.14635117


>> No.14635312


>> No.14635331
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1560061329220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy Monero

30k$ per until 2023

>> No.14635353


>> No.14635365


>> No.14635379

super undervalued with a working product
binance listing rumor

>> No.14635399

"If you made a profit on some stocks you sold, and a loss on some others, you can claim your losses against the capital gains to pay lower taxes." Same thing with options, just fill out an 8949.
iirc you pay taxes on crypto upon withdrawal, right?

>> No.14635417


thoughts on ICX?

>> No.14635426

100% BTC. Wait until it pumps to 14-15k, sell 25% and buy an alt with good volume that has corrected near support. Set a target to take profit as well as a stop loss in case it breaks support. Sell at target for more BTC. Repeat.

>> No.14635468

Sound like you hate money and want something that will turn that chump change into triple or even double digits. BSV and REQ are your best options here. REQ for a sure thing, but BSV has a longer way to fall, downside being it could take another month or two before people realize it's actual value.

>> No.14635504

Do the needful and buy BRAPPER Token. It's on localkoin sirs.

>> No.14635552


>> No.14635563


>> No.14635587

100% this - too much upside to ignore

Read up on $DAG via CT or their TG

>> No.14635885


>> No.14636059


Check out hydro


>> No.14636069
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brapper 100x guaranted

>> No.14636082

Unironically check em

>> No.14636090
File: 84 KB, 884x860, fsociety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2827989.msg51629410#msg51629410

>> No.14636280

Lym token, expect announcement tommorow confirm a Samsung health partnership

>> No.14636310


>> No.14636481


>> No.14636507

LIT is primed for the next leg up. 2x by Wednesday. Market cap currently below 8MM, and mainnet coming soon. Once the team post anything new about the SAP co-development partnership, we're going parabolic.

>> No.14636535


>> No.14636561

Only coins from that list I'd buy: LIT, FTM, QNT.

>> No.14636566

If LIT is a shitcoin, you might just want to stick to BTC.

>> No.14636581
File: 21 KB, 728x425, 20ab39f2-16e8-406f-9ca1-0140504fddd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the $1.500 and put it all in to COTI.
>LINE partnership
>VISA partnership
>Binance listing soon

Why are you not already buying?

>> No.14636605

Coti ankr bolt sir

>> No.14636620

Lition if you want the chance to make the biggest gains.

>> No.14636680

Redpill me on lit

>> No.14636691

500 btc.
1000 link.

will be very stable/comfy.

like taking space elevator to the fucking andromeda

>> No.14636724

>500 btc
How rich are you? Faggot

>> No.14636963

Pi has no vision.
I'm new here, but I genuinely don't understand why you keep investing in coins where the white paper bascially says "we have no real heart put into this, at best it'll be a pump and dump. But here's a facade of a social media that's about as in depth as a Youtuber merch store".

It's easy, but I'd argue it's worthless as well.

>> No.14637011

>tfw invested exactly $0 to get nearly 1500 pi
if you beg you can join me on my yacht next summer

>> No.14637037

he means 500 bucks into btc you simpleton

>> No.14637054

I stopped even bothering with Pi after 3 days. It bothers me for 4 reasons
>it's banking on getting the normies on board but no one even believes in it, not even the people pushing it
>it's fishy from the start. they probably want to harvest your data more than anything. they ask for your contacts, facebook account, and phone number from the get go, meanwhile the mining part isn't even implemented
>there is no crypto currently, the mining part doesn't even exist
>mining on your phone was done before by minergate, forgotten in the sands of time. and you can mine actual coins with that thing

I don't trust it, and can't get behind their vision. Coins like Holo have actual utility, Pi is just "we'll get those normies".

>> No.14637073


>> No.14637243

not to mention its a data mining scam

>> No.14637331


Go on ther side and just read it.
Pls activate your brain before you do that.

>> No.14637340

Difficult to explain but if you got it you'd get it.

>> No.14637362

worthless token not needed

>> No.14637906


Inbred attitude.

>> No.14637922


>> No.14637955


>> No.14638047
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None. Buy silver.

>> No.14638118

the rumor has been going for more than a year now. nkn has the worst marketing in all of crypto and the worst community too

>> No.14638313


>> No.14638878
File: 89 KB, 1242x1403, WINNING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape those LARPING POS COIN communities.

Everything! into BTC.

Done you made it.

>> No.14639062


>> No.14639092

Btc won't 100x though

>> No.14639121

bitcoin will be 100k eoy

>> No.14639524

bat is going to moon in 2 weeks

>> No.14639585


>> No.14639726
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I see X too.

>> No.14639798

[Press X for doubt]

>> No.14639936

Pajeet coin

>> No.14640232

All in Bitcoin
There will be no alt bull run

>> No.14640269

300 elastos
1000 bitcoin
200 chainlink

>> No.14640312

All in Bitcoin*

>> No.14640326
File: 25 KB, 488x456, ZBUX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

550k USD marketcap

ZuckBucks on google/twitter redirects you to ZBUX, LIBRA hype will pamp eet


>> No.14640461
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this, ZBUX is the next DOGE

>> No.14640506

this, faggot.>>14630862

>> No.14640507

it isnt

>> No.14640912

1000 EOY

>> No.14641606
File: 37 KB, 1024x1024, Verge-XVG-and-Pac-Coin-are-Grabbing-Everyones-Attention-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XVG, the top performing coin of 2017. This shit pumps like nothing else, get in while the bags are still cheap.

>> No.14642571

Nope, you pay for each trade

>> No.14642804


>> No.14643186

Because youre JEWS, fucking kike shitcoin, DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

>> No.14643648

Who hurt you