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14630334 No.14630334 [Reply] [Original]

>made it
>did so much cocaine while drunk that now i cant drink without doing cocaine
>get insane urges after the first sip
Did i basically fuck up for good and have to stay sober for the rest of my life?

>> No.14630356

once you are addicted to cocaine you are ALWAYS addicted, anon
just dont have sex when you do

>> No.14630358

You fucked up anon. Stay sober for a couple weeks then you should be back to normal. I recommend drinking lots of egg juice to speed up the process

>> No.14630362

smoke weed

>> No.14630387

Having sex on cocaine is good wholesome fun. Snort a line off her tits or ass and take her to pound town.

>> No.14630394

I dont get hard when im nuked out. I literally lay there like an impotent cuck with the whore stroking my limp dick for an hour. Another major reason i wanna quit this shit.

Or i might add viagra in the mix but im afraid of death

>> No.14630420

unfortunately yes, not even kidding. you've paired two pleasures, for example
>a soda at the movies
>dip with chips
>going to the gym with headphones
the only path from now on is to unironically be observant that you're an addict and not let it affect you when it comes to thinks like business investments etc. gl

>> No.14630425

Im ultra horny on it but see >>14630387

>> No.14630446

Welcome to the fun world of addiction anon! Depending on the duration of your binge you likely have a fairly strong mental addiction to cocaine. It won't kill you to stop the coke outright but it will be a fun couple weeks/month of withdrawl and feeling like shit -> PAWS like symptoms that will persist for 6-8 months.

It's like a band-aid, just suck it up and lock yourself away from the world until the initial urges go away.

Also that combo is exceptionally worse for you, alcohol and coke combine to form cocaethylene which hurts your liver even more than those substances separately. The mental triggers/association of taking those two in tandem all the time will make this process all the more difficult for you.

Sobriety for an extended period (1+ year) will likely not bring you back to total baseline. It's gona suck fren, but at least you aren't physically addicted to an opiate or benzo.

>> No.14630447

>>going to the gym with headphones
Holy fuck i know this feel all too well. I literally go back home if i forgot headphones.

Its over.

>> No.14630449

What are overrated drugs for $200

>> No.14630470

dont be stupid anon. thats a rabbit hole of death
you can't cheat life just smoke more weed you faggot

>> No.14630497

>made it
Why do people who make it have to do drugs and ruin their life?

>> No.14630514

I get ultra anxiety, panic and depression from weed unfortunately. It freezes my whole body and traps me in my own pessimistic thoughts. I tried everything from sativa and indica

>> No.14630529


cocaine is such a stupid overrated drug, the withdrawals are not WORTH it, it's insane how addicted you get to what basically entails to a mild psychotic maniac drug, and with alcohol you don't even feel it other than just instantly sobering up

>> No.14630535

probably because they never lived the life before large amounts of money.

i grew out of it but still like to party every now and then

>> No.14630538

first time i came into money i did the alcohol, strip clubs, clubs, partying, drunk driving thing. thankfully i outgrew that phase and when i make crypto money i just invest and stay comfy nowadays.

>> No.14630543

then you need to get sober and get a hobby that replaces your addiction

>> No.14630544

it's the worst. i feel like i'm naked on stage doing a performance ive never even heard of before. it's like serving dry chicken with a glass of lukewarm shitty city water. its like biking up reasonably steep hill with only the lowest gear
>cold meat-like soup with hardened fat
>a car that drags a little to the left on a long car ride
>a shirt that's a little too tight
>having a stomach upset when you can't leave the room because you'll lose your job
the list goes on.
op fucked up.

>> No.14630554

Mostly boredom and genetics onii chan. Im an impulsive neurotic tard to start with.

>> No.14630567

Actually this. As fun as coke is, you get far more bang for your buck with MDMA.

>> No.14630586

post coolstories

>> No.14630596

a m e n

>> No.14630600
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You literally made this exact thread earlier today word for word except you replaced cocaine with Ambien.

>> No.14630620

Mdma destroys you hangover wise though and people can actually tell you on it so you cant do it everywhere. I think this is mostly the danger with cocaine. You can do it very frequent and it fits in everywhere, anytime

>> No.14630700

I'm still waiting for sauce too >>>/r/16852523

>> No.14630832


Yeah man you're asking for heart attack or stroke

>> No.14630861

>did so much cocaine while drunk that now i cant drink without doing cocaine
this is your brain on crack, kids

>> No.14630870
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Heres the thread he made earlier

>> No.14630903

I tried to sleep through withdrawals which is not working out

>> No.14630982

yes, honestly start going to NA or AA meetings

>> No.14630986

I will not workout without music
Probably my worst addiction honestly

>> No.14631053

I hear ya, there was one summer where I was taking coke to the bar. I'm ultra introverted and always hated bars, but doing a few bumps in the bathroom made it fun for me. Fortunately for me I was broke so I couldn't really afford to stay addicted, but I know the urge you talk about. Those urges went away for me after I quit, it did take a few months. However, if I see someone doing a line on TV or in a movie I feel a little euphoric burst and the urge returns, so for that reason I don't plan on touching the shit again

>> No.14631063

Do you still drink?

>> No.14631939

Also to add to this, studies have shown that cardio increases dopamine receptor density in ex-meth addicts. So if you want your brain to recover faster do HIIT & other cardio like at least 3-4 times a week.

>> No.14632001

please eat me

>> No.14632045
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>> No.14632463

Don't smoke so much. Take one hit.