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14628314 No.14628314 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate the open plan office I work in. I get distracted all the fucking time and I can't think about anything in depth. It's like a form of forced hive mind embedding which crushes individuality and creativity.

My boss is a fucking oversocialised boomer who panics like a hysterical bitch when I sit far from him. It is embarrassing.

Is this an inevitable part of all modern workplaces or only offices generic generalist type office monkeys? Surely programmers and tax specialists and financial engineers and actuaries get quieter environments?

>> No.14628347

>oversocialized sounds like a problem TED could solve

>> No.14628369
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>stuck for 9 hours everyday in a annoying office where time moves at 10% of regular speed
>annoying coworkers that eat smelly shit in the office
>annoying coworkers that eat with their mouth open
>annoying mouthbreathers as coworkers
>have to endure annoying coworkers bullshit and their pointless small talk
>hungry, thirsty, need to piss
>tired and eyes are dry and have to keep trying hard to not fall asleep
>work keeps piling up
>retard coworkers that don't want to open a window so you have to sit their and inhale the bad air
>computer programs are slow and every mouseclick takes 10 seconds for the shitbox to process
>just 40 more years of this

wtf how could anyone hate this hell?

>> No.14628386

anon, i'm disgusted by how little agency and responsibility you take over your conditions. you've built your own hell and then you have the nerve to complain about it?

>> No.14628410

Gotta bitch about something, huh?

>> No.14628456

this. do something about it you whiny bitch

>> No.14628469

nothing that can be done against it.

>> No.14628527

i work at an engineering company and it's fine for me to have my noise cancelling headphones on when i'm doing something that requires focus

>> No.14628568

start a side hustle(s) and slowly scale. Or you could just buy link. Prob would be smart to do both

>> No.14628724

There is this invention, called headphones

Google it you incel