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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14625567 No.14625567 [Reply] [Original]

As it currently stands, western institutions enforce a fair and just legal system. On first glance one is led to believe that if two or more parties come to a contractual agreement it will be upheld in a court of law and the terms therein be enforced to their fullest extent. This is, however, not always the case.
In actual fact, there are many problems that make contracts inefficient, though law should in theory force all parties to comply with the terms. The first, and most glaring, is that a party may agree to a contract without intending to comply with the terms, or perhaps once already in agreement may be forced to renounce such terms due to some unexpected crisis which now demands their resources.
Common folk often contract loans with predatory lenders, signing themselves into debt without making adequate provision for the eventual repayment of that debt. Should they default on their debt and the lender take them to court we come to the second major problem: the judge would not only look at the terms of the contract itself but apply certain ethical and moral criteria to his judgement. Furthermore, the validity of the contract would itself be scrutinized under the law of the day.

>> No.14625613
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I don’t fucking care as long as it eliminates ((their)) stranglehold on society I’m done playing their fucking games and I’ll be sitting on a mountain of LINK in my district 1 mansion.

Fuck. It. This world has not done SHIT for me, fuck the normies, their lives would be no different in. 1400 or 2400 fucking feudal serfs or technocratic serfs it makes no difference.


>> No.14625624
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Smart contracts shift power to the contract maker rather than the taker. Suddenly, one has no need for an authority to act as settler. Suddenly, the common man has no recourse to that authority to plead his case. Worse yet, the common man is entirely at the mercy of the terms of the contract. Perhaps worse still, the contract maker, or rather the superior party, once the contract is signed, has no ability to alter the outcome. Once the terms are set and all parties in agreement it is impossible for the contract to ‘settle’ in any other way than was stipulated. Contracts between two individuals can still be settled ‘after-the-fact’, I suppose, however contracts between, for example, an individual and an organisation, where the organisation is so far removed from the individuals within it as to sever all ties of personal responsibility, will only ever settle upon the prespecified terms.

>> No.14625657

I just figured out how to store my indentured servants information on the blockchain and trade them over the counter on open market. The weak suffer what they must.

>> No.14625665
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For the common man, who has no will nor inclination to educate himself; who is credulous and all-too-trusting; whose more pressing needs weigh more heavily in his thoughts than his probable circumstances months and years hence; for the common man in question will be modern-day slavery, for he opens his doors and betrays his secrets to sign a contract in the mistaken belief that he is secure from harm should he fail to comply with the agreement, only to receive a shock once the terms are violated and rapine descends upon him to satisfy his creditors. And if such measures, abstracted away from all personal responsibility, are not enough to satisfy the debt? Then penal interest and financial penalties drive him into debt bondage forevermore. He can no longer recourse to a higher authority, nor flee his creditors, for smart contracts will surely prevent his escape.
Thoughts, /biz/?

>> No.14625700

>As it currently stands, western institutions enforce a fair and just legal system

stopped reading there. fucking yikes, back to r**dit kike

>> No.14625748

fair and just are terms which are derivatives of morals
morality is subjective

>> No.14625767

Author a smart contract firewall that requires all entities to recognize your sovereign authority as a man if they wish to interface with you.

>> No.14626440


>sovereign citizen enforced by smart contract

Good luck in court.

>> No.14626599

the whole point is that you don't need the courts because smart contracts are auto-enforcing anon

>> No.14626654



>> No.14626723

would you care to elaborate on that faggot

>> No.14626733

Well then don't agree to them.

>> No.14626742

As long as I can get rich and fuck off the the country side I literally don't care.