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14623255 No.14623255 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Portland and there are tons of strip clubs.

I have built a small reputation for myself at some of the local strip clubs for being a loaded, drunk trust fund kid, who is really good with money, real estate and government.

Some of the girls have approached me and kind of asked to live with me.

How can I pimp them out without being worried about eviction or sex trafficking?

>> No.14623278

You're going to want to avoid this plan. Leave the girls at the club, they are crazy.

>> No.14623279

you want hookers hooking out of your home? is that some kind of cuckception?

>> No.14623290

Make them pay rent, also I’m considering moving to Portland could you tell me more about the city?

>> No.14623294

Doing it in America is a very bad idea. They could rek you easily if they ever got pissed. This country is too cucked

>> No.14623306

I can afford to buy a second worse home.
I have heard asian women buying apartment complexes then pumping out of them.

>> No.14623322

About 10 years ago I rented rooms in my house to strippers.
>Lots of drugs
>Lots of drama
>Probation searches of whole house because one was on probation
>Rent was paid in cash, not late
>All their periods synced which made one week of hell a month
Anon, I'd avoid if possible.

>> No.14623346

Get your clients to pay them in BRAP tokens instead of FIAT

>> No.14623350

You have to naturally be a pimp to keep these hoes in check. I don't think you have the ingredients so I would stay away. If they already know you're paid then they will try to blackmail you. You showed your cards too early.

>> No.14623353
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easy use brapp coin
rent each one an apartment, make them camwhores, not sex involved, get paid in brappers

>> No.14623428

Blackmail me over what?
How much do can girls make?

>> No.14623458

camwhores make thousands, just look the web page myfreecams

>> No.14623594

bad idea

>> No.14623928

The hoes already see you as a trick. They're never going to see you as anything but a trick. A Pimp can never afford to look like a trick. Seriously, every motherfucker who pays for pussy and gets fascinated by it suddenly thinks that they can go from being taken for their money to taking the hoe's money without bothering to examine the psychology underpinning the entire thing.

Let me be 100% clear. TO THEM YOU ARE THE TRICK AND THE TRICK CAN NEVER BE THE PIMP. They aren't hitting you up for pimping, they're hitting you up to extract free housing and upkeep from your dumb ass.

>> No.14623969
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>> No.14624032
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I don't live in portland but I've traveled there once. Clown world mega deluxe, plus all females look like pic related. I'm not even exaggerating, even I was surprised

>> No.14624039
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>> No.14624106

you sound like you have good money, why do something like this?

>> No.14624112
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10/10 something my dad would watch if this was a reality tv show

>> No.14624189

Guys, just so you’re aware; in the pimp vernacular it’s spelled “ho” for the working women and not “hoe” like the gardening tool.


>> No.14624206


>Not understanding that these hoes are for farming

>> No.14624207

Anon, even non-strippers will ask to live with you once they see you have money. Definitely do not do this plan.

>> No.14624230

Take a drink from my estus flask, you’ve earned it.

>> No.14624252

"really good with government" quit larping kid and get back to your drive thru job before your boss gets mad at you for being in the bathroom on your phone for 20 minutes

>> No.14624255

this. don't get involved with a bunch of crazy girls, dude. one is enough when you finally decide to get married

>> No.14624266
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we got us a gramma pimp !

>> No.14624283
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>> No.14624286

you can't be a pimp you're going to get your shit rocked. only a few people in the world can be a pimp effectively. read iceberg slims pimp book.

>> No.14624297

No, just addressing a common error. Kind of like all the obese moms on youtube sharing their strategy to “loose” weight.

>> No.14624359

I live in Portland. It can be a cool city but is getting crowded and expensive. It rains for 9 months but summer is nice and hot. There are a ton of strip clubs and nightlife is pretty fun.

>> No.14624361


That was one of the grittiest reads I've ever had. I listened to Pimp on audio book.

>> No.14624430

imagine seeing some crusty incel reading pimp on the bus

>> No.14624440

All the women have tattoos. My friend says it’s like fucking a comic book.

>> No.14624466
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actual pimping would be stupid as fuck since

its illegal
johns are shady unpredictable fucks
literally std's walking around your house (gross)
shit tier money
too much stress

do what I did OP, become a "twitch manager" aka find some chick whos up to stream herself playing video games, help out with the parts she sucks at and let her sit infront of the cam while you collect 15% off the cucks tipping

It sounds easy but actually a decent amount of work, I sort of stumbled across this similar to you my now ex-gf was just starting to strip at the time but hated it, she heard about camming from some other girl and I said "lol why get naked when you can just game and get even more"

Long story short i helped her out, and 2 more girls from her work asked me to help them too and that's how i got started.

Learn about streaming, obs, get some camera work and video editing courses on udemy, learn about basic anti-doxxing tactics, and tell the girls "look, i'll do all the background and technical stuff, help you setup patreon, bitcoin wallets, merchant accounts, paypal, keep it all safe so no random dude can get your personal info, you just look sexy and play vidya games"

Just you being a shield against creepy randos is enough to give you 15%, I'm pretty good at hiding my tracks, I used to uhh be a witness to a lot of illegal shit online, but even I get random calls on my cell of "hey is this amy?" and even some flower deliveries every now and then.

>> No.14624543

"Charm school" and "bad girls club" I think they were called. It was about half as enjoyable at you'd think, which is still better than watching anything on primetime tv now.

>> No.14624554

>not “hoe” like the gardening tool.
what about black 'working women'?

>> No.14624572

This has to be the worst idea I’ve read about on /biz/ ever

Someone screenshot this gem of a thread for posterity

>> No.14624599

nice blog post, amy

>> No.14624609

OP cant help it. Its in his (((ancestral))) DNA.

>> No.14624619

Yea it’s pretty rare to find a girl here with no tattoos. Strippers especially are covered in them and most are really shitty. I was lucky enough to meet a girl who does not look like a degenerate although I do have tattoos.

>> No.14624635


ty sweetie, don't forget to visit my patreon!

>> No.14624640

Instead I would convert my house to a webcam house, and post classifieds for girls to "model". Especially if you are already setup with a webcam company. Then you just provide the space / toys / equipment and take a cut.

>> No.14624655

What part of PDX do the non-thots reside in? I need with that’s not obese, doesn’t have any ink or HPV and feel like she’s being oppressed by the patriarchy.

>> No.14624658

That. Camwhoring and instawhoring. Make the account and the setup, get all the money and give them a small part, which will still be enough to convince them to stop stripping at the club. That’s the best

>> No.14624699

Also, if you look half decent you may be fucking them for live sex cams or just because they get horny while camwhoring

>> No.14624703

>even some flower deliveries every now and then
thats nice. manic obsessives who you are scamming on a daily basis having your address n sheeit - what could go rong ?

>> No.14624719

lake oswego maybe?

>> No.14624740

no sane guy would want to live with women under one roof.
this is a meme stemming from necessity that the media has turned into a "how the playboys live" thing.

if you just want to fuck go to a brothel, its way easier on your health and nerves.
there's so much drama and bullshit from one woman alone, you seriously dont want to even think about to have that multiplied by x.

>> No.14624759

i live on burnside near gresham, just tons of indians and niggers over here

>> No.14624770

>fucking your hoes
Have fun completely losing control of house full of crazy bitches

>> No.14624915

there is a problem to be a twitch thot you need to talk and play video games, most whores are low iq, cant talk, and cant play videogames, they just can stare at a camera and get naked

>> No.14625134


exactly..This idiot's gonna end up tied up and robbed with this stupid idea

>> No.14625187

gay nigger dialectic aside this anon is unironically right

>> No.14625264

No one said put the bitches to live in the workplace. No. Out of the question.

>> No.14625418


>> No.14625508

Don't know what you're trying to say, but sex is power and when you have sex with these bitches you're giving them power over you. They do it for a living, they can make money from their sex because they're better at using it than you. Maybe you can keep yourself composed but it seems like a really fucking stupid unnecessary risk to take. Stay out of the sex and stick to the money

>> No.14625551


if you're a male streamer you need to be either entertaining or talented at a game to get an audience

girls just need to look good, ramble, and play whatever game even if they suck at ti

>> No.14625640

used to live there...
for godsakes man move!
I live in Boring.
We should go to the stirp club.

>> No.14625677

How much money we talkin

>> No.14625680

Fuck you, bitch. I’ve been moderating your live shows for 6 months and you won’t even give me a free pass for the premium content behind your pay wall. Plus, I was hoping we could meet for pretzels at this year’s con’

>> No.14625706

This. The girls think you are a MARK. They will build your trust and use you.
PIMPs approach them, not the other way around.

If you don't have the most ALPHA of GAME you will be USED.

>> No.14625722

double dubs of truth
e-girls are where it's at now
international audience and its not illegal

>> No.14625891
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Learning how to e pimp from NEETs on /biz/... never change guys.

>> No.14626089

Do you want to get stabbed/falsely accused of rape/stolen from/arrested? If so, this is a good plan.

>> No.14626121


If you are a trust fund kid, GTFO of Portland since it's a terrible city

Only strip club worth going to there is Spyce for the hottest girls, like legit Playboy and Maxim models who go on rotations to cities where they dance, and then Casa Diablo for the freakiest girls.

>> No.14626131


This, just with more flannel and unshaved legs. There's maybe 15 truly hot girls in the entire city.

>> No.14626369

Unless you're a legit psychopath who is gonna punch these broads in the head whenever they get lippy, don't do it. You said it yourself that you're a trust fund kiddy, they don't fear you and they sure as hell don't respect you. You can't pull it off, and even if you did you'll end up in jail one day. The biggest thing to know about pimps though, is they seduce these women into doing it, they love their pimp. These hoes don't love you, all you are to them is a sucker who'd make it rain in their off hours.

>> No.14626477

they want to take you money, you know?

>> No.14626661



>> No.14627351


Unless you know how to be an ice-cold, leader of an organized group, you have no chance. In order to succeed in this business in the USA, you have to be cold and calculative. You can't be the stereotypical negro pimp that just walks the streets.

You'd have to have property, an online repertoire, high-class quality women, an organization or a group of grunts who will guard the women and keep them in check. Ruthless, yet reserved. Think Yakuza and how they stay in the shadows yet make bank from guys who want to use their women's services. Today's pimps don't even interact with their "product."

Think Taken movie, but with less forced prostitution. Fuck with your group and you get shot, then disappeared.

>> No.14628008

My gf is from a small city on the outskirts of Portland. So many people are not from Portland who live here. It is very rare to find a girl not inked up due to the attitude of the city. If you go to college here it would be much easier to find one.

>> No.14628077

I dated a stripper at the acropolis for a few months. Nice girl, liked heavy metal and odinism. She burned sage over me as a blessing before she moved to Norway to be in apparel design.

A lot of the strippers in Portland are actually nice girls if you aren’t too attached to them.

>> No.14628422

Being good with government mostly means understanding zoning codes, knowing how to fill out forms, and calling the right departments. It’s a really basic set of skills that lots of idiots don’t understand.