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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14620784 No.14620784 [Reply] [Original]

**tap tap.. AHEM

To all the non-beliEVErs let me explain your future:

You fight it as the memes become worse and worse. First obscure pajeet memery, then technical autism, then obscene tranny trash.

But for some reason devery keeps on mooning it just won't stop. You can't understand why a garage door exit scam is up 1000% on the 7 day chart and your bags just can't keep up.

After disbelief you actually DYOR and determine that yes you will buy devery when it's 70 cents. It corrects down to 40 cents and you proclaim:
*fuck it I'm out it was a scam all along*

Then it continues to go to $2 in a matter of a few weeks. You proceed to think:

*I'm a visionary I knew this project was legit! Afterall I bought under $1 last time.*

So you buy in again only for it to continue going to $10.

That's right biz it's never too late to join the team. Why fight it.

>> No.14620827
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Buy books have doubled since yesterday and literally no one is selling. I want to get in but I don't want to pump it

>> No.14620957

between EVE and QNT idex is poppin.

Tfw LINK is at $3+ and EVE is under 1M marketcap

>> No.14620998

i have 600 of these from a year ago im never fucking buying more u lovely indian individual

>> No.14621283
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I heard you need 50-100k to make it in the next month is that true? I only got 15k but thinking about getting more. Plz help m8

>> No.14621324

The R/R on this is insanely good 50k EVE is good for a low risk high reward bag at these levels

>> No.14621583
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That stack could turn into $600 desu.

That's a lot of curry.

>> No.14621645

Shill me this coin please

>> No.14621673
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Devery is a protocol for product tracking and authentication. Anyone can create an app on devery. Markery.io is an example of such an app.

After creating an app account you give permission to other ethereum addresses to create brand accounts. Brands can then add products that they make and then mark each product with a NFT (ERC721).

Every marked product can be tracked through ownership transition.

Big Data collection and analysis is possible with certain smart contract functions.(Monitoring all of your products for stuff you care about)

In order to generate a ERC721 and mark products (letting you track their ownership). You must use EVE. Some EVE goes to the App developer and some is burned. In markery.io currently 1 EVE is burned for every product marked. As utilization rises and if development proves that burning and fees are the proper token model to move forward with, devery will have a deflationary aspect. Currently the team has stated that this is not finalized and is in active research. However that is it's current mainnet functionality and you can see example transactions on etherscan.

The marked added to products can be stored on NFC, QR codes, RFID, or any other method you can think of to store a sha256 encrypted hash.

This means devery works for both physical and digital products of any kind.

To see the toolkit for Devery you can refer to Deveryjs:


>> No.14621699
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Devery is Ethereums only option to compete with hyperledger without Devery Ethereum cannot succeed. Fight centralization

>> No.14621912
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5M marketcap waiting to starts here !

>> No.14622167

Thanks, that sounds solid!

I have two questions though.

1. Why did the price peak and then drop to almost nothing in the past?
2. Does this contend with vidt?

>> No.14622209

Bear market like every other alt
You could build VIDT on top of EVE protocol and make vidt redundant.

>> No.14623025

At this rate that will only take a few weeks

>> No.14623041

Nice gif you pajeet street shitter

>> No.14623058

this makes VIDT tech look like a Chinese rip off

>> No.14623208

Easy 10c by monday

>> No.14623284
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time to kick the tires and light the fires pajeets in training

>> No.14623320
File: 210 KB, 1024x694, devery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eve has the prospect to surpass vidt.

>> No.14623331
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made in america, son.

>> No.14623463

Managed to get 10k right before it started to moon. How much will I make?

>> No.14623473

Wayyyyyyy undervalued ... I love you 4chan

>> No.14623570

Why the fuck haven’t I heard about this before!?!?

>> No.14623624

Holy fuck this actually has some volume now ???

>> No.14623672


Get woke anon, this is going to 20c

>> No.14623737

This is a co-ordinated pnd. The product is going nowhere. The CEO is a child.

Investing in this is a game of hot potato: the loser goes backs to his mom's basement.

>> No.14623779

Up 100% its going to 10c

>> No.14623790


90% of the posts in this thread are from the same group

>> No.14623813

Wow how did I miss this one???

>> No.14623976
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>> No.14624004

Can we make new ath???

>> No.14624683

What the fuck is devery??? Why is this getting shilled??

>> No.14624748

Desperate bag holders lost thousands of dollars on vapourware. Now we get threads with a few sub humans using different IPs to shit up biz while they shit up the streets

>> No.14624757
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The utility token is a replacement for gas on Ethereum. Bokky is one of multiple OGs who are advising and participating in development; he created a token transmission service which allows you to sign and send messages on ETH without holding any Ether. Devery Protocol itself allows users and developers to interact with the blockchain and write/edit multiple types of metadata captured by non-proprietary scanners, QR codes, NFC and RFID tech, or other signatures. If it has a unique "tag" it can be hashed. Last week they published Markery with two Android additions. They also provide a growing JS suite for anyone looking to create their own tagging, tracking and chain of ownership apps. Comes with boilerplate and documentation

Anything marked (physical or digital) consumes 1 EVE token— burnt to 0x00. App developers can also set an additional fee. Although they've been adamant 1 EVE per mark is their current plan, this will change as the demand outstrips supply on exchanges with only 100m total tokens.

Devery is interoperable and chain-agnostic, meaning it can be deployed on practically any network. They recently finished a trial on POA network and tailored their apps for the United Nations and Tunisian gov't (not larping, look up UN World Food Program in Tunisia + Devery. Additionally, theres literature on other startups that have trialed blockchain solutions to aid and NGO resource tracking).

Dozens of fortune 500 companies are trying to build on ETH now. ERC-20s are about to have their moment. Look no further than LINK, REN, MKR, BAT, and ZRX.

Everything you've seen about this coin on 4chan lately has been organic. We've gone turbo autismo now that this project has solid ground. Developers will only build more on the protocol, and the total supply of tokens will only decrease. The true shill of the EVE token is that with each new item marked, that transactional value is "baked" into the ecosystem. It will eventually reach the mean gas price of ETH