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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 805 KB, 1092x1108, Chad starter pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14618395 No.14618395 [Reply] [Original]

It's really simple!

>> No.14618414

This is a reality friends

>> No.14618440

lition already went 5x in one month. buying in at ATH?

>> No.14618448

The pump is over everybody is moving back inot vidt lol

>> No.14618453

Yeah it will do that again in the coming month.

>> No.14618479
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You have no idea. This is going to go full Raiblocks/Nano.

>> No.14618496


>> No.14618517

this is sitting at ATH for a few days now. It has stabilzed and is ready to take of again.

>> No.14618525
File: 529 KB, 1136x1596, LIT VS LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's hear it then.

>> No.14618532

Lol at these fucking retards honestly I just cant stop laughing

Team just confirmed that they put in the word for SAP to update their partnerships. Once that comes out you think this isnt going to blow up retards?

>> No.14618536
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This anon gets it.

>> No.14618543

Yeah it's held up really well. Just a matter of time before it vomits upward.

>> No.14618545


>> No.14618547

the fact of the matter is that there is NO SAP partnership. NO SAP! sap is simply acknowledging that they exist but there is NO SAP!

>> No.14618558

Exactly. Dr. Jürgen Müller and Co. are probably LIT whales and want to see it moon, just like the rest of us.

>> No.14618562

So let me get this right, the CTO of the giant software machine that is SAP with billions of revenues co-authored the white paper, has an active advisor role as per linkedin and interview, another SAP team member announced their co-innovation partnership at Consensus 2018, they have real use, 1 being p2p energy, and 2 being a $20m bank loan on the blockchain, talks with German government, talks with Arrington Capital, market cap under $10m, prolonged lockup period, application to Binance DEX, top volume on IDEX, GRDP compliant, and this is still sub $10M?

This is either the greatest scam of 2019 or the best undervalued crypto of 2019.

You seen what Oracle did for LINK, consider what SAP can do for LIT.

Oh btw SAP has a larger market share than Oracle.

Drops microphone. Scoops up pageet’s tokens with 20eth market buys every few hours.

>> No.14618564

You're not getting it cheaper.

>> No.14618570

Hmm, okay.. Is this interview just CGI then?


Please elaborate.

>> No.14618573

You had time to accumulate pajeet

>> No.14618593
File: 765 KB, 2905x2586, JM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Jürgen Müller is a fucking awesome title/name by the way. With a name like that, you cannot fail in life. Ever.

>> No.14618595

I expect them to announce it in a few days hopefully. Whales will start pumping before that though so this is your last chance to get it this cheap.

>> No.14618609

He still has time, but he doesn't realize.
>pajeet living
>forever poor
>doesn't get it
>never will

>> No.14618610
File: 82 KB, 732x621, Peter Altmaier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will see.
they are big with german government (pic related), team consists of autist, have a working usecase in energy sector, partnership with german banks (STO), GDPR compliant, only blockchain with delete function, staking (get in early), low marketcap and there is SAP CTO as advisor.

>SAP is bigger than Oracle btw.

>> No.14618614

And then top that off with a top exchange listing and we're 20x from here. Could all happen within the next couple of weeks.

>> No.14618622


>> No.14618626

75% of the LIT team hold PhD's. You don't see that very often.

>> No.14618629




>> No.14618632
File: 37 KB, 700x602, fleturth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you become so retarded? Was it congenital or did you have to practice?

>> No.14618634

just look at this team

CEO, Dr. Richard Lohwasser

>Richard holds a Ph.D. in energy economics and is an international awarded IT specialist and blockchain expert. At 15, he was fluent in 7 different programming languages. At 17, he developed and founded the startup Clanintern.de, a Top-10 website at that time in Germany, with 1 million views per day. Later he completed a 5-year university program in 3 years and graduated as No. 1 student. After founding another tech startup in California and working for 6 years as a strategy consultant for McKinsey, he was appointed the youngest director in the history of Vattenfall: a US$ 10bn European utility corporation. Directly before Lition, Richard was managing director of German operations at leading independent international energy supplier ExtraEnergie, where he was respo
nsible for >350 employees and US$ >1bn in sales.

COO, Dr. Kyung-Hun Ha

>Kyung has a strong management and IT background. He holds an MBA and Ph.D. in IT (Summa cum Laude). He has been a director for Online at Vattenfall, one of four leading multinational energy conglomerates in Germany with more than US$ 10 bn in sales. Currently, he is a senior director responsible for operations at GASAG, a US$ 1,4 bn leading energy supplier in Germany. In addition to his operational functions with Lition and his role at GASAG, he is an expert in the field of online marketing & data analytics. Prior and in parallel to his corporate career, he has successfully founded five start-ups in the tech and ecommerce sectors.

>> No.14618645

Not if you want to be compliant with the GDPR and go mainstream, you retard.

>> No.14618646

I'm a burger. Where do I buy this LIT?

>> No.14618664

BOARD MEMBER, Dr. Manfred Gabriel

>Manfred has invested more than US$ 1.2bn, with 850mn from institutional investors. He holds a Ph.D. in Business. He was one of the founding partners of ADVISUM in 2001 and has since developed, raised, invested in, and jointly managed funds. He founded various start-ups and invested in more than 100 companies with approx. 35.000 total employees and a combined revenue of more than US$ 7 bn. Prior to this, he was Managing Partner at the investment firm GCI Management in Switzerland, and an account manager at Cap Gemini responsible for growing and restructuring companies in the technology, automotive and financial sectors like Deutsche Bank, BMW AG and Citigroup.


>Reinhard completed his master’s degree in physics and holds an MBA. He has been a partner of ADVISUM since 2006. Until now, he has been responsible for an investment volume of more than US$ 400m. Additionally he founded three startups, one together with his brother Richard Lohwasser. Before that, Reinhard worked for Lucent Technologies in various top management positions, such as Global Product Management Team Lead, where he held the profit and loss responsibility for the worldwide leader in optical multiplexer. Prior to that, he worked as a consultant for Cap Gemini, GCI Management, and Lockheed Martin, USA, in the field of atomic physics.

>> No.14618666

there is a right to be forgotten. no blockchain is GDPR compliant in that sense. why does it matter? because companies want to use GDPR compliant blockchains. companies won't be allowed to use other blockchains

>> No.14618681
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trips of truth

>> No.14618694
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>> No.14618700

IDEX or Hotbit. Hotbit is easier, but you'll also end up paying a higher price. Don't leave your funds on an exchange. Transfer them to a MEW wallet.

>> No.14618713

then its just a database....its not a blockchain....

>> No.14618747

For brainlets. GDPR is EU wide provacy laws. Every business needs to conform to it if it wants to operate in the EU.
inb4 muh burger.
EU is pretty much incontournable for any business with global reach so all the big names that you can think off are trying to make their business compliant.

>> No.14618749
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You moron. It's used as a currency between energy consumers. If you for instance have solar panels on your roof and you use less energy than you produce, then the system sells it automatically - and that's where LIT comes into play.

Do you really think SAP is just goofing around not knowing what they're doing?

>> No.14618757

Only the sidechains are private.
Not the core chain

>> No.14618763

I'm glad you're too stupid to profit from this.

>> No.14618778


>> No.14618791

Hey don't bring me into this. I'm a literal flat earther (watched Eric Dubay's 200 Proofs Earth is not a Spinning Ball) and even I hold 3.3k lit.

>> No.14618807

This is BS. No one keeps personal data on a fucking distributed blockchain as you then have multiple copies of that data that you can no longer control. You keep personal data on a private server under centralised control which can be referenced by a Txm on a public chain. GDPR compliant decentralised blockchains are a myth.

>> No.14618818

lmao exactly these fags are retarded

>> No.14618819

Now I feel like dumping my LIT.

Listen up, Earth isn't flat.

Riddle me this: What is the only shape that allows for an object to be exposed to an equal amount of light and shadow at all times?

>> No.14618832

Did you spend time at a university? It means nothing, they can scam you, they can make horrible mistakes. Don't be fooled by a title.

>> No.14618835

low tier FUD

>> No.14618837

nigger cock in your ass

>> No.14618902

Very intelligent refutal, must say. I'm convinced now, Earth must surely be flat.

>> No.14618926

I was into pretty "normal" conspiracies for a few years and youtube recommended a flat earth video and my friend and I watched it just for the lulz but after an hour we were like shit this might be it. This was a long time ago and I forget the video but I highly recommend people watch the Eric Dubay video I mentioned just for the lulz and so you can argue against flat earthers better. I'm not saying I think the earth is flat, just that I wouldn't be surprised now if it wasn't round. If that worries you, then I will happily buy your lit.

>> No.14618937

The price isn't dumping pajeets. Whats the next step of your master plan?

>> No.14618942

I've also watched a lot of these videos, but it's laughable. Earth isn't flat. If you have a somewhat good understanding of math and science, you know that it's pure bullshit.

Probably some kike-op to distract and discredit people. But let's talk about LIT.

>> No.14618952

They'll probably find some clean streets to shit in.

>> No.14618959

>But let's talk about LIT.

He said likely to develope bridge to binance but it doesn't look like there's any evidence yet. But with the volume we're currently pulling on idex, a listing on binance would be another chainlink.

>> No.14618975
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>> No.14618999

Yeah, I read that. But since I'm not an expert in cryptos and blockchain tech, I don't know what they even mean with bridge to binance? I mean.. LIT is an ERC-20, and ETH is already on Binance DEX, so what's the point/issue?

I'd be more excited about a listing on Binance CEX. That'll spark a ton of attention.

>> No.14619033

Somehow I feel 50$ EOY doesnt even seem impossible

>> No.14619035

that's called distribution phase

>> No.14619138

nice. Once it's on dex it will be more likely to get on cex.

>> No.14619152
File: 840 KB, 1920x1280, 1554555224884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Normal" conspiracies
>Maybe the earth is flat

>> No.14619210

You're implying that I'm stupid, but you couldn't correctly comprehend four short sentences.

>> No.14619228
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>Wouldn't be surprised if it isn't round

>> No.14619237
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>> No.14619547

Super comfy

>> No.14619713
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>> No.14620526
File: 91 KB, 1228x462, Screenshot from 2019-07-06 15-29-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
