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14613560 No.14613560 [Reply] [Original]

For those of us who have been accumulating Link for the past 2 years, is there a point of buying more at these prices?

>> No.14613565
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pic related

>> No.14613581

no, you missed it.
We are full already

>> No.14613586

So? Yes?

>> No.14613585

only if you hate making even more gains on even more money.

>> No.14613598

i have been buying dips below 3.50 even though i have a stack. to me the link chart is like no other shitcoin, seems decoupled from btc

>> No.14613615

It feels pointless to be buying more at these prices even though we will objectively still minimum 10x but more likely still 100x our money on them. We will look back at today and wonder why why didn't chuck that last few hundred bucks in for an extra 100 Linkies.

But man it still feels like nothing.

>> No.14613644

Depends... if you're still waging then definitely 100% yes, better than wasting your money on normie shit or putting your money in shitcoins.

If you're a neet, not really.

>> No.14613645

Try to find a low cap moonshot that can x10 before then get more link with the profit

>> No.14613648

such as?

>> No.14613650
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Yes if you think the price will go up. It's that simple.

>> No.14613652

True I just get hesitant to buy the top when I see normies buying "shares" of Chainlink on Coinbase and forbes articles causing boomer fomo.

I've been buying Eth if Smart Contracts are adopted because of Link surely this will make Eth more valuable as well.

>> No.14613665

Maybe but I think most enterprises would rather use Hyperledger.

>> No.14613680

youre missing the point, your ROI will still be greater with link even if it is a mildly successful

>> No.14613691

I was hoping rsr would be it but no luck so far

>> No.14613693

and this

>> No.14613716

Literally what I'm doing right now, got in early, skipped the middle, now getting in late

>> No.14613741

It costs more in the long run to not buy Link right now.

>> No.14613782

I still buy. It hurts driving up my average price but who cares. More LINK!

>> No.14613823

Can't scuff my .34 average.

>> No.14614041
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>> No.14614059

fucking kek

>> No.14614072


>> No.14614079

Yea. To cause more FOMO. Just market buy small increments to induce further fomo

>> No.14614088

Considering XRP is an absolutely useless centralized premined shitcoin with no actual clients or users, and is worth 16 billion, I'd say it's still an easy 16x gain for LINK which will surpass XRP this year.

>> No.14614132

I'm buying at $3.50 and lower but that's purely a mental barrier if you look at the chart it just gains and gains there's really no other coin worth holding except BTC

>> No.14614199
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>> No.14614232

If you expect it to outperform any other investment you could make including holding cash then you should buy.

>> No.14614233

I'm not stopping

>> No.14614468

I've been buying since pre-sibos '17
I'm still buying every week
It's simple.
Keep buying LINK
Do not sell until at least $1000.
It doesn't matter if normies are in
Every single LINK you buy is securing your future.
Stop being a faggot. Buy more now

>> No.14614473

take it from a link marine that's been holding a 13k stack since the first trades on etherdelta—
you're making a mistake
i only wound up getting 7k extra link by gambling on other coins, when i could have had over 50k by just buying it outright
i found a few low-caps that seemed like sure things, and i got fucked bad on almost every one
every square inch of this market is rigged to fuck your head in sideways
98% of people lose playing the shitcoin lottery, and the few that win are either part of whale groups that try to make anyone who states the obvious fact that the vast majority of people get fucked into oblivion feel like they're just a stupid loser to shut them up, or they're a rare case of incredibly fortunate luck
the one thing that's for certain is that chainlink is useful to all of crypto, and its tokenomics are exceptional
i will literally never sell anything that i have ever again
i am still buying; currently at 21k, almost at 22
i couldn't care less if chainlink dropped to $0.10, or soared to $100; i'm still buying
i will continue to accumulate, regardless of the scenario

>> No.14614491

ONE is the one i'm focusing on right now

>> No.14614518

How's poverty?

>> No.14614566

>i couldn't care less if chainlink dropped to $0.10, or soared to $100; i'm still buying
i will continue to accumulate, regardless of the scenario
this is literally mental illness

>> No.14615020

or, you could say that the numerous positive developments in chainlink lend to my faith in it, and both you and i in addition to everyone else on /biz/ and the entire internet have witnessed the incredible volatility of the existing successful cryptocurrencies, which leads me to believe that $0.10 chainlink—the price at ICO, mind you—would not necessarily be "the end" of chainlink
if you're a whale, get bent

>> No.14615222

The answer is fuck yes! I bought $10k worth at 30 somehthing cents. Then bought more at 50 cents. Again at .90, 1.30, 2.40 and 3.10. If you got money laying around why the fuck not. If you truly believe in the product and the potential then you're leaving money on the table not buying at these prices. "The best time to buy was yesterday, the next is today." Of course i wish i wouldve bought more when it was sub .50 but i can't. So stop being a faggot.

>> No.14615269

Trips of truth

>> No.14615278
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>> No.14615309

I've been accumulating for 18 months. This fucking thing won't break the $3.75 resistance because it's known as that racist 4chan coin. Thanks a lot you fucking niggers.

>> No.14615323

No. Move into microcaps. A good amount of LINK profits are being distributed on IDEX right now. EVE seems to be the frontrunner, based on change of price. Problem is books are thin, so you have to set bids and hope for a dump. Smart anons accumulated the shit out of this and are moving it too fast.

>> No.14615327

what is difference between 1k to .25 and 1k to 3.5, on a grand scheme of thing nothing.

>> No.14615328

Wasn't able to buy link two years ago and didn't DMOR anyway so I'm a 9K linklet, still buying more LINK all the way to $10 though seeing as FIAT is worthless anyway

>> No.14615336

Bought at ico 8k Link for like $900. Haven't sold any yet and since it mooned a little I want to buy again. Shiiieeet why didn't I put all my eth on it during the ico.

>> No.14615373

>FIAT is worthless anyway
redpilled comment

>> No.14615376

I buy every month regardless of price. Picked up a bag at $3.43 just yesterday.

>> No.14615412

I havent been buying more, I'm comfortable with my current stack

>> No.14615421

I bought over 80k at sub 20 cents prices. For me to be able to buy 10k i would need more than the total value of my savings. I definitely feel priced out even though it is very undervalued. I will never hold 100k but i hold over 80k. 8 can't justify buying more when it makes up 90% of my net worth.

>> No.14615446


>> No.14615462

And thank me later


>> No.14615478
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80k for sub-20 cents? Stop RPing, you would already be up like 1500% and long gone if that was the case.

>> No.14615495
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>They weren’t made abreast of all the facts.

>> No.14615629

>was there a point in buying btc at 3.50?
This is how you sound.

>> No.14615676

Fuck off you faggot, how are your eve bags going? Only a -80% from ATH?

>> No.14615699
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I mean.. there's always a risk. But you know what this is?

>> No.14615711


>> No.14615750

I literally have over $300k usd in link at this moment between many wallets. Not larping i've been holding link since october 2017. I still come here sometimes.

>> No.14615814

Why is chainlink constantly being shilled by pajeets on twitter? Account created in may/june 2019 that are following each other and obvious samefags shilling link nonstop. Bigger accounts do same shit + are doing fake givewaways which always wins one of the new link shilling accounts. Makes it look really fishy

>> No.14615869

tonight is the night $5 eoy

>> No.14615887

I stopped buying at 50cents. I'm good

>> No.14615892

And thank me later


>> No.14615896

its their hope to steal money from the west by shilling link

almost every one here fell for it. when they sell its going to burn so many people its funny

>> No.14615899

Same. I post less but I'm still around

>> No.14615904

It's going to $1000 EOY

>> No.14615936

I'm buying for the sake of giving away. Every time I donate a token out, I have to buy back in.

>> No.14616030

Because $300K is not fuck you money. Link is not even a functioning project right now. ISDA, SWIFT, if it all works, add another few zeros, then only nulinker would be left here.

>> No.14616094

I can't wait for the day someone accuses me of larping with my 60k stack. Bullish as fuck that 80k Link is now considered larp territory.

>> No.14616711

To be fair there are plenty of people who larp on here. Telling people gere is okay but you shouldn't tell people irl.

>> No.14616743

20k link triggered whale alerts when it was above $4.

>> No.14616919

It will do 1000000x, fucking newfag

>> No.14616932

Makes me feel even better as a 5k linklet

>> No.14616935

I don’t get it... where did the ogs go? Even 100k stack @$4 is only $400k. I thought we were going to shitpost on biz until 1k eoy or at least til$100 for fuck u type of $.

>> No.14616954

Oh fuck ya im a fucking whale with 30k. boys we really are gonna make it

>> No.14616964
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pic also related

>> No.14616973
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even better

>> No.14617011
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I had you beat but have continued to accumulate. Either way marine - good job and hold strong.

>> No.14617060
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>The year is 2025
>USD has inflated 36% since 2019 because of some bullshit excuse the Fed gave after the Jan 2020 crash
>1 LINK is 3,700 United States Dollars
>decide to swing just 4% of my measly 10k stack to make a quick few links manipulating the market with my literal reddit change
/biz/ will rule the world soon

>> No.14617071

More for us, less for everyone else

>> No.14617098

I'm still buying. There's still tons of upside

>> No.14617129

I set up a recurring buy for $20 a day. Already have 15k but what the hell

>> No.14617136

At what price point will link OGs stop buying? $10, $100?

>> No.14617372


>> No.14617493

When will this pajeet coin dump?

>> No.14617499

always worth it