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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14612797 No.14612797 [Reply] [Original]

I am dicking around with about 15-16 ETH, and want to jump to 100 ETH in the next few months.

Anyone have some good ideas?

current folio:
16 eth
3200 VIDT
2900 LIT
235000 SNTVT

>> No.14612813

>235000 SNTVT

>> No.14612829
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Why even ask

>> No.14612835
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is $500 (purchased at around $359)
unironically a fair amount of money for you?

>the real yikes is your financial situation

>> No.14612840

do i fomo into qnt

>> No.14612852


>> No.14613015
File: 524 KB, 1000x720, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check them out, thanks

>> No.14613530

sell everything for eth it will be $800 by eom and you'll regret it

>> No.14614097


>> No.14614107

How do i invest in blitzcoin?

>> No.14614157

Chx is about to enter it's next phase
Secondary sto market coming

>> No.14614176


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.14614224

Toss 5 ETH in BRAP and thank me later.

>> No.14614270

Stop playing league of legends you little bitch

>> No.14614299
File: 132 KB, 500x500, evelambo3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a new lambocoin on the block desu

>> No.14614319

What the fuck is going on. I own this coin but what the fuck is this meme. It's like a curry shitting INDIAN pretending to understand memes

>> No.14614336

And what's this scam? Drain your wallet or something? You've been posting this shit for weeks. There ain't an arbitrage opportunity for that long

>> No.14614395

No google it its legit just hitbtc and okex have low volume
>forkdelta is a scam
newfag kek

>> No.14614592
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>> No.14614610
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Kek <——— THIS ONE

You own literally /biz/ flavor of the month shitcoins holy fack I’m fuggin laffin alrite. Hello and goodbye reddit. Pi network, FTM, lit, vidt, now qnt were all pumped and dumped on here over the past 3-4 months. The typical lifespan of biz flavor of the month scams. With chainlink entering price discovery and causing a ruckus so many of you reddit fags have turned this board further into a cesspool of shit then what it already was. So happy though that all of you faggots will still miss out on Link because you bought scams lmao.

>> No.14614621

Ok gl

>> No.14614766

>eth it will be $800 by eom and you'll regret it
My body is ready

>> No.14614779

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

>> No.14614794

dropped a hard eth thanks

>> No.14614800

quant you literal retard

>> No.14614810

Hold ETH
Thanks anon

>> No.14614815

All in vidt

>> No.14614857

to cover the hundreds of traded assets and exchanges you probably need to get price feeds through the exchanges' public APIs, if they have them. set them up to alert you when there is a discrepancy. all of it can be automated in theory.

I was thinking since people are probably already doing this at scale on the larger exchanges you're better off focsing on the smaller dexes

hope you know how to code

>> No.14614951

based advice

>> No.14615100

alt season might not come this time

>> No.14615213


>> No.14615247

LINK, obviously

>> No.14615255

>posting a screenshot of an image from your icuck

>tries to FUD, fails miserably


>> No.14615268

BRAP is the new 4chan lambo coin. Cheap as all fuck right now, sky's the limit on it

>> No.14615324
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>> No.14615393
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100% on Ethereum Classic

>> No.14615403


>> No.14615567


>> No.14615756

Damn wish I knew about this a week ago. Still, good arb

>> No.14615813

Just buy and hold dont buy biz pnds

>> No.14616056


>> No.14616218


>> No.14616389


>> No.14616431

Redpill me on SNTVT

>> No.14616574


>> No.14616595


>> No.14616681

Solid folio

With what you have rn, might grab IDEX since the charts look good for a reversal and maybe wait for LIT to finish the short term bottom a week from now. QNT has a way to go too but it's iffy buying in at +30%, I'd give it a day to see how it looks

>> No.14616732
File: 176 KB, 2532x1096, Screenshot_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVE is the chart with the maximum amount of growth over the next 2-3 months.
The utility token is a replacement for gas on Ethereum. Bokky is one of multiple OGs who are advising and participating in development; he created a token transmission service which allows you to sign and send messages on ETH without holding any Ether. Devery Protocol itself allows users and developers to interact with the blockchain and write/edit multiple types of metadata captured by non-proprietary scanners, QR codes, NFC and RFID tech, or other signatures. If it has a unique "tag" it can be hashed. Last week they published Markery with two Android additions. They also provide a JS suite for anyone looking to create their own tagging, tracking and chain of ownership apps. Comes with boilerplate and documentation
Anything marked (physical or digital) consumes 1 EVE token— burnt to 0x00. App developers can also set an additional fee. Although they've been adamant 1 EVE per mark is their current plan, this will change as the demand outstrips supply on exchanges with only 100m total tokens.
Devery is interoperable and chain-agnostic, meaning it can be deployed on practically any network. They recently ended a trial on POA and tailored their apps for the United Nations and Tunisian gov't (not larping, look up UN World Food Program in Tunisia + Devery. Additionally, theres literature on other startups that have trialed blockchain solutions to aid and NGO resource tracking).
Fortune 500 companies are trying to build on ETH now. ERC-20s are about to have their moment. Look no further than LINK, REN, MKR, BAT, and ZRX.
Everything you've seen about this coin on 4chan lately has been organic. We've gone turbo autismo now that this project has solid ground. Developers will build more on the protocol, and the total supply of tokens will decrease. The true shill of EVE is with each new item marked, that value is "baked" in. It will eventually reach the mean gas price of ETH.

>> No.14616733


>> No.14616779

God i hope so

>> No.14616787 [DELETED] 

wish i knew about this a week ago. still, good arb desu

>> No.14616796

I also have 15 ETH and am trying to get 100 ETH...

We need to ride one of these /biz/ shitcoin waves. I've been hearing about LINK for 1.5 years and never bought. It's an obvious shit coin. But i guess spammers got it to garner enough market cap to get listed on Coinbase (somehow), and then it did an instant 7x.

What is the lesson here? Buy a 100K stack of every shitcoin? It's honestly starting to seem like the best plan. You risk $300-500, but stand to gain $100K. Do your research, filter out the truly shitty ones, and then cop a couple new bags every month. I think it could work.

>> No.14616815

nigga why is the arb so good. just flipped 4 eth. based af

>> No.14616837

Vidt is a shitcoin going to zero

>> No.14616845

I'm already doing this for 45+ large scale exchanges + smaller unheard ones too. Both CEX and DEX. It's surprisingly saturated still, and there are not good arbs unless you're watching it & stressing 24/7. Using automated trading is always NO for arbing, because of symbol mismatches (& other reasons), but still, it's not a long-term solution to riches. Currently, you can find ONE good arb per day if you're hustling. You're honestly better off buying whatever the current shitcoin is on /biz/ and selling it next week, and hopping to the next

>> No.14616849

>bagholder venting
it wont work you're stupid

>> No.14616883

why not just buy 100 ETH if you want that much? what's the problem here

>> No.14616904

with what? not everyone has 30k lying around

>> No.14616920


I don't know much about it, but volume is going up, the price has been fairly steady for the past few days. Something's going to happen.

>> No.14616940

This is what I would say if the market wasn't saturated and i was profiting heavily off arbitrage.

>> No.14616951

you use bots you made yourself?

>> No.14617013

Why the fuck is he acting so snobby about petty cash if he doesn't even have $30k?

>> No.14617075
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It was a jab at the faggot who came at me about SNTVT, honestly.

snobby, maybe - I'll admit that.

30k is most of my net worth, so yea - 500 isn't going to end my life, and I don't give a shit about that small of a flex to dick on someone who gave me shit in on an online forum, but I wouldn't want to lose 500 either, and I certainly want to get to a respectable net worth so that I can start to purchase real businesses, longer term stable assets, etc that I can leave behind to my family and so forth.

I bet that is about half of the people coming on this board, lurker or not.

>> No.14617096

when you say net worth, what are you counting as assets? break it down

>> No.14617178
File: 21 KB, 774x720, plan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially, this silly little graphic is my current financial situation.

Not exact, by any means - but somewhere approximately this.

>> No.14617222

based ms paint

>> No.14617292


>> No.14617463


>> No.14617917

1000 eoy

>> No.14618241

Sell VIDT buy QNT

>> No.14618290

You that guy with the bot that collects fat finger orders right on dex? Remember 2 years ago seeing it and it had like 200k in the wallet

>> No.14618544


>> No.14618870

Buy Chainlink and hold until 2022

>> No.14619246

DYR faggot im not spoonfeeding you

>> No.14619360

Stfu faggot

>> No.14619783