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14604976 No.14604976 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you always mock and belittle old people here? I'm 63 years old. You think I don't have hopes and dreams same as you do? You think we old timers weren't just as trolly as you back in the 60s? Take some advice and respect your elders. Theres more to learn from us than you might think. Heck even more than when to sell and when to buy.

>> No.14605012

Fuck off boomer

>> No.14605013
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>> No.14605015

Enjoy your pet niggers beating you in the care home you're left in because you taught your kids family didn't come first and your pension is eaten by the communist parties you voted in.

>> No.14605024

based boomer working the zoomer marks

>> No.14605047

I read this in his voice and it fit

>> No.14605082

This is sad. Why do people work in care homes if they don't have the personality to suit them for it?

>> No.14605110

Well for one it's just a job and governments love preferentially giving jobs to non whites so care homes and lower hospital jobs are packed with them.

Also it's a good opportunity for them to threaten and rob the old whites. Remember other races hate outgroups.

>> No.14605145

Why would anyone have the personality to look after bitter old farts

>> No.14605154
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>more to learn from us than you might think
Like how to larp as a boomer? I listen to people that have actually achieved shit that I want to do. If I listened to school teachers, the TV, and society as a whole I wouldn't know shit about how to make money. All I would know is how to be a fucking wageslave, because most people don't know how to make money other than a fixed income. Even when they say something like "buy real estate" they don't even know thay what they should really be saying is "buy a multi-family".

>> No.14605168

You remind me of my dad. I hate my dad

>> No.14605170

Hey Kermit go fuck your roastie

Peeeeeeeee *splosh!!!

>> No.14605302
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>> No.14605368
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This, boomers will get exactly what they deserve. Enjoy sitting in your own feces while the Jamaican caretakers talk about how much they're annoyed by your crying.

>> No.14605783
File: 73 KB, 750x421, boomer logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally outdated
>honestly thinking you have anything of value to say
>can't give one piece of advice that isn't obvious
dont blow it. keep it simple. count your money.

>> No.14605863

Pretty much destroyed everything that the greatest generation did.

>> No.14605933

kek, most of you must have had really shitty parents. I feel for you all frens.

Not me though. My parents were fucking awesome. Poor as fuck but awesome. Suck shit, mentally deranged neets!

>> No.14605996

fuck off boomer