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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14601213 No.14601213 [Reply] [Original]

This is finally it

>> No.14601234


>> No.14601353
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Triple top rejected!


>> No.14601367


>> No.14601383

A triple top rejection is a bull sign. It leads to an inverted diving bart with a 20% fibonacci upside.

>> No.14601391

Dump it a bit more so I can get some more. Thanks.

>> No.14601416

Whatever this means

>> No.14601581

It means Electric Boogaloo 2 at 4pm

>> No.14601607

This. We're pinging off the MA cross at 4pm, exponential according to pascal measures and then consolidation along a platypus slope. Plan accordingly.

>> No.14601620

what the flying fuck does that mean, moon or dump?

>> No.14601648

Quadruple teacup forming on the MACD. Massive pump sides for days.

>> No.14601651

guys anyone have the chainlink song where the asian woman sings 'my linky stays super stinky'
can't find it on jewtube

>> No.14601675

Why do you anons keep making these threads when it's dumping?

>> No.14601710

It's not that binary idiot. Look at your MACD then your bollinger lines placing the MACD in the first interval. That tells you the cross of the MA, which looks set to hit at 4pm. From there it's a question of the fibonaccis for signal confirmation. Up and as we said pascal to paltypus, down and it's bart then tail.

>> No.14601717
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What are you talking about? We're scheduled to do the cha cha slide until August and September.

>> No.14601731

wait and see...

>> No.14601747

To induce emotional burnout

>> No.14601786

You fucking simpleton.
This is clearly a pentuple bunnings butane gas stove showing up on the RSI - one of the biggest we have ever seen. We're in for a wild ride, boys.

>> No.14601815


How the fuck didn't I notice it before

>> No.14601837

Look at the PE ratio. LINK hadn’t posted a positive value in two years. Gonna crab right into the ocean.

>> No.14601862


>> No.14601930
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>> No.14602017

I just got an email from NotSergeyNazarov;)@gmail.com saying that Microsoft is announcing today their partnership in Chainlink and the next gen xbox will run nodes to get live cheats for Dead Space.

Seems legit but that email address seems fishy. What you guys think?

>> No.14602099
