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File: 3.55 MB, 1080x740, cuckthezuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14598252 No.14598252 [Reply] [Original]

Doge was listed on cucknance today, shooting price up by >30%, on an already high MC. Meme coins are the future in store of value, as they have no disappointments from failed tech and bs partnerships waiting to happen.
Don't miss out on Zuckbucks, it has the same meme potential, with the added bonus of sticking it to cuckberg. Microcap with 1.5mil max coins, fairly distributed, current value <50c per coin. Currently listed on forkdelta, graviex, tokenjar and newly listed on etherflyer. CMC listing in progress. don't be a kike, invest while you can afford it, the shuttle is leaving without you once listed on cmc.
Cuck the Zuck

>> No.14598260


>> No.14598396

This is the truth. No disappointments, just memes and a middle finger to cuckerberg. We're off to the moon, .40c right now but you spastics will probably wait until it's over $1 to fomo in

>> No.14598427

Im going all in. In the future, a good meme will be worth more than sack of gold.

>> No.14598429

so stoked. DOGE binance is super bullish for the zuckfucks.