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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14590991 No.14590991 [Reply] [Original]


Post yfw you realize there aren’t billionaire whale fuckers posting on this shithole

>> No.14591096
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>> No.14591099

I took profit at ~14k, but was doing it irregardless of the call.
did a quick short today at 11.8k cause he said friday dump in this thread >>14549797 even though he advises against it; paid off so far. let's see what happens tomorrow.

>> No.14591113

isn't there only like 500 billionares in the WORLD

>> No.14591122


>> No.14591143
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>> No.14591166


>> No.14591280

About 2000

>> No.14591306

>Dude makes yes or no prediction
>If it doesn't come true nobody remembers and it fades to nothing
>If it does come true everyone goes OMG HE WAS RIGHT INSIDER ANON WAA RIGHT

Fuck off retard

>> No.14591315

Check his ip address, insider whale anon 2 leads back to honkhonkler.com bitcoin faucet, he is fucking loaded

>> No.14591433

he didnt say much.. did he ?

he said we are going down but didnt say where to ?

>> No.14591494

i tethered at 11700 because of whale anon. If it will continue to dump i will create a thread of prayers to whale anon

>> No.14591505

How much of a fucking brainlet do you have to be to be in tether rn I can’t imagine

>> No.14591517


>> No.14591524

don't be so cocksure
the decision to lock in on a short is much easier when you know others are going to as well

pink whale what's the new bottom

>> No.14591543

im not very good at crypto i admit. maybe i should have returned to fiat, not actually sure

>> No.14591551
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>> No.14591556

$11~13k eternal sideways for alts.

>> No.14591573

“They arent scared of the NYAG. They can just lawyer up. reggie was laundering cash for all sorts of shady folks, and now they are knocking on the door asking for their money back. If you are bitfinex, would you: a) say hold on you’ll get your cash back in a few years when the market recovers or b) start an immediate pump and dump pedal to the metal to repay every last cent.
“ —whale anon

>> No.14591605

Who the fuck is reggie

>> No.14591681

My dad from nintendo

>> No.14591712

>he doesn’t know

Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.14591756

Topkek was he just namedropping fake names? The fuck is reggie? I know CZ but there is no reggie in crypto. Was he a larp after all?

>> No.14591787

Dude. Look it up retard. Reggie is a real person. And be careful...you’re going down a frightening rabbit hole

>> No.14591795
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Not so fast...Bog.

>> No.14591820

“Ex-NFL Owner Reginald Fowler Said Tied to Bitfinex Missing Crypto
3 May 2019 · The wild story took another turn April 30 when federal prosecutors announced a grand jury had indicted Reginald Fowler, a 60-year-old Arizona businessman who once had a small stake in the NFL’s Minnesota Vikings. Fowler, along with an Israeli woman named Ravid Yosef, was accused ...”




>> No.14591825

It was obvious whales were pumping this from the beginning of the jump from 9.8k to 10.5k. It also wasn't a "yes or no" prediction, he said it would dump back down on friday and now its friday and its dumping. He also said it would pump back up like it did the past few days and then dump down again. Go back to r*ddit.

>> No.14591874

Woah.. 1 out of 3 whale anons made a correct prediction. Awesome

he didnt say how low we go. He didnt say anything to be honest

>> No.14592312

He gave his public key, and signed the message, just like last time.

He was right both times

>> No.14592423

show me those "both" times plz

>> No.14592759

>He didn't say anything to be honest
How fucking stupid are you? Did you even read my post, he literally said
>We will dump back down on Friday
>We will continue pumping/dumping like this until July 29th
But I suppose that was "nothing"

>> No.14592813

I can smell your curry.

What a fucking legend. We went from 11600 to 11200 .. SHOCKING. I AM LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW.

>> No.14592829

Did I say the dump was over?

>> No.14592837

Are you the whale you cuck? Who the fuck are you? Who do you speak for? Banking cartel? Mining whales? Some other faggots ?

>> No.14592856

>Did I say the dump was over?

i ll repeat myself u nigger. U didnt say anything. Thats the problem.

I ll give you one prediction myself and i have strong connections to whales.

--> In next 48 hours we will be going up and down.

>> No.14592897
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For fucks sake, I'm not the whale. If you have a problem understanding English then maybe you should fuck back off to wherever you came from. Have a re-read of what the whale said inside of constantly repeating "he didn't say anything lol"

>> No.14592921

>no whale fuckers

I'm sure Snacks still lurks now and then

>> No.14592927

this dump is ridiculous at best.
btc better go down to 9600 to be a decent pump.

>> No.14592951

> Did I say the dump was over?
learn to communicate

About that whale info:

>cycle of pumps and dumps until the court therefore we are going UP and DOWN.

Like i said.. LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW.. this info is groundbreaking.

>> No.14592964

What happens on the 29th I wonder. Do we keep pumping because tether shows it’s solvent? Or is that the dump to end all dumps

>> No.14593015

>A: whale who verifies his identity in numerous ways, presents a totally-believable scenario and reasoning, and has been right so far.

>B: random unknown anime shitposter who showed up once to throw out arbitrary numbers, and whose argument was literally "just look at the charts" and was right-by-coincidence ONCE.

>/biz/ sides with B

that's my /biz/zies.

>> No.14593030

>learn to communicate
Yea, you making incorrect assumptions means that I suck at communicating. I said that the whale said it would
>dump back down on friday
and you assumed, that instead of that maybe meaning it was going back it 10k, meaning that we were just dumping back to 11.2k.
>>cycle of pumps and dumps until the court therefore we are going UP and DOWN.
>Like i said.. LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW.. this info is groundbreaking.
Yeah, we're gonna keep jumping from 9.8k to 11.3-11.8k if normies keep fomoing like they did this time. Good chance to make profits if the whale is right.

>> No.14593080

>he thinks anime shitposter generated his numbers from his ass

Oh sweetie.. Asuka anon based his numbers on this very chart:


>> No.14593092

Fucking this, it’s insane how retarded bizlets are sometimes. They’re so fucking desperate for a bullish narrative

>> No.14593120
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>implying a random faggot charting carries the same weight as a potential whale who has correctly called several pumps and dumps

Kys moonbitch. You’re so desperate for btc to go long that you’ll jump through whatever mental gymnastics you need to slot avoid the evidence

>> No.14593218

Who cares about short term price movements. Buy a floor like CHR and be patient.

>> No.14593286

People are idiots or uninformed if they don't believe 4chan is full of bitcoin multimillionaires. What, do they think all the oldfags sold at 50c?

>> No.14593529

29th is the nyag's decision on bitfinex-tether

>> No.14593599

Incorrect. 29th is just a hearing on whether tge nyag has jurisdiction. If the judge says yes, we are FUCKED.

>> No.14593653

Go on...what does it mean exactly if they do

>> No.14593726

Tether/Bitfinex's argument at the moment for not producing documents showing exactly what is backing USDT (if anything at all other than a vague 'it's 74% backed sort of') is "I don't have to listen to the AG because we don't operate in New York, we have no customers in New York, we specifically say in our TOS that we don't take customers from New York".

That's the entire argument. The judge has already granted their initial request to restrict the documents they have to produce, because the AG's office requested basically everything and anything they have.

But! The judge also says the whole thing sounds fishy, so they will have a hearing at the end of this month to decide whether the case has merits.

If it does, the NYAG will have the legal right to dig for all relevant documents, possibly exposing all the criminals laundering via USDT, so Tether/Bitfinex are on the clock to get the fuck out of town before all this goes down.

>> No.14593752

Bitcoin faucets still exist?

>> No.14593796
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discord faggots were right, soon this dont feel like home anymore

>> No.14593807

Nice so we’ll dump for sure on July 29th

Good to know

>> No.14593861

They can afford good lawyers, so they have a good chance to get this thing thrown out. But it’s a reminder of how the entire crypto system is built on a shaky house of sand.

I wonder if whale anon will be back today? The 24 hours are not yet up but we seem to have stopped dumping.

>> No.14593883

yea, so its a decision on bitfinex tether

>> No.14595019


>> No.14595032
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I honestly don't care about these minor market movements.

The name of the game is now: accumulate CHR as fast as possible. Something big is coming anon, you in?

>> No.14595083



>> No.14595085

glad someone else in here isn't a complete pleb

>> No.14595089
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This call was fucking easy to make tho

>> No.14595146

yeah good.
now wheres my 9500 that you promised?

>> No.14595167

We're out of the channel and below the trendline, tomorrow night.

>> No.14595441

Whale anon didn't say "we're going up OR down soon!", he actually said specifically "down on friday" which is the second time he got it right: first time was when he called the dump on a wednesday.

>> No.14595486

Nice arbitrary meme line drawn in the middle of nowhere. Keep your tarot cards to yourself pleas.

>> No.14595656

>full of of bitcoin multimillionaires


The number of people who bought in at those kinds of levels, invested enough for it to even be able to multiply to multimillions, and HELD all the way through $100 to $500 to $1000 back to $100 then back up to $1000 to $2000 to $5000 to $10K, etc., and didn't fuck up and spend it, or sell early, try to multiply it through leverage and get rekt, or find some other way of blowing all/most of their stack somewhere along the way, is almost definitely far smaller than anyone thinks. You would need to have had the most absolute cast iron fucking hands imaginable.

This place is crawling with people who bought in sub-$1000 in 2017, had every opportunity to make absurd gains on BTC and alts, and are not only broke now but financially-ruined.

>> No.14595719

True. But this whale anon seems different somehow. He never shilled any alts or anything, just called the dumps days in advance and disappeared

>> No.14595960


>> No.14595972

Joke aside this whale anon is a beacon of hope in this ocean of shit that is this board

>> No.14596033

Yet it was called to the candle.
Strange that.

>> No.14596109

Kek, that public key was only posted with different signatures two times here you absolute brainlet:
There's no proof he is the previous whale anon at all (and I'm going to bet he isn't). His only prediction is for a big dump starting today, and to take profits on $11,500.
Newfags are so gullible.

>> No.14596227

What about his writing style?

>> No.14596828

ya bro sure you shorted the exact top twice mhm ya dood ur such a good trader!!

>> No.14596857


>> No.14596940

i just fucking hope this is not the end of the dump tho

>> No.14596963

You and me both, bobofren.

I want horrendous blood and pain, and I've been waiting patiently for months.

>> No.14596981

i already missed my chance to buy in cheap at 4k, i hope this time i will at least make it at 9000, if 7000 is too much wishful thinking

>> No.14597163
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