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14589186 No.14589186 [Reply] [Original]

Be me
>white male
>history MA

My dream of ever teaching middle school children about history without left censorship is in shambles.

Our (((education system))) is compromised. A white man that is against leftist or Zog programming will never ever get a job ''teaching'' in their facilities. It looks like the only way of getting a job is to bend the knee and become an indoctrinator or get a job at a private school, but even private schools are zogged. They are plagued with christ cuckery as opposed to ''progressiveness'' propaganda.

I don't know what I should do /biz/. My dreams of becoming a wholesome teacher who teaches truth will never happen for the simple reason that truth threatens those who are in power. I don't want to swallow the kosher opinions of the sjw left or the civnac cuck right.

I really want to start my own school biz but I have $10000 in savings. I'm not proficient in investing but I'm willing to learn more. What should I do /biz/? It's expensive to start my own school I might first start teaching kids privately at home.

>> No.14589198

teach abroad

>> No.14589281

Shit. You could work at the middle school abroad I teach at. It's in South Korea and they hire English natives to teach every subject, including history or science or math. Good luck.

>> No.14589284

Have many children and homeschool them. Problem solved.

>> No.14589322

Kill yourself faggot. No fascist near my kids.

>> No.14589331


such eloquence from yet another /pol/ tier bait thread

>> No.14589359

someone take this man's money and trade him up a university for Christ's sake

>> No.14589402

Nice blog post rebbit faggot.
>christ cuckery
>Tips fedora

>> No.14589414
File: 117 KB, 680x788, 9B92AEB8-4F4C-4E04-B793-93394D61538F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon let's have a chat, just a chat between us intellectually gifted.

I like you anon, you have the balls to fight against the establishment. Let me tell you something I'm working on. I have some insider information on a project called COTI. Look into it, I give you this opportunity to invest your money while prices are still low. You'll easily afford a plane ticket and place to live in no time. Have some money left to spend on other expenses.

>> No.14589423
File: 160 KB, 998x676, 1562245736332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fascists near my kids
>pedophiles near my kids is just fine

>> No.14589745


>> No.14589818

Start a Youtube Channel with cool history videos. Then create your own online academy with hostory lessons on demand. Grow that shit, start seminars and private lessonm make cash and enjoy

>> No.14589832

back to /pol/ incel

>> No.14589868

Have sex

>> No.14589875

Maybe someone with a huge stack will be able to fund a non cucked school when it moons.

>> No.14589877

>I want to blow my life savings to teach kids about what zyklon B REALLY was

What kind of sad fuck are you? You can redpill zooms for free on the internet from the comfort of your own home. What kind of retarded fantasy is this?

>> No.14589899

cope harder incel

>> No.14589996

Using the incel insult twice in a row. That's pretty cringe bro

>> No.14590052

another one bites. saying the word "incel" is the most foolproof way to get all the angry incel (yous)

>> No.14590120

The word has been so overused that I highly doubt it actually triggers anyone anymore

>> No.14590119

You're part of the left if you believe in mass education you brainlet.

>> No.14590155

I concur with my fellow high IQ here. Invest in COTI for substantial gains eoy. Follow the jews and high IQs.

>> No.14590160

the fact that you are keep replying to convince me you aren't triggered is proof you are triggered

just have sex incel

>> No.14590202

I'm replying because you sound like a massive faggot and I want you to know that

>> No.14590226

you could have ignored me, but you chose to reply to me. why? because you are an angry incel that got triggered. I am here to get all those tasty incel (yous) and you are giving them to me

>> No.14590282

Teaching is irrelevant in 2019

The low IQ masses are incapable of being taught and the smart ones will simply find out what they need from the internet

>> No.14590456

Have sex incel

>> No.14590481

seethe harder incel

>> No.14590507

>My dream of ever teaching middle school children
You sound like a woman. What kind of pathetic "man" aspires to be a fucking middle school teacher? Lmao.

>> No.14590540

I'm not an incel though. I'll have you know that I've had sex with two women. Therefore your incel comments have no effect on me, but nice try babe :)

>> No.14590607

Dumbass, teaching is just relaying information in a digestible manner. You can do that over the internet while scaling to a much larger audience than in some anachronistic "classroom".

>> No.14590619

sure bud, saying incel has no effect on you, thats why you keep replying to convince us how much it doesn't bother you :^)

>> No.14590649

Cringe and nothavingsexpilled

>> No.14590659

yikes. just have sex

>> No.14590713
File: 138 KB, 497x885, 1558666243494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow guys what the fuck
have sexual intercourse with a human of the opposite sex, please.
This mammal in my pic might be just fine for you.

>> No.14590726

right on bro. hope these incels stop getting triggered with the word incel and just have sex

>> No.14590754

just invest in reinmetall AG bro

>> No.14590831

Get a PhD and teach at a University. Your potential earnings are much higher and you can delegate all your work to PhD students.

My uncle is a mechanical engineering teacher at a large flagship state university and he cleared 600K this year. Only 220K of that was from lecturing, rest was from research and consulting.

>> No.14590951

Med fag here. Everything is compromised anon.
- medical field
- teaching
- policing
- legal
- corporate (mostly)
- media

I don't know where we're headed. I'm struggling to keep my sanity even though I'm earning a lot of money. Selling your soul isn't as easy as it sounds. 5 years of this and I'll probably kill myself. Unfortunately with a medical degree i cant do anything else.
