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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14586474 No.14586474 [Reply] [Original]

>10 hours before my alarm clock rings
>force feed myself every morning
>commute one hour
>sit behind a computer for 8 hours.
>Try to feign social interaction
>Commute back an hour
>Listen to the screams of my retarded wife and child
>have like 12 hours to clean, eat shit and cry myself to sleep.
Rinse and repeat five days a week. It hurts, it really fucking does /biz/. Please how do I get out of this mess.

>> No.14586507

12 hours sounds pretty good. you could be worse OP

>> No.14586509


Buy btc/eth before they take off then you'll make it, obv

>> No.14586526
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He will be your best fren

>> No.14586568

Buy a fucking rope OP. YOU THINK YOURE MISERABLE YOU FUCKING RETARD. Get your life together. You must be grateful for the things you have OP. Look at the bright side instead of being this retarded shit. You know what let me give you some advice that might cheer you up. Get some COTI, and watch it pump. Buy yourself something nice and get also something for your wife and child.

>> No.14586637

meanwhile im a 26 year old virgin neet who gets almost 2k in government gibs every month. Convinced them i'm mentally ill. Lmao was just pretending to be

>> No.14586667

or dmt, but be careful with the last one

>> No.14586671

You made the decision to marry a retard, and you made the decision to breed with a retard.

These are irreversible and will be your responsibilities for quite a while.

One of these is manageable. Cash out your fucking 400 LINK and get a divorce. The courts will work it out, and you will lose a lot of your assets, but you will be gaining an essential one: freedom.

The child will come and go, likely splitting time between parents if you are not a piece of shit. Now, you'll have at at least a few nights during the week in which you are free from both your child and your job.

Those pockets of time are yours, and it is up to YOU to DECIDE how you want them to be spent.

>> No.14586678


>26yo virg
>no job
>has to "live" off 24k/year

OP is doing better than this person

>> No.14586682
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I feel you anon. Also wagecucking and saving. I'm also looking for ways to escape the grasps of my fucking lifeless job

>> No.14586716

you literally live in the most prosperous time in history you ungrateful fuck

you live better than kings did 100 years ago

dumb "woe is me" cunt

>> No.14586744

be me
>outdoorsman labor chad electrician
>make almost 60k a year
>have opportunity to work overtime and make 90k+ a year
>my gf brags to all her friends about me and thinks i make 100k/yr
>own my condo and planning to buy a duplex after the crash
Life on ezpz mode faggots, working in an office is for betacucks. Real men work with their hands

>> No.14586761

You forgot the part where I don't work and invest most of my money in crypto. Also I do freelance web dev and translation when I feel like it. And I am a volcel.

>> No.14586806

>and it is up to YOU to DECIDE how you want them to be spent.

weeee bing bing wahoo!! its a me marioo!!!

such freedom amirite

>> No.14586824

enjoy your crippling back pain at 30 lmao

>> No.14586825

I do home office. They call me, sometimes, to my cellphone to do some internet bullshit I do in 5 minutes. That happens only between 6 and 9 am lmao. So I sleep until I hear the phone and then I go back to sleep when I finish it. When I actually get up at 9am my work day finished already.

The best of neet life and wage life. Meet your god.

>> No.14586827


No, i didn't forget that part lol

>> No.14586848

give me details anon, how did you convince them that you are mentally ill?

>> No.14586852

why would you lie to your gf about how much you make, pathetic bugman

>> No.14586859

Well looks like you lost your future with a wife and child like that. But you can still buy futures for projects. OKEx chinks built a platform called xFutures, you can buy futures of projects like: dfinity, polkadot, etc.
It’s backed by OKEx so no shit will happen like Bgogo and Algorand

>> No.14586863

Keep working wagie I need those tax money to fuel my lifestyle

>> No.14586898

You sure about that loser

>> No.14586922

I know how you feel.

I feel bad because I'm not a billionaire yet, at least I'm not a wagecuck though.

>> No.14586985
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I told them I hold chainlink

okay for real if you really wanna know. I've been sick for over a year I experience a lot of symptomps, but the doctors have been unable to diagnose me. So at some point they just started thinking I might have mental problems. Like severe anxiousness and hallucinations. So when they send my to a psycholigst I just said fuck it and pretended my symptoms were worse than they are. I convinced him I have schizo and ptsd and severe anxiety. They even help with my rent lmao.

>> No.14587014

based neet fucking the system

>> No.14587041
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don't be mad anons. Mr shekelstein blessed you guys with 2 days off. You should be grateful :^)

>> No.14587055

nice cope cuck. my father is a millwright and works twice as hard as me. still running hard fucking stacys at 57

>> No.14587068

Listen to the coti shills. Its seriously about to take off. It'll be a top 10 coin in a year or 2, maybe even sooner. A LOT of big things coming and it's at rock bottom price right now. Literally have ethereum vibes. In 2 years people will be looking for the next coti. Buy now, live comfy

>> No.14587080

image on the right is way more comfy
imagine the high from all that excersise then going home to sleep afterwards

>> No.14587093

woman deserve to be mistreated, lied to, and manipulated until death. all women

>> No.14587112
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You are here forever.

>> No.14587119

Get an at-home job. Going to make a general thread about finding them tomorrow. I made one and was going to post more in it, but the thread died before I could.

>> No.14587166
File: 44 KB, 399x385, skjoig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, I'd do the same but I'm not sure I can convince anyone with only mildly autistic behaviour, good for you though

>> No.14587171
File: 237 KB, 1280x960, 1560408649743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote you off as an 80 iq tradesnigger....but you're actually ok in my book
>CDL masterrace

>> No.14587212

Holy fucking shit you have 12 hours and you choose to do nothing useful? Wat.jpg

>> No.14587698