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File: 175 KB, 640x400, ethergod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14585306 No.14585306 [Reply] [Original]

Once it passes ~305, FOMO is going to set in and the pump will shoot past 350. You've been warned.

>> No.14585483
File: 186 KB, 472x472, 0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH 2.0 is a security

>> No.14585541
File: 10 KB, 250x250, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14585645
File: 152 KB, 410x620, 1543893785832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding all of my ETH.
Godspeed bros

>> No.14585657


>> No.14585769

All these Reddit-tier users fudding it will panic buy once it starts gaining big against BTC. Buying and holding now at the bottom of the ratio is the smart move. I just sold my BTC for it this morning

>> No.14586024

it's only possible if btc breaks 12k. if it heads back to 13k then you'll have your $350. else sit down and watch the dumps.

>> No.14586036

wthbtc about to die nigger

>> No.14586061

theres almost more wBTC locked in ethereum than BTC locked in lightning network

>> No.14586310


ETH hasn't even begun to pump.

>> No.14586416

Eth is due for a serious moon

>> No.14586493

Someone should tell them

>> No.14586518

if it can break 330 then I would expect at least 380 while bitcoin is pumping. And that's just facts

>> No.14586835
File: 418 KB, 750x744, sogvo01l0zf11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon your .025 support will collapse beneath your feet and bitcoins big throbbing cock will penetrate you in a way you never thought possible. Fuck off eth fags.

>> No.14586879

sold at 300, enjoying the dump, will buy back at 280 or maybe 260

>> No.14586910


or is it?

It went from $80 to $350, maybe it needs a correction?

>> No.14586943

Seriously tell me literally one single thing BTC can do that ETH cannot also do?

Spoiler, you can't. Best you will be able to do is come up with a meme response. You know BTC is grabdpa trash you are just trying to pnd.

>> No.14586960

hahhaha he posted the picture AGAIN

Fuckin desperate ETH FUD all day in here. Absolutely sad and desperate

>> No.14586968

>Seriously tell me literally one single thing BTC can do that ETH cannot also do?

being the safest network on the planet

>> No.14587006
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats sad and desperate is you dumb mongoloids own eth, when you should be all in btc. Maybe you'll learn as we start knocking on the .01 ratio door.

>> No.14587172

You should have been all in on LINK

>> No.14587388

I sold the top of link and moved into ETH. Btc is an ok hold but you can outperform it if you have the balls

>> No.14587840

Eth is just as secure... Next attempt up please

>> No.14587889
