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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14582601 No.14582601 [Reply] [Original]

I cant say how I know but this is going to be confirmed in coming months, Steam is actually going to be one of the more important partnerships in this believe it or not. After seeing the success of enjin, Valve is trying to tokenize its game items market. Using these oracles steam will have a decentralized marketplace for trading its items that will unleash the floodgates for regulation free trading of these items, this will catapult steam items into the stratosphere as their cosmetics markets starts doing hundreds of billions in trades. Don't say I didn't warn you faggots.

>> No.14582636


>> No.14582668

wasn't there a api fetch on testnet that involved numalesky last year?

>> No.14582686

Shills getting desperate now that LINK's dumping?

>> No.14582691

haha. shut the fuck up steam doesnt need gay ass link to operate, they laugh at the thought of useless application. back to pleblet

>> No.14582705

I can't say how i know it but the next shit im going to take is going to be sore. One of those ones that sting and you have to sit there breathing deeply for a moment before you even move.

>> No.14582706

why did you have to shop the microsoft and linux logo onto your clickbait?

>> No.14582736

>literally any random entry level dev is capable of building an oracle for their own smart contract
>people still believe LINK will somehow save the internet
>putting money into a generic JSON parser

yeap that's /biz alright

>> No.14582738

blah blah blah larp larp larp heard it all before

>> No.14582768

Wait and see. You faggots have no clue who is watching /biz/, when link went from .60 to 4.0 in weeks some very influential people felt the same FOMO the nolinkers on this board felt. The parabola will continue.

>> No.14582849

i'm a LINK holder, but your argument makes no sense. price action isn't going to incentivise a company to use a particular blockchain technology / DLT system, the intellectual capital behind the company will.

that's how i know you're a larp. You also didn't answer the question.

Yes, Steam using LINK would be another company bending the knee and pretty big, but i don't think you have any basis for your claim.

>> No.14583207

Thats what you think, but it seems you forgot we live in clown world where our companies fomo into share boosting technology.

>> No.14583304

gee, that sounds like prudent exercise of the business judgment rule where public regulators might have questions that result in the loss of freedom of directors.

you don't actually know anything about how companies work, do you?

>> No.14583404

>hey guys im building a decentralized oracle
>why not just use chainlink it's already built?

>> No.14583457

at least we tried, iv actually saved some linkies from throwing everything away by selling the top

>> No.14583509

Even if it did, wouldn’t really matter eh.

>> No.14583516

>nulinkers dont know about the steam renting use case

>> No.14583549

Gee" imagine being so much of a brainlet you think you do understand what the regulators want when apparently youve never heard of milton friedman laws and are so disconnected from reality you dont think companies can boost their shares by using new tech. A lot of asshole in one post for not a lot of knowledge.

>> No.14583601
File: 706 KB, 1080x1401, HotandSteamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never happen. Their own official blog post even explains why they will never work with Steam.


>> No.14583640

Yup, they'd need an API. Either OP is saying an API is coming from Steam, or this is a dogshit discord tranny rumor

>> No.14583663

youve given us nothing so far, all youve done is paste some logos together and said "w-watch this g-guys" fuck off

>> No.14583690

Steam will make their API available along with a free copy of HL3?

>> No.14583704


>> No.14583747 [DELETED] 

I heard they are gonna release it together with Half-Life 3.

>> No.14583914

you're coping more about your ego than your (unsubstantiated) argument

>> No.14583960

>Just trust me bro

>> No.14583965

somebody tell that to my enjin bags please...

>> No.14584427

What is the legal definition of for profit Corporation? What is the legal definition of a shareholder? Literally brainlet tier response

>> No.14584493

I don't understand how that says they'll never work with steam?

>> No.14584989

That's hot.

>> No.14585032
File: 18 KB, 360x640, 3F16E6EC-430A-4873-B9ED-94A0F938D8F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder dumb faggot give is info or get the fuck out with your durrdurr i know something you guys dont shit fucking faggot

>> No.14585051

Yes and panick buyers become panick sellers you retard.