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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14580566 No.14580566 [Reply] [Original]

Fellas, the EVE community would like to officially state we are now in full control of PR. Either you get in now, or get the fuck out of the way. Cuz we are going to the fucking moon with or without you

>> No.14580679

Ok so what do you think the potential is here?

>> No.14580817

at $.50 its a 50m market cap.

100m total tokens.

1 token burned for every item marked on chain, plus 1 or more paid as a fee to the developer of any app that uses EVE as gas on the ethereum network.

working product they built for the UN in Tunisia. history working with China's largest online retailer.

adoption is inevitable. it's open source and anybody can build their own verification or tracking protocol on it. fully cross-chain compatible.

VEN can't do this. AMB can't do this. VIDT can't do this.

in·ter·op·er·a·bil·i·ty - EVE protocol works on nearly every chain you can imagine. including hyperledger.

>> No.14580974

I love EVE Online

>> No.14581033

I've been interested in EVE for a while now but I thought it might have died in 2018. What's it's current status roadmap wise?

>> No.14581109

its a weird one. they seem like software people not crypto people. there is a product but they didn't bother to pay for any listings or token hype last alt season.
EVE might be an indicator of what these things are actually worth (very little). and it might never pump since they don't seem to be willing to do anything to drive the token value.

>> No.14581128

I bought in ICO, sold for a 4k loss

shitcoin stay away

>> No.14581153

They have released their Makery app, polished their JS tool suite, completed their toolset for the Tunisian government to track food.

Next is growing the community, more B2B adoption, and onboarding normies with mobile apps for marking and verifying items that have been "hashed" onto the Ethereum chain.

Simple but powerful stuff. The team is going to continue development, I know there are a few surprises coming soon.

>> No.14581168

at least eve shills choose fine ladies for their shilling, coin is crap though

>> No.14581203

Is this the EVE of Eve online or another EVE that I dont know of?

>> No.14581204

TRAC is the superior product

>> No.14581273

TRAC is a premier pajeet exit scam. They still dont have working nodes after what, two years?

EVE produces diarrhea all over TRAC holders. Ya'll brigaded the EVE telegram for months trying to disrupt our beautiful, smol community. GTFO.

>> No.14581296
File: 162 KB, 1080x1080, evegirls8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not related to EVE online but there is no limit to what EVE is capable of.

>> No.14581680

ViDT killer???

>> No.14581739

The most legit product out there compared to similar ones

>> No.14581866