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File: 3 KB, 225x225, RLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14577916 No.14577916 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically the next ETH

>> No.14577945

Next coin to become a horrible spaghetti code?
Next coin to slip over 70% in value compared to BTC?
Next coin to be defeated by Cryptokitties??

>> No.14577950

ETH of cloud computing. Yeah.

>> No.14577962
File: 35 KB, 400x388, 1558340079502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14577969

OP has high hopes for this chink junk

>> No.14577979
File: 63 KB, 588x492, RlcShills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC paedophile shillers strike again

>> No.14578008

Shhhh Dani, eat your pills you look stressed

>> No.14578028

> enraged indian detected
All work and no cow makes Pramahjesh a dull boy
All work and no cow makes Pramahjesh a dull boy
All work and no cow makes Pramahjesh a dull boy
All work and no cow makes Pramahjesh a dull boy
All work and no cow makes Pramahjesh a dull boy

>> No.14578042

Sorry transjdanieet, seems you ate the wrong pill

>> No.14578052

What a worthless shitcoin LMFAO

>> No.14578077
File: 42 KB, 625x724, RlcShills2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC Pajeets have been decimated atm, here's another telegram

>> No.14578100
File: 9 KB, 255x255, Screenshot_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14578395

How can it be the new ETH while it needs ETH to work?
Nevertheless it’s a solid project, slow but solid.

>> No.14578410
File: 69 KB, 640x640, IMG_20190703_131008_306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transjeet is so angry he bought 5 rupees worth at 2$ and now cant buy rice for his 18 children

>> No.14578862

Low energy today, a lot of RLC pajeets banned and Gilles Fedak is in hospital

>> No.14578921

Are you underwater yet?

>> No.14579359

Gilles Fedak is in hospital, does it look bullish?

>> No.14579474

How much AIDS medicine is he getting today?

>> No.14579523
File: 79 KB, 650x742, 25A75463-6824-4723-B409-F3590172719C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transjeet will transjeet

>> No.14579563

nice paint retard. telegram doesn't timestamp every message, just the first from the user.

>> No.14579603

Last night a tranny drilled him too hard, he reported a severe anal injury

>> No.14579646

The kids retarded, no wonder he lost all his money.

>> No.14579653
File: 61 KB, 917x799, RlcShillsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try RLC Paedophile, here's another screen

>> No.14579687

You seem obsessed with homoeroticism, anal sex, and transsexuals. Time to act upon your fantasies. ;)

>> No.14579700

easily verifiable that its true by visiting the telegram retard. RLC bagholders consist of 90% 4th worlders and 10% delusional french NEETs

>> No.14579737
File: 50 KB, 397x595, gilles_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that, those are facts, i work into iExec as i said earlier, and what's going on there cannot be told.
Gilles Fedak is obsessed with tranny cum, he told us it gives him power and tried to force everyone in the building to have some.
He tried to infect us with aids too, several times.

I wanted to report this to police but we are very scared of him and his tranny friends.

>> No.14579821

.... so you spam stupid shit in a telegram that isnt IEXECs? I dont get it?

>> No.14579872

This is the prove they are:
> pajeets
> coordinated shillers

And they are on the telegram iexec group

>> No.14579879

Sorry Danijeet but Link’s devs sold their token 2 days ago to join the party. pretty expensive, $5 millions per entry

>> No.14579891

Making progress there, anon!
Is pic related something that feels captivating, but also forbidden and unattainable to you?
Could it be the culture and upbringing that clash with a deeply rooted desire that you keep repressed...

>> No.14579899

LINK is all but guaranteed to have 3 digits in its future, likely 4, very possibly 5

The term singularity is VERY apt, LINK will not be a simple explosion of value, once it begins to happen it will become clear LINK is not a star, it is a black hole and it will D E V O U R the crypto market as it becomes supermassive.

>> No.14579924

> Psychology in india today
Thank you Pramjambamdamjamtambesh, you opened my mind

>> No.14579949

>It proves that: you spammed an unrelated telegram

>you are a low IQ faggot curry sipper

Holy shit wait, you actually expect anyone to believe this ?

>> No.14579958

Do you really trust what you are saying Ranjeesh ? Lmao that’s hilarious

>> No.14579981

RLC makes Link Devs dump their bags on their holders @ $3

>> No.14579988

I have nothing to do with India, anon, but am contended that you feel more transparent on what makes really you.

>> No.14580003

Based devs

>> No.14580033

> Pajeet saying that telegram official iExec group is an "unrelated telegram"
Ok aabe, wipe your ass before Gilles returns and finds out you exposed your own shills