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14576664 No.14576664 [Reply] [Original]

I made the mistake of telling my close friend about link, and now it’s completely ruined our friendship. I was telling him about how revolutionary the idea was, and that I was up over 300% from my initial investment. I guess that has made him salty and now is calling it a scam and giving me a hard time when it dumps. When will Chainlink hit $10 so he can’t even buy a suicide stack?

>> No.14576681

i just give up convincing anyone, its like they want to see u failed, despite you are trying to help them. Fuckign weird man

>> No.14576684

Did you give him a caveat emptor?

>> No.14576702

I'm not telling anyone, fuck brain dead normies if they want to get a mortgage and work their entire lives then yet them

>> No.14576706

I’m at the point where I don’t even want this person to have a suicide stack because it would kill me to see him get rich off my tip. Never tell anyone about link again

>> No.14576712

I told my friends but they said they didn't want to risk it.

That's fine, we'll still be friends when I'm free and they're wage cucking.

>> No.14576737

I did same, but at 0.3$. My friend hates me now because I didn't shill on him more.

>> No.14576744


your friend is smart man
you try to sell you friend this obvius total ponzi scam called chainlink

>> No.14576748

Tell him that you sold after listening to his advice. Then every time it pumps, get salty at him.

When it hits $10, call him and be upset, saying "I could have had 3 times the money by now, but I listened to you."
When it hits $50, call him and scream at him "That would have been enough money to be comfortable for ever! Why the fuck did I listen to you you piece of shit!"
Keep escalating it until you're a multimillionaire, then let him know you never cashed out but now want nothing to do with him.

>> No.14576752

People believe what they want to believe and they dont want to believe that they are missing out or have to do a fuckton of research

>> No.14576771


>> No.14576776

Link has shown you who your true friends are

>> No.14576788


>> No.14576791

I've shilled it to all the white people I know like a crazy person. Whenever they give me shit I tell them they will miss the 4th industrial revolution and there were people calling their friends who bought bitcoin crazy when it was a few bucks.
At least 3 have bent the knee and bought link.
My linkies stay super stinky $10k eoy
Take me to the promise lamboland of /biz/rael! I'm ready.

>> No.14576814

I am impressed and terrified. You're a master of psychological warfare.
Please remember we're buddies.

>> No.14576820
File: 637 KB, 986x1354, 5B6CFB96-CBB0-439F-9207-C6B1D7AF3FFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky he’s a redditor so he listens to the FUD that is constantly spewed and is staying away from Link

>> No.14576860



But I wouldn't be able to do that to a friend though. This is sociopathic behaviour and not good for your soul. Only use it against confirmed enemies.

>> No.14576862

Or alternatively buy him a lambo with gay furries all over it. Have a caveat on it so he can't sell it though. There's no way he'd be able to afford a respray job.

>> No.14576926

Yeah, look I'm just bitter about people like that. I appreciate when a friend voices their opinion about something, but I also know what it's like to be essentially blackmailed out of buying bitcoin at $1 by family. You think you'd gain something out of that, that when you have an investment idea in the future that they wouldn't repeat the same mistake, but I literally had to invest in Chainlink completely under the radar. I let them know about chainlink and that I was thinking about buying some and asked if they wanted to buy some (Had a 70k stack by then) and I got the same lectures and threats. Told them last week that if they'd listened they would have made money, and oh, now they want to buy in.

My mother wants to buy 1000 link for 80c each, I'm fairly sure she was serious.

>> No.14576943

he gonna take a drill to ya forehead boy

you fucked up

>> No.14577057

I've told about 5 people including my brother. I regret telling them all besides my brother. Ungrateful cunts don't understand this is a long term investment.

>> No.14577070

This is why I never tell anyone. Either they laugh when I shill and call it a scam, and mock me when it dumps, or they laugh when I shill and call it a scam, and then hate me because I didn't convince them when it moons.

And even if they buy, they would probably end up being angry at me when they buy the top, can't handle the swings and sell for a loss. I can't imagine anyone I know taking investment tips from a cartoon frogs on a bengalese worm eating forum seriously.

>> No.14577170
File: 435 KB, 1980x2292, darkDubu26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told a few of my "friends" to invest in link when it was at 30 cents. of course nobody listened. now they are all angry, but they can fuck themselves.
i also told my dad about that chainlink mooned and he told me a gambler and is angry as fuck (he is a typical german boomer donating his millions to charity and spending it on cruises while giving absolutely nothing to his kids, the worst thing he can experience in life is seeing me succeed, boomers deserve the rope more than anyone else on this planet, its not even close)

i am at a point where i just hate all germans, but not in the antifa way, quiet the opposite, i dont hate germans for being "nazis" but for being unsufferable spoiled lefty cunts who always act arrogant.
when i make it i will move to some village in east asia so i dont need to be around whites and their pet refugees.

>> No.14577204
File: 69 KB, 670x573, 1562021647413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he wishes to see you fail he's not your friend.

>> No.14577211

i think he wants you to fail cause ur a weeb faggot

>> No.14577227

never ever talk with friends about money. If they start talking about money and investment short them

>> No.14577239
File: 385 KB, 500x500, makesmethink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls me a weeb faggot
>i never played videogames, i never watched anime or manga and i dont speak japanese

maybe you agree with him because you are a boomer brainlet yourself

>> No.14577257

>i will move to some village in east asia
have you ever heard or read about people delusional enough to actually move to east asia? if you wanna live in pure solitude then i'm not stopping you.

>> No.14577282

Chainlink is hard to understand don’t try to convince anyone to buy whereas bitcoin was quite easy it’s just ‘imaginary internet money’

>> No.14577292

Below 30k sats AGAIN. Hell of a "pump" you got there, stinky linkies.

>> No.14577307

whatever you say weeb