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14568295 No.14568295 [Reply] [Original]

The shill campaign revealed. Based in sinking city of Jakarta, Gilles flies in to give orders before his sexually explicit activities. Reminder: This illegal security token will be delisted from all major exchanges by September 12. No way to cash out only through Gilles.

>> No.14569044

Someone shared his address and phone number, maybe someone will kill that tranny lover but no one will have his money back.

>> No.14569073

where is this pic coming from?

>> No.14569082

What? Explain.

>> No.14569120

Theres literally one or two threads at a time what do you mean full force shilling? We're sitting at 34 cents

>> No.14569159

Its coming from ms paint, and some indian kid that spam FUDs every RLC post because he lost $5 on their version 3 release.

>> No.14569169

This is a screen of their telegram group.

I saw a post sharing Tranny Fedak personal info, and someone who lose money on the last dump wanting to have a meeting with him

>> No.14569177

This kid lost $5 bucks, so he attempted to doxx the CEO

>> No.14569221

I remember he lost more than $1000 on the devs dump

>> No.14569265

Except the devs wallets havent been touched since the project started transjeet. Anything else? We know you are tranny obsessed and smothered in curry right now

>> No.14569273

proof or btfo

>> No.14569291

Funny how some of the comments have time stamps, others don’t. How long did it take you to make this image transjeet ?

>> No.14569307

Country flags when?

>> No.14569325

Gilles, is that you?
Why are you so nervous? T.cum wasn't enough tonight?
Devs have many ways to dump a coin, it's not necessary to take money from their wallets.

>> No.14569354

Literally common knowledge sand nigger. You really need to find something else to do with your time, the fact that you spread FUD literally 14 hours a day is unreal.

>> No.14569373

So your emotional damp pussy tells you they dumped on you another way? LMAAAOOOOO ok transjeet.

>> No.14569385

We told you that we are a pakistani Shilling group paid by Gilles to fud the shitcoin.
You don't believe me.

>> No.14569387

i'm not fudding nothing faggot. I was willing to buy a fat stack before knowing that the ceo is a fucking gay

>> No.14569406 [DELETED] 

Except they already doxxed your time zone and you arent from pakistan, sand nigger. You are getting old.

>> No.14569411

can we get RLC banned now?
this cant be legal

>> No.14569413

They are desperate and paranoid, they see this transjeet in every anon criticizing the shitcoin

>> No.14569445

And they are litterally 4, in every rlc shill post.
4 enraged indonesian paedophiles, can we ban indonesia forever?

>> No.14569828

F that, im indonesian and im exclusively in link like a true chad. Its the indian, im sure of it

>> No.14569852

I'm indonesian and all in link like a true bizlet

Jakarta mana bro?

>> No.14569978

Based indonesians.
Please find that Aabe Cebe and beat him

>> No.14570006

Bintaro my bruh. Looks like we will be in Indonesias top 10 richest people by next year

>> No.14570012

If you know his address I can anonymously tip the police for illegal activity, lots of pajeets have been deported for running scam here.

>> No.14570045

They are very annoying, i bet that somehow that moron's address will pop up

>> No.14571531

I knew it! It's a few puny Indonesians who are the most screeching LINK shills, and FUD everything else.
Can't be too mad at them really. The global sea levels will take it from here.