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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1456512 No.1456512 [Reply] [Original]

Can Bitcoin even complete? This kid has Einsteins level intelligence, and has already created a competing product worth 1/10 of Bitcoin's value. Bitcoin is already suffering a leadership crisis, and it cannot evolve without a Satoshi. In many ways, Vitalik is Satoshi reincarnated.

>> No.1456715

what do you think one ether will be worth in 1 years and years
and how much ether do you own

>> No.1456721

*5 years

>> No.1456729
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he's literally an autist*:


*doesn't just look like one.

>> No.1456751

When Bitcoin has a disaster you don't see satoshi sperging out telling exchanges to halt trading and calling for a hard fork to get his money back,the ethereum foundation are crooks.

Vitalik is a clever little autist satoshi was the real genius.

>> No.1456913

Ether can potentially have a market cap on the order of trillions of dollars. Short term I cannot predict the price--but I believe $100 ether is achievable within a reasonable time.

He merely recommended those actions.

>> No.1457087

Glad to see bagholders anonmymous members getting the help they need.

>> No.1457115

I believe in Vitalik. He inadvertently created ETC. The only coin that has a chance to acheive parity with BTC

>> No.1457133

>Shit coin have been stagnant for almost two months now.
>A large part of the community left after the hard fork.
>Not trustable either because contracts can and will be broken, or the block chain can be hard forked every time the developers doesn't like it.

ETH is nothing but a dumb bait at this point. You eth holders are the bronies of the crypto coin community.

>> No.1457134

A question that can never be answered:
Why would anyone use a crypto in the first place?

>> No.1457146

why would one use a stock in the first place?

>> No.1457147

Considering that the crypto community are the bronies of the finance community, that's brutal.

>> No.1457238


To make soup.

>> No.1457341

Eth is literally useless as of the hard fork. Heres a challenge: Can anyone name an application of blockchains that is not

1. Controversial/upsetting to a lot of people
2. done faster and cheaper with a centralized system

There are none.

ETH is nothing but a teddy bear that talented devs are desperately squeezing while they tell themselves their work is beneficial to society.

>> No.1457925

mind explaining what a hard fork is? noob here

>> No.1457934

No tax

>> No.1457938


But why are you buying clothes at the soup store?

>> No.1457949

>0 useful apps that dont work faster better more secure in a centralized manner or covered by bitcoin already.
>DAO debacle lost investors millions.
>Hard fork debacle lost investors millions.
>Only useful aspect of a blockchain over traditional tech, freedom from grubby politicians and institutional hands, compromised by an emotional, muh morals response by the ETH foundation.
>This guy tried to sell quantum computer simulation (lol) bitcoin mining (roflol) a few years ago.

Yeah we got a real genius at work here guys.

>> No.1457954

Simply put when group a starts running software with changes to the protocol and group b does not, you create 2 blockchains from that point on that are not the same coin anymore, thus the chain "forked".

>> No.1457956


>order of trillions


>> No.1458119

God I wish I could short Augur, bound to be the next multi million shitshow.

>> No.1458124

ETH is more of a mess than this guy's face.

If you MUST invest in an altcoin, invest in Litecoin/Monero, all others are memes at this point

>> No.1458155
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A fucking scammer and other people on the team did most of the coding. That said, he is a gud figurehead and did much to innovate interest in advanced blockchain applications.

>> No.1458549

>He merely recommended those actions.

I don't think he even did that. He just presented it as an option and let the community decide.

>> No.1458586

You can do the same with cash. Guess crypto really is worthless.

>> No.1458618

Storing large amounts of cash is risky ,with Bitcoin as long as you take the right precautions the government cant just kick the door down and take your money ,you could have a billion dollars on a postage stamp.

Also cash is going to be phased out in a few more years so that avenue will be closed.

>> No.1458634

don't expect day trading retards on /biz/ to have any understanding of the fundamental advantages that ethereum has over buttcoin. these turbo pessimists won't realize that ethereum is the greatest investment in our lifetimes until it's too late and they experience FOMO


too bad you guys will have only doubled or tripled your money while the true believers will have made 30x, 40x, 50x returns

>> No.1458662
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As someone with experience in BTC but absolutely none in Ether, can someone explain the benefits it has over BTC?

>> No.1458684

>not ETC

>> No.1458688

Just watched the video at the end of the article. All he says in the presentation is quite right. But yhea the part of "simulating quantum computer with classical computer" is stupid, can't blame it for that I think. Still he really has the face of otism.

>> No.1458705

>this level of denial

I feel genuinely bad for you.

>> No.1458723

With Ethereum, instead of just having the token on the blockchain, you have programs. The programs have stored data and you can call the functions of these programs with inputs/ether and they execute as written to change values and/or return data. The program can also create Events, which send data to a log that can be easily read/watched by traditional applications and databases. This is the link between the blockchain and websites, the combination being called a Dapp (Decentralized Application). The programming language created specifically for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is Turing Complete, meaning it can express anything just like any other fully-functional language. The cost of doing a lot of processing on the EVM is higher than with traditional applications, but what the EVM does better than traditional apps is security, anonymity, and decentralization.

>> No.1458729

quiet in the peanut gallery!

>> No.1458734

Eh, you almost had me until the end there.
>but what the EVM does better than traditional apps is security
It's like we have already forgotten the DAO.

>> No.1458736

Storing lots of cash is way safer than holding any amount of shitty to-get-hacked shitcoin which you will guarantee lose all

>> No.1458740

Mark Cuban stores most of his wealth in USD. It's almost like billionaires think that USD is the most stable, reliable and safe form of value or something. What a dumdum, amirite?

>> No.1458768

The DAO ran exactly as programmed. It's the people who invested in it without understanding the code who were at fault.

The security I'm referring to is the fact that nobody can stop the execution of these programs except by shutting down the internet or by having such a high consensus to fork that it becomes so unprofitable to maintain the old chain that even the parties interested in using the contract won't do it. Both of those things are highly unlikely.

>> No.1458776

>The DAO ran exactly as programmed.
So completely terribly? It was such a big fuckup that I am suprised it didn't send the value of eth straight to $0. If the leading experts on smart contracts and cryptography can't even program a smart contract successfully then how the fuck is anyone else going to do it? That is a catastrophic design flaw.

>y-you guys should have u-understood that the incredibly complex code was flawed!
>it is whoever invested in it that was to blame!
Topkek. This keeps getting better and better.

>> No.1458785
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Mark Cuban's a stupid freaking idiot retard who doesn't use 4chan and knows less shit than us about the future.

>> No.1458790
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>> No.1458799

>So completely terribly? It was such a big fuckup that I am suprised it didn't send the value of eth straight to $0. If the leading experts on smart contracts and cryptography can't even program a smart contract successfully then how the fuck is anyone else going to do it? That is a catastrophic design flaw.

the recklessness displayed by stephan tool + friends is amazing. anyone who knows anything about programming and the current security practices/tooling in ethereum knows that the state of smart contract development is at an extremely early stage right now.

it is extremely risky that any __complex__ contract (it's probably okay if the contract does like two or three simple things - thedao was stupidly complex) should have 20 million, 50 million and for fuck's sake 150 million dollars worth of ether in it right now

people learned their lesson. security tooling/auditing will get better over the next year or so and I suspect that we won't crowdfunding contracts approach the size of theDao for quite a while

>> No.1458817

kid looks like a little goblin

>> No.1458833

The problem with discussing with these guys is that they really don't know how it works. He read an article about that but don't know what a smart contract is. And frankly I can understand, if I was an illiterate I would never understand why ethereum isn't flawed if it led to the lost of xx millions.

>> No.1458835

As long as you keep your private keys secure it's impossible for anybody to steal your coins,holding say 10k of cash is much more risky.

>> No.1458887

This. Average people look at bitcoin and eth as completely flawed technology. They are only going to judge you for the results, not what you think it -ought- to be. If you don't see how damaging the DAO was in the eyes of the public then you don't understand psychology.

>> No.1459023

>Mark Cuban
literally who?

How about the motherfucking Rothschild?

>> No.1459028

FIAT coin, might as well invest in paper currency.

>> No.1459419

>implying rothschild was talking about bitcoin
Lmfao that article is hilarious. It has to be satire.... right?

>> No.1459482

>Exactly as programmed.
>As programmed.

And then the entire community decided to go full "lol, nope" and undo everything with a fucking hard fork. At one hand, it proves the entire thing isn't truly decentralized, and at the other, it opens the possibility to pull an undo every time the large majority of the community doesn't like how the things turned out, which is an insta-red flag for any smart investor.

How this shit isn't dead is beyond me.

>> No.1459763

ETH is a mess, pt. 327:


I bet all those multinationals and big investors are rushing into ETH as we speak!!! LOL!

>> No.1459772

>dat damage control
the point is they abandoned the dollar. Clearly they don't think it's stable and secure. Stay mad

>> No.1459830

why do people keep comparing btc and eth.?

They are not meant to be the same thing, eth isn't meant to be a coin, it's fuel.

>> No.1459857

After the ETH foundation showing its true colors we now know thar dark markets will NEVER EVER use the ETH chain.

Also, no corporation in their right mind would put their company finances in the hands of these weak willed fraudsters either.

Buy monero.