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14563047 No.14563047 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent you in it?

>> No.14563064

what gives the token value ?

>> No.14563102

Amazes me that one of the biggest fud points for Quant is "muh useless token" when it's actually one of the few projects to use its token for a crucial technical utility purpose.

QNT will be used to sign and verify data passing through Overledger, which is something it's very useful for as it's decentralized and immutable.

All Quant said earlier on the development is they were still figuring out the finer details of the treasury and tokenomics system. Not that they were figuring out what to actually do with the token. It's always been integral this way. It's critical to how Overledger works, and makes it a bona fide utility token as per FINMA guidelines.

The fact is, Overledger usage and adoption = QNT goes up. Licensing and usage will require market buys of QNT, whether the client does it themselves, or the Quant Treasury does it on their behalf.

With Quant's FA and the SIA partnership, they seriously could end up surpassing Ripple in terms of fintech adoption in the not too distant future. Not to mention the many hundreds of other industries in which Overledger instantly removes the barriers to using blockchain technology.
See you illiterate moron at 1B cap.

>> No.14563112


>> No.14563127

“Quant Network’s Overledger: Part Seven— The QNT Token” https://medium.com/@CryptoSeq/quant-networks-overledger-part-seven-the-qnt-token-d6b945ea15f1

>> No.14563142

smells like shilled pasta

>> No.14563164

it answers the question

>> No.14563275

not fudding, just genuinely ignorant. so let me get this straight, companies will market buy the tokens to use the quant netwok. the token is used to sign and verify data ( don't know what this really means, like you send and email and if you spend some quant it becomes signed ? or you gain the ability to send it through the network ?). Another question do companies that want to use the network pay quant in anyway or do the just need to use their tokens ? ( I guess they could pay them in qnt fees to nodes idk) . sounds like an interesting enterprise focused project, its just that idk what it is useful for.

>> No.14563411

sounds like badvidt

>> No.14563430
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>> No.14563435

Vidt makes quant obsolete.

>> No.14563475

Kek. Get out pajeet.

>> No.14563477

Remind me when Shit-dt is used by 580+ Banks and integrated into their core infrastructure and is named Gartner Cool Vendor for 2019.

>> No.14563555


>> No.14563845

So can Quant ever get too expensive? Like wouldnt operating costs just be insane if it gets too high

>> No.14563899

I dont care if quant is worth a billion this year or in 2025 its a scam they jump into the ico hype train to cash in they hate the community too ill never buy it .... plus the token is just that a token it does nothing

>> No.14564277

Nope. It's divisible by 18 decimals and enterprises pay in fiat through treasury.
This isn't a fucking high scool project, they thought this shit through.

>> No.14564298

If you really want me to buy in I can, but it will dump immediately if I do and you will never see $9 again.

>> No.14564310

We are in dude, plz stop making quant posts

>> No.14564321

Institutional investors.


>> No.14564373

I don’t know a single serious crypto investor that doesn’t have quant yet lol

>> No.14564402

Literally every investor from my old LINK ICO pool is all about qnt

>> No.14564675



>> No.14565000

I’ve read some grade A retard shit on this board but wow lol

>> No.14565215
File: 27 KB, 450x300, 12342314463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*schlop* schlop* *schlop*
You're right
*schlop* *schlop*

>> No.14565244

lmao if even a single bank was actually going to use your shitty token then someone with money would have bought the entire supply. 580 banks and a 50m market cap. Top fucking kek

>> No.14565261

You know that's not how it works, right anon?
You DID DYOR on Quant, right anon?

>> No.14565317

wait, so enterprises pay and fiat and QNT is used to verify transactions? This is literally the same shit as VIDT which has already been FUDed to death for that exact reason. Token not needed

>> No.14565377

They will not use the token. They will use overledger through a license which imply tokens being locked being locked. Also price tripled since sia anouncement

>> No.14565452


>> No.14565493

shills out in full force. Gonna have to work harder if you want any of these retards to fomo into a 3x in one week green candle

>> No.14565521

fuck, dumbasses like you are the worst. Literally any response that actually answers a dumbass question is a shill

>> No.14565587

why isn't this shitcoin on a real exchange yet? Every second thread about it a few months back was showing proof it was a scam

>> No.14565721

Post one single proof that it is a scam.

Stop being a retard and fucking buy QNT.

>> No.14565760

it's never going on binance is it

>> No.14565799

It is. Binance will literally beg for it.

"We'll get there with what's coming" - Gilbert

>> No.14565800

cant post any evidence that this is a scam?

>> No.14565808

from the looks of it, this is the sort of token that binance would be delisting next month. So no they won't list it

>> No.14565835

Stop spoonfeeding with these posts you insecure faggot. Everybody who’s been here is already in and similar to LINK this doesn’t need the retard reddit tourists to pump our bags. You’re making this post because you have no confidence in your decision making and you will sell early

>> No.14565847

And you're basing that on what?
It being #1 volume on IDEX for the past year or so?

Still waiting for that scam proof.

>> No.14565848

What are you even talking about?

>> No.14565876

QNT token to be used to try and force people to settle with QNT, instead there are coins backed by large enterprises, central banks etc which are designed to remain stable / pegged to fiat, these would be better to settle with. So instead of forcing them to use one token and limiting adoption, the goal will be to hold a minimum amount of QNT in a wallet (which will grant access to the BPI) and you can then represent / settle with any other token on a different chain by locking the token on the source chain and then representing it on another chain via writing metadata to the destination blockchain representing that token.

This is far bigger than just settling a trade where one-party buys say XRP and then the other party immediately sells the XRP to facilitate trade, QNT can be used to transfer any coin across any blockchain, but also any asset. The vast majority of Assets are going to be tokenised - Gilbert mentioned their clients are already tokenising things such as Artwork, to real estate, even Oil Refineries. This makes assets that were normally illiquid, very liquid and will have huge benefits. You can transfer ownership (as well as part ownership) of assets across chains, so that they can interact with smart contracts on another. Products being able to move across multiple blockchains used in the supply chain (as not all steps in the chain will use one blockchain especially so considering the number of different countries involved with many global supply chains). Making stocks, bonds, securities etc available on other blockchains again provides global liquidity, assets which are divisible so you can now own a part of a hotel or building etc. As well as making assets / currency programmable so can automatically act in a certain way once certain conditions are met.

>> No.14565900

Imagine the number of trades you have now without forcing QNT to be used as settlement (which just gets bought and sold immediately so does nothing to price anyway). Instead it is used for all token / currency / asset transfers across chains all requiring QNT as a utility token and holding minimum amount of QNT to facilitate this interoperability.

>> No.14566025


This shit will moon harder than anything ever before it.

>> No.14566161

so we all agree its shit?

>> No.14566332

what are we 12? Go give your mom her laptop back and stop browsing racist internet board jimmy

>> No.14566381

tele boomer pajeet shill spotted