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File: 9 KB, 400x400, jkxaZQCR_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14562587 No.14562587 [Reply] [Original]


This app is cool as shit. Conversation based on capitalism. Money moves from peer to peer based on the perceived quality of their content.
Want to post or comment cost 2 cents (transaction fee). Want to "like" something. Cost 10 cents, and most of that goes to the person who's comment you're liking. Imagine posting something popular and getting 2,000 likes?

Also, everything is recorded on the blockchain for all of eternity, so it makes you stop and think before you post something.

This is the future. Sign up, and give it a shot.

>> No.14562618

who the fuck would pay ten cents to like something

how does this shit get past the concept phase

>> No.14562628

>this app is cool as shit
Do better Ranjeesh.

>> No.14562629

Limited availability


>> No.14562639

I tried it and really like it. earned 3$ with some shitposts. more features and I see lot of people migrating to it.

>> No.14562648

This is literally just a worse version of
VOICE.COM by Block1 EOS.

>> No.14562669

This must be some SV shit sounds just as retarded as money button.

>> No.14562671
File: 2 KB, 310x163, LTOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talking bs money moves??? LTO is the real money move.

>> No.14562672

>pay to post
>pay to like

>> No.14562680

Blatant pajeet shill. Kys

>> No.14562681

You don't understand.

You're tipping the person for posting good content, similar to tipping a person playing guitar on the street.

This incentives people to post the best content they can find, because the community will pay you for it.

There is no censorship BS. Best content will always rise to the top.

This is capitalism and it works. Always.

>> No.14562698

OMG those EOS dapps are just as retarded.

>> No.14562712

You sir are a fucking braindead piece of dogshit

>> No.14562728

Why the fuck would I tip people damn beggars?
Let those fuckers work goddamn socialists!

>> No.14562729

I haven't made any money yet, but it's still fun as hell. Just started messing with it today, but I've been familiar with the concept of Twetch for a month now. Just now I was able to get in.

You've tried both?

>Imagine thinking money button is "retarded". Who sends you anti-bsv shills here lmao?

>> No.14562733

This. KYS op

>> No.14562740

You would tip someone, because they provided you with a good service (in this case, brought good content to your eyeballs and small brain).

>> No.14562747

How’s the weather in New Delhi you insufferable pajeet.

>> No.14562772

>implying we don’t already get that for free
Fuck off

>> No.14562797

Idk, look it up on blockchain faggot.

>> No.14562825

You don't.

For example on 4chan. I have to sift through so much pajeet bullshit and faggotry to find that one gold mine post. Takes forever and ruins my day. I'd rather pay someone to put useful content in front of my eyes, then have to do anything with faggots like you.

The farther I can keep poorfags like you away from me the better.

>> No.14562873

>I want someone to validate the content for me with likes and upvotes
What you're looking for is Reddit

>> No.14562944

neck yourself plebbit faggot

>> No.14562958

No, reddit doesn't pay me, and is susceptible to bots, is censored, and in general has shit content.

>> No.14562969

How can I access it? The link just states to join the waiting list

>> No.14563034

>expects no bots and pajeets on a begging platform
Sweet summer child...

>> No.14563070
File: 106 KB, 2560x1202, HAMmFVI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Fren,

Join the waiting list, and DM twetch on twitter asking to let you in. They'll ask for your money button account. You can make a money button acount on agora pic related.

>> No.14563090

If a pajeet/bot hybrid brings me good content, then so be it. I'll flip it a dime, and be on my way.

>> No.14563132

You prolly havent heard of paid FB/Twitter likes. In this case, it's given on a silver plate.

>> No.14563146


Steemit was also a big pile of shit. Nice to see you’re trying to make something even worse, Pranjuptamesh

>> No.14563710

this is a pretty cool idea. imagine journos had to actually pay to put their shit content out and it would be stored on the block chain forever. they might actually think, do some research and not put out fake news all the time.
I wanna see this extended to emails as well. imagine spammers have to pay money for their spam campaigns. also
>hurr durr we get all of that shit for free already
no you dont. youre paying with your personal data that is sold to different companies to spam you with advertising.

>> No.14564240

Do you have cancer up the head and in arse?
I am a SV whale you dumb piece of shit.
SV is the future and will destroy BTC and ETH but not with these dumb stupid retarded socialist idea apps that have already failed 5 years ago on BTC.

>You dumb fucking nocoiner poor motherfuckin wagecuck get your shit together and use your goddamn brain!

Ask Daniel and Kevin who the fuck I am you leech.

>> No.14564368

>SV is the future and will destroy BTC and ETH but not with these dumb stupid retarded socialist idea apps that have already failed 5 years ago on BTC
I'm afraid it has no other value proposition

>> No.14564622

Just wait til 2020 when CSW dumps all his Core coin and tank BTC to $4

>> No.14564703

Oh yeah, the so called trust... An absolutely real, proven thing, nothing to do with imagination and larp

>> No.14565105

Twetch's value proposition unironically makes it the Twitter killer. No-BSV'ers BTFO.