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File: 93 KB, 602x590, Stakenet Info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14562216 No.14562216 [Reply] [Original]

>Instant one-click private swaps between BTC, LTC, and now Tether via LN swaps. Goods payable with BTC can be bought with LTC, Tether, or XSN.
>Re-establishes privacy that LN routers potentially compromise while re-establishing privacy for otherwise-traceable BTC funds
>Pure DEX - run by MNs, secured by the network - that hosts every blockchain for every coin available for trade so the end-user doesn't need to download them individually
>Pioneered TPoS (trustless proof of stake) - stake 24/7 while your computer is off or even from cold storage
>Working to make TPoS a one-click option
>Trustless MN hosting services payable directly in XSN. Run several MNs while your computer is off and receive a 16% annual ROI in XSN
>DEX Aggregator that intends to pool together numerous other DEXes that suffer from low volume
>CCPoS - stake XSN, receive BTC, LTC, Tether
>Dedicated hardware division.
>Intending to pool MN hardware into a collective supercomputer secured by the network. The DEX is the first dApp.
>No KYC to use the DEX, perform LN swaps, or use any of the other features mentioned above.
>Very recently updated their whitepaper with the intent to integrate ETH/ERC20 and EOS tokens into this infrastructure (pic related)
The X9 Developers are working to obsolete centralized exchanges. They've routinely delivered on all their ambitious goals to do so.
They're doing it in a way that honors the original cypherpunks that built Bitcoin.
Stakenet is being built for the collective benefit of the entire space.

If you trade between BTC and LTC alone, this will have a tremendous amount of benefits to it.
>No bid orders
>No buying down sell walls
>No need to transfer
Funds and keys remain secured and completely in your control whether you wish to hold, trade, spend, or cold stake.

>> No.14562226

Pajeet tier shitcoin

>> No.14562318

Got my bag of XSN when the shilling started again a few days ago, shit always pumps good when it starts to go.

>> No.14562497


low key I got me a suicide bag just Incase it pops off desu

>> No.14562532

Got 7 MN's. Pretty comfy desu.

>> No.14562694

Saw that on ct days ago.
Do they support staking from ledger?
That would be a cool feature

>> No.14562719

their whitepaper is a nice read, I'm buying some

>> No.14562750


They just announced Cold staking from Ledger today


I bought my bag as a quick flip as it always pumps but actually spent a bit of time learning about it this time and shit is fire I dont understand why it’s marketcap is so low as they got more stuff actually release than most crypto’s out there

>> No.14562901

Nice shit, I’m in.

>> No.14562927

Cold staking this shit from my Trezor device is gonna feel fucking AMAZING.
Just saw the dev update on Twitter and it's literally made my day!

>> No.14562961

Actually Ledger still needs to merge the code, hope they'll do it fast this time.

>> No.14562979



>> No.14563074

Ok, then the pump should come.
Livecoin is the place, yes?

>> No.14563082

why are they not on idex, I can't buy this shit on literally who exchanges

>> No.14563088

>They helped Litecoin implementing lightning on their chain.

>Fixed a major seesaw exploit in PIVX code base

This dev team is GOD-LIKE

>> No.14563192
File: 810 KB, 750x725, 1532536690_4fqXI1-BIOEDLcCQ1IBxkDUk6xrc1kVlh6yJoR2Nw0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on 4 masternodes in this project, and I'm comfy as FUCK.
Happy about my LINK gains, next up is XSN to blow the fuck up, and make me the ULTIMATE neet profiting $$$$/months on the DEX fees.

>> No.14563331

I really hope my money transfers in time to get a suicide stuck sub 10 mil. how do you fuckers even learn about these gems?

those devs are legends.

>> No.14563648

I had some posw leftovers that I forgot about in craptopia, someday i got an email from topia saying that posw is about to be delisted and there's a swap from posw to xsn on livecoin.

That's how I got my first XSN

>> No.14563862

Where do you guys buy?

no volume on livecoin

>> No.14563929

There are like 2 masternodes to buy at sub 900 sats. Dont cry. Just buy it there.

>> No.14563951

Also there will never ever be volume. 70% of the coins are either stacking or locked up in masternodes. No one is selling

>> No.14563997

There is no volume anywhere because there are fuck all coins for sale it’s something stupid like 80% of the supply is locked up in masternodes or being used for staking. Then there is another 8 million XSN stuck on craptopia so that only leaves 10% of the supply to possibly be used on exchanges hence why it’s a fucker to try and buy a big bag. Not a bad thing though as it also means sell walls are thin as fuck so it’s easy to pump this shit high which will then create the liquidity making it easy to sell if you want out

>> No.14564174

Can’t tell if pajeet shill or legit

>> No.14564306

Both probably. Since the masternodes are cheap expect a lot of pajeets. On the other side...what other coin has implemented the same tech described in the OP? Pivx, dash and ltc are actually asking xsn how to into lighting network. Its no small feat.

>> No.14564621

It's actually both, because they don't want to start marketing before their products are out. and their community shill it like pajeets.
If you go and read the documents made by the team it will make way more sense.