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14557913 No.14557913 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14557946

About 40k RLC in 2021

>> No.14557956


>> No.14557964

6 million dollars

>> No.14557963

I mean in dollars

>> No.14557976

Probably around this

>> No.14557991

Depends on where in america. To live comfy you need like 3 million i would say.

>> No.14557996

Wtf are you talking about mate. 500k would be 10k per year over 50 years. That's in no way enough to live a normal life

>> No.14558012

Depends if you want to be single for life, or have a family.

Everyone’s number is different depending on what they want out of life.

>> No.14558014

This sounds about right...live off 100k a year and invest the rest in stock, stocks that pay dividends, mutual funds and a bit in btc just Incase it actually goes to 250,000.

>> No.14558015

>white American male?

Eugh, always thinking of yourselves, typical

>> No.14558045

White male!? Sorry bro never going to make it. Even if you do get rich. Your people are on the endangered list and unlike a majestic creature such as the “Golden Eagle” you are not worth saving.

>> No.14558093
File: 394 KB, 1242x1566, 48272DC7-D155-47E2-B3AF-F9BFDEB6AAD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m European I know American white burger fags are gonna stay on top for a long while. The only thing they should be on watch for is your white women....that’s the only group that might topple you.

>> No.14558094

wtf are you talking about? It's not 10k a year if you have that capital doing something which you should be. Agree that 500k isn't enough though. I reckon 800k at absolute minimum.

>> No.14558277

Not possible, the best you can hope for is to become a greeter at wal-mart

>> No.14558279

Wtf that’s so much please tell me this is not right

>> No.14558354

I would say 10 million. If you were to get 5 million, you could work a low stress, part time job until you’re like 40 then live off the money.

>> No.14558376

That's 50k a year indefinitely if you lend it as USDC on Celsius. You're financing leveraged trades and asset backed loans so the borrower always has collateral. On top of that the funds are insured to a higher amount than most bank accounts and you can withdraw without notice.

>> No.14558414

There’s a formula online. Generally it’s something to do with the number 4

>> No.14558430

to start today? $1.5 million

With a 3.5% average dividend yield you'd be earning (pretax) 52,500. That would continue to grow and outpace inflation if it was put into solid dividend growth companies, and you'd likely never need to touch the principal, which means that would also grow.

However if you have more time, you can have much less invested capital and have the market and compounding interest do the rest.

>> No.14558506
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>> No.14558549

if you lend it on fulcrum, that's a lot of money...

>> No.14558572
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>> No.14558583

Right now it would be harder because our healthcare system sucks so bad. If you want to have a wife and a kid you're looking at $18k a year just for premiums. If our healthcare system ever gets fixed you could do it with way less than a million.

>> No.14558590

This. If you want to get into rental properties as well I'd say $2million. 1.5m for you dividend portfolio and use the extra 500k on down payments for a few rental properties. Have someone else pay off your mortgages and never touch the principle on your div folio

>> No.14558608

I googled and surveys say $1.6mil

>> No.14558658

Not OP but how much to retire if I want to live a $300k per year income lifestyle. I want to mog a certain somebody.

>> No.14558691
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My NW is $500kish and I stopped working 2 years ago. No stocks, just real estate (w/mortgages) and 20% crypto. I live super cheap off of savings and am going to sell a house this year to buy a cuckshed on an acre for cash. I smoke all the weed I want, play all the vidya I want, run, hike and garden. I have a minor social life where I play D&D with some buddies every week or two, a FWB who is like 3 points below me, and a bowling league. I don't buy expensive shit and right now don't even own a car. I take the bus. Sorry for the blog post, just wanted to give you an idea of what a $500k retirement looks like in burgerland.

>> No.14558696

surveys like that are retarded and based on idiots making minimum wage
$5 mil is enough to still work, $10 mil to be safe, $15 mil to never ever have to worry about money again in your life even if you decide to start a family

>> No.14558712

This is depressing as a 24 year old going back to uni. I could be halfway to retirement by the time I graduate, wasted all those year in my room posting on 4chan.

>> No.14558749

you are a fucking retard

>> No.14558768

You can calculate it yourself by looking at the spreadsheets at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For example, you can look at the typical expenditures of a single man who makes 70 k$/year.

>> No.14558807

10MM, IMO, if you want to have a good lifestyle like a well paid lawyer or doctor without having to work.

Less if you have lower standards.

>> No.14558823

i don't think you understand the concept of compounding interest. You do not need $5M to retire unless you want to spend $200K per year and still not have to lose your principal.

That $5M will turn into $10M in 10 years with 7% interest, thats without reinvesting dividends.

gtfo with $5M...this is retiring comfortably, not retiring with a $300K boat, $2M home and a condo in the mountains discussion

>> No.14558847

Is it seriously this expensive to live in America? I need like $3mil to live comfy in europe I'd estimate

>> No.14558859


>> No.14558885
File: 55 KB, 800x748, DC0FBCBB-8079-4D4C-A4C5-3A2F89E114A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s only 10,000 LINK

>> No.14558963
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Haha nah, but John sounds based af.