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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14554492 No.14554492 [Reply] [Original]

Wow! Is it really like 4chan?

>> No.14554577

of course it's not

>> No.14554618

It was, until 4chan inevitability reinvents itself to keep distance between the ever looming threat of becoming mainstream. This is a website for misanthropic incel hipsters.

>> No.14554732

Can I say nigger there?

>> No.14554819

Kek. They wish, they're a bunch of kikes playing the good goy. Buy my boomer stocks goy, they're good for the economy goy, that's it, just work for 50 years. Lmao

>> No.14555020

You literally don't know what you're talking about, wallstreetbets doesn't buy and hold the underlying stocks like boomers, they fuck around with leveraged derivatives, options, and exotic volatility strategies. Basically Bitmex on roids with equal amounts of pink wojaks.

>> No.14555112
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of course you can !

>> No.14555785

Fucking go back

>> No.14556131

You’re not welcome here.

>> No.14556201

I've unironically been here since before reddit even existed. You are trying too hard to fit in by blindly hating everything reddit. It shows you came here after 2014.

I like wallstreetbets, they are the cool part of reddit.

>> No.14556216

reddit is alright
redditors aren't

>> No.14556295

The cool part of reddit was MDE or frenworld but they keep banning any sub that starts to become actually fun.

>> No.14556328

4chan: "Normies"
Hipsters: "Mainstream"
Ok good to know cuz their discord voicechat has too many smug fags

>> No.14556341

wsb was great but it has become more normie tier in the last year or so.

>> No.14556347

No it’s just obvious that biz has gone to absolute shit in the past few weeks much like pol went to absolute shit when TD invaded in 2016.

>inb4 biz has been shit since 2017

>> No.14556351

Oh yeah I forgot about the mde sub, they started a lot of the memes used on 4chan

>> No.14556374

It's just a bull market. Interest in crypto is correlated with underage shitposting and inversely correlated to thread quality.

>> No.14556401

You have to go back

>> No.14556411

No u

>> No.14556460
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>> No.14556481

It’s not just a bull market. 2017 was bad but it seemed like people just migrated from other boards. Now the influx seems uniquely reddit tier.

>> No.14556670

WSB is an almost useless subreddit, but I don't think I've ever seen a worse financial resource than /r/investing. The most dangerous people aren't the people who know they're stupid (WSB), the dangerous ones are the ones that think they have it all figured out because everyone around them is saying the same thing and preach their ignorant consensus as if it's an axiomatic law of the markets. I wouldn't be surprised if Vanguard and Fidelity just have shills sitting on /r/investing all day flooding everyone's brain with pig shit and trying to funnel all their money into mutual funds.

>> No.14556714

jelly poorfag

>> No.14556928

Hmm, sounds kinda like here with everyone shilling link and VIDT and whatever other worthless shitcoin with no use

>> No.14557228

Return whence thou cam'st

>> No.14558107

I worked at vanguard for a bit

They have a literal waiting list

You can’t call them and say ‘hey I have a couple mill I’d like to wire over’ and get it done - flagship (1-5 mill liquid investable) has a two month delay for on-boarding new funds

One of their internal consultant principals gave a talk and at the end of it, he goes ‘but I could be completely wrong and it wouldn’t matter because a billion will walk in the door today’

They couldn’t give a fuck less about shitty reddit

>> No.14558256

Go back summerfag nigger, dilate.

>> No.14558296

Why do boomers get so excited over a literal fucking index fund?

>> No.14558302

>the dangerous ones are the ones that think they have it all figured out because everyone around them is saying the same thing and preach their ignorant consensus as if it's an axiomatic law of the markets.
Always my concern with ChainLink. Nevertheless I have 50k USD worth of stinky linkies.

>> No.14558329

Reddit is terrible because of the vote system.
t. Came here from reddit (not going back)

>> No.14558332
File: 1.50 MB, 960x540, 'optimistic_nihilism'.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reddit UI overhaul is so flat and polished. All the charm and character of a porcelain toilet. It's like they lifted their entire design aesthetic from watching zogged up Kurzgesagt videos and killed a six of Sōylent before starting a website. What a horrible place.

>> No.14558364

Bingo - at least for flagship it was all 45-65 year olds, think accountants, lawyers, dentists etc

The passive index investing style makes perfect sense for them though - they have healthy careers with strong earnings expectations and don’t need short term gains so they sock away 40k a year and over a few decades it really adds up

The generational gap is that millenials have much diminished career potential due to boomer fuckery and need to take aggressive risks, like crypto

>> No.14558431

because they have enough capital that they don’t have to rely on moonshots to make it~