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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 364 KB, 880x586, rlCl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14553281 No.14553281 [Reply] [Original]

> Flood the board with tons of threads, for months, every day
> Ask stupid questions among them to draw attention, simulate wide interest and paste useless tech shit
> Fake an inexistent RLC - Chainlink competition because Link is popular here, in attempt to make some newfag fall for their scam
> Enrage and troll everyone who disagree like hysterical french queens

Can be the french fags kicked from biz forever, pleeeaaase?

>> No.14553298


>> No.14553305


>> No.14553322

name a nation more cucked than frenchies

>> No.14553405


>> No.14553523

nah, maybe only Sweden can compete

>> No.14553564

Massive cope incoming
As long as link fanatic feed the war is not over
Une baguette de fromage siouplé

>> No.14553702

Gilles it's over

>> No.14553816

Burger it’s the beginning

>> No.14553893

welcome back transjeet

>> No.14553900

The beginning of the exit scam, this shitcoin is going to 0

>> No.14553931

I dont own iexec but this watery fud attempt is giving me a hard cock i might buy some

>> No.14553963


thanks just bought 100k

>> No.14553998

1. Canada
2. Sweden
3. France
4. Germany
5. Belgium

>> No.14554003

iExec is high tech vaporware. A academia coin made to get credits in the research community with 0 benefits for actual users/developers/enterprises. 0 users since two years on mainnet isn't a coincidence.

Now RLC fags will jump on this again and scream V4, sidechain, Intel, IBM, just wait, RLC 100$, bla bla bla, like they have before every new version in the last three years. Its all so tiring. I'm putting a filter for RLC on here. I owned it for two years and did nothing but dump, so I cut the roap and sold all on V3. Wake me up when it gets back to its ICO price in ETH or BTC.

>> No.14554055

rlc fags i have 50$ frozen in RLC as i bought when it was fucing 1.8 - 2$

if i dont get my money back im going to fucking kill that fucking faggot dev.

>> No.14554131
File: 16 KB, 288x325, 1544764647948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I am a citizen of the worlds #1 nation
t. only ever been there for 2 weeks

>> No.14554173

honorary mention: UK
t. britbong

>> No.14554213


>> No.14554276

There are 0 mentions to RLC by Ibm and others, no one is speaking about this shitcoin, except Gilles and his paid trannies.

> Bought 100k
> i want to buy hard because of FUD
> what's all this fud
Those are pajeets, people who bought this shitcoin for real are suffering hard.

>> No.14554317

not a bagholder and some of these threads are cringy af, but considering a suicide stack the more i learn about it, remember link 2yrs ago?

>> No.14554328

What coins do you hold, pajeet?

>> No.14554370

Let's see how was RLC 2 yrs ago...
Oh look, almost exactly the same price of now.

Definitely not french scamcoins

>> No.14555397 [DELETED] 


>> No.14556009
File: 69 KB, 640x640, 1562156960397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all hail transjeet

>> No.14556154

Gilles the scam is over, no one is buying your dogshit coin, go home

>> No.14556204

None but pretty much all western countries are cucked and will look like France sooner or later.

>> No.14556211

Thank you Transjeet for doing the needful and FUDing this undervalued token.

>> No.14556249

Poor french pajeets, your ass is burning.
You don't get paid if the shit goes to 0

>> No.14556292


>> No.14556360
File: 184 KB, 938x625, https___hypebeast.com_wp-content_blogs.dir_11_files_2018_06_emmannuel-macron-elysee-kiddy-smile-queer-voguing-fete-musique-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14556362

Je pète dans votre direction générale!

>> No.14556432

>Je pète dans votre direction générale!
Nous savons tous que ton cul est déchiré par les bites des transsexuels, Gilles

>> No.14556616
File: 183 KB, 395x401, link_holder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT only french haters, nothing /biz/ related

ITT Virgin fat burgers knowing nothing about the real tech value here


Did yo momma changed your poo basin yet ?
Are you counting on Link gains to move from your parents basement ?

>> No.14556628

Imagine trying to get yellow vests into the streets of burgerland.

t. American

>> No.14556885

kys Gilles, no tech value, just an already dumped pnd shitcoin

>> No.14556922

We already have our own yellowvest movement, it's called antifa/black lives matter

>> No.14557453


see you at 10$ fgt

>> No.14557491

just lol at comparing american antifa pussies with french protesters.
It's like comparing your sports fans with European Ultras.

>> No.14557675

>[burger] sports fans
Consumerist drones.
>European Ultras
Literal sub-80 IQ chimps. The actual niggers of Europe.

>> No.14558156

Gilles Fedak has AIDS, it's official now

>> No.14558201

I like RLC more than I like LINK.

Both scams but at least one of them isn't successful at scamming.

>> No.14558221

says nervous linkie