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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 122 KB, 735x735, taylor-swift-hugging-white-girl-afraid-to-touch-black-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14549507 No.14549507 [Reply] [Original]

You boys keep telling me that life as a woman is easier but that's bs and only applies to promiscuous women. Regular women that aren't too attractive, such as myself, don't get as much attention as attractive Stacie's who have dozens of orbiters around them at all times. So how do I profit from my vagina, without having to become a goldigging whore, a camgirl, or a prostitute? Oh and I should also mention that I rarely go outside because I'm a neet and on the spectrum, so suggestions that I could accomplish at home are preferable.

>> No.14549526

post discord

>> No.14549561

Have a baby and collect child support
Repeat 5x

Also, tits or gtfo

>> No.14549614

I can't have kids I have PCOS, which also makes me undatable to most men.

>> No.14549643

All in on Chainlink it's literally that easy

>> No.14549675

>female here
Literally kys

>> No.14549684

There are no women on /biz/.
The bigger question is why do you feel the need to larp as a woman?

>> No.14549718

Sell bathwater.

>> No.14549758

I rarely post outside of b,pol, and soc. I only started lurking because link keeps getting spammed on a server I'm in.

>> No.14549763

Based and delphinepilled

>> No.14549784
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You know the rules.

>> No.14549825

>Literally kys
Don't worry I'm leaving soon. This board seems boring and none of the memes are funny desu.

>> No.14549994

>no brappers, no milkies

who cares

>> No.14550109

>regular women that aren't too atrractive
Most women don't feel confident in their body/looks. Don't whore around (stay a virgin if possible) and take care of your body and you will most likely find a decent guy.
Other than that you can go to Omegle and scam beta losers if you want fast money from your vag.

>> No.14550128

>wants to use vagina
>doesn't want to be a whore

Just.. What?? How about getting money without using your vagina like everybody else?

>> No.14550177

no vagina needed

>> No.14550210

wtf I just googled this? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

>> No.14550232

Based and cheqd.
OP you can use your vagina to navigate to coinbase.com and punch in your bank ach numbers with your vagina and marketbuy as much chain link as you can. By sergeys will

>> No.14550339

You're here forever, faggot.

>> No.14550383

I don't want to be a whore. I was only wondering if there exists a loophole in the system which would allow me to live the life of a neet for merely being a woman.

>> No.14550401

>only applies to promiscuous women
Are there any other types?

>> No.14550415

I don't want to live a fancy life. I just want to have the means to live the simple life of a neet and play vidyas all day.

>> No.14550542

you know you've hit rock bottom as a roastie's hierarchy of needs
when you make a post with YOURSELF as the central topic
on an autist message board about imaginary coins

shit like this keeps me going, thanks OP

>> No.14550554

>not a camwhore
repent sinner

>> No.14550576

nothing makes me happier than the thought of a dumb broke roastie leaving this board and missing out on link because "the memes aren't that good"

>> No.14550610

try contributing something next time. maybe an insight. dont just take like most females here.

>> No.14550623 [DELETED] 

>I'm a neet and on the spectrum
Where do you go to find girls like this?

>> No.14550647

You dont want one

>> No.14550651

>I rarely go outside because I'm a neet and on the spectrum
How do you find someone like this to make your waifu?

>> No.14550809

So you’re fat, hardly attractive and probably have a bit of stubble as well as having acute mental issues. You sound like my ‘the other girls arent available available right now I’ll talk to this one during my immediate jerk session’ girls.

If you have a nice voice, or anything recognisably female you could perhaps just stream autism games or some shit and losers will give you cyber currency. There’s no mechanism for anyone, male or female to just exist as a NEET without doing absolutely anything. Some kind of thing has to be done, male NEETs go apply for tardbux with their made up illnesses, female NEETs scam dumb boys, sell panties and half-heartedly engage in financial domination. A good friend of mine engaged in the latter for shits and giggles, she’s an art chick so she can pull it off even though she’s too sweet to be domineering.

Now spread your roast flaps and fly away to more prosperous lands.

>> No.14550847

Why do you even exist if you can't have children?

>> No.14551121

Tell me more about these tard bux. I'm not fat anymore because I went bulimic and the facial hair has been fairly easy to manage. Admittedly my teenage years were hell and the bullying really damaged me.

>> No.14551142

if you're not good looking, give up. nobody cares, there's nothing anyone wants here.

>> No.14551159
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The only thing that keeps me from killing myself is my fear of the eternal void.

>> No.14551191

At least post timestamped tits, so we have something to talk about. You browse /b/ and /soc/ it's not like you've never done it

>> No.14551196

> how do i make money as a female
Well fine lady, like every other female more or less as well:
> P R O S T I T U T I O N

>> No.14551227

This is definitely no larp and a woman.
Too retarded for 1+1.

>> No.14551254

Yeah post Tits with Timestamps or GTFO.
Yesterday some dudes put sharpies in their ass for a bunch of link - at least they contributed with their hairy anus. TITS OR GTFO

>> No.14551317

surrogate motherhood? get paid 20k/year just to have your squange squelched then queefing out spawn for hags with broken cunts.

>> No.14551388

I have PCOS and I have small ugly breasts. I've seen men with bigger breasts than me.
I AM a hag with a broken cunt

>> No.14551404

What a racist cunt.

>> No.14551451
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Wow more fake news from /pol/, shocking!

>> No.14551464
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My gf has PCOS too, but she has huge tits and doesn't post on /biz/, she just cries a lot.

There's hope for you yet. Buy LINK!

>> No.14551484

Just do it already

>> No.14551505
File: 236 KB, 694x502, Screen Shot 2019-07-03 at 10.22.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faith in Taylor restored

>> No.14551516

>my fear of the eternal void.
i unironically don't believe that a single female has ever been able to properly look into this void enough to fear it in its universality rather than as a loss of particular aspects of life
so this post is fake

>> No.14551540

the problem with women is that they will never take a risk investing.
Chainlink is still cheap and they still won't invest in it because any slight doubt or fud will keep them away.

>> No.14551565

> over 1B marketcap
> still cheap


>> No.14551583

bros this is a top 10 coin
This can go to 2 billion and above in a few months easy

>> No.14551637

1bn is fucking nothing retard the market cap of beyond meat is 8bn and literally all it does is sell shit patties

>> No.14551731

How do you make money with digital l cryptocurrencies? As the name implies, a cryptocurrency is supposed to be a form of currency. How could a cryptocurrency be used as a currency AND make people money? And how does the "value" go up. And how do you get money from your Bitcoin? Cryptocurrencies are hard to understand and I don't want to out money into something I don't understand.

>> No.14551750

the value goes up from people holding the coins.
If they're cashed out they lose value.
If everyone used bitcoin and never cashed out its value would go up exponentially.

>> No.14551789

You heard them love. All in LINK. That's it.

>> No.14551827

Wear makeup be fat/chubby wear emo outfit or stockings you will get 99.9% of males dying to fuck you

>> No.14552184
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fuck off fetishist. no man wants some greedy, stinking, porkonaut hamanomaly blubbernaut. fat cunts should be burned to fuel gyms for actual human females.