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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14548192 No.14548192 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see /biz/'s stats:


PM at tech company

>Net Worth
~245k ($130k after-tax brokerage, $90k 401k, $20k cash, ~$5k crypto)

>> No.14548235

Who cares... where's the moon?

>> No.14548267

Only $5k in crypto? Fucking pussy

>> No.14548269



i dont fucking know but im making good money

>> No.14548307

>QC factory cuck
>$50k in crypto
>$20k in 401k/IRA
>$5k in cash
>$7k left on personal loan
If I'm not a millionaire hy the time I'm 30 I'm giving myself the rope

>> No.14548319

Why is there so many of us here?

>> No.14548337

Because biz runs off of salt, nicotine, and white monsters just like us

>> No.14548345

>nursing student
>~40k of which 20k in crypto and 20k cash.

>> No.14548382

SrA here reeeeeee

>> No.14548386
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Oh look is another biz anons larp as successful people thread

>> No.14548416

It Sucks. But I do have an engineering degree and a Job I don't hate. Slaying all Milfs in Texas. Not too bad I guess. Still want Lambo.

>> No.14548440

>240k net worth
>only 5k in crypto

Fuck off to reddit pussy and stay there this time

>> No.14548475
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don't be jealous that grown ups with actual Business & Finance experience read this board

>> No.14548520
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>Net Worth
Got a cigarette?

>> No.14548533

>Net Worth
140k crypto
15k liquid
-13k debt
= 142k

>> No.14548542
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>> No.14548572


former PM at tech company, now pest abatement specialist

>Net Worth
van + extermination equipment worth maybe 10k total, 20k left in after-tax brokerage after divorce and incarceration, $37 remaining from recent payday loan in cash, 27 LINK, 15,000 EVE

>> No.14548602

Sales Manager
>Net Worth
>Link Ranking
Top 1000 wallets

>> No.14548605

all crypto

>> No.14548609

>retirement age
Is this some sort of joke?

>> No.14548631

God damn how'd you make so much money being a PM?

>> No.14548672
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All posts here are fiction; only a fool would take anything written here as fact.

>Cook, lol
>18k all in crypto

>> No.14548704

Click on any of these titles to get an idea of a PM salary at big tech companies:


>> No.14548707
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>he thinks im joking
i have to sleep next to dudes who smell like piss most nights

>> No.14548729

You work at FAAG and only have 245k saved up at 26? What the fuck are you blowing your money on?

>> No.14548785

What's the method of getting into product management?

I'm in the video game industry, which doesn't really have "Product management" in the same way. Though we do have producers. There seems to be overlap there (they take on project management roles as well).

>> No.14548789

>55k cash
>55k retirement
>7k crypto

Kill me not gonna make it. Only hope is my 1.4k LINK stack.

>> No.14548823

No point in having that much cash wtf

>> No.14548833

Buy more crypto right fucking now. If you have under 5 figures in crypto you aren't going to retire off of it

>> No.14548840

why the fuck you care you dumb fuck nice larp btw

>> No.14548851

Those threads are always pointless

>> No.14548856

Typically the path is:

>be a dev for a couple of years
>get asked to switch to PM if you have moderate social skills, or try to switch to PM yourself if you are interested in it

There are some people that go directly into PM after university (like at Microsoft) or getting an MBA, but I personally think that's retarded if you have no tangible software/coding experience.

Also note Project/Product/Program Manager are all roles that are slightly different but have overlap, and some companies use one title vs. another.

Basically if you are technical but also have an interest in the business/communications/marketing side, a PM is an interesting role to look into. Not sure what it's like at a small company/startup since I've only worked at big companies so far.

>> No.14548913

Was planning on saving for property but everything near me is too fucking expensive. Probably will throw half of it into some investments

Thinking of throwing another 5k into the market. I’m scared though. Everything I buy turns to shit.

>> No.14548949


Mechanical stuff

>Net Worth
lol like 10K ($100 in crypto)

>> No.14548956

Commercial Banker
>Net Worth

>> No.14548967

LINK is a good bet, hard to go wrong with BTC if you want to be relatively inexpensive conservative about it. I'll spare shilling you my shitcoin stacks though I should probably trim them off a bit into more BTC

>> No.14548982

>50000 Linkies

>> No.14548987

I have 500k net worth all in crypto and pms , and I worked as a quant/programmer and I’m OP’s age

Suck my cock faggot

>> No.14548991

pizza cuck

was negative just a little while ago

>> No.14548999

Gotcha. I don't have technical experience, but am currently the producer for our engineering team. In my industry, Product Manager isn't typically that role. There's no real code-manager role in that way, besides leads or architects etc.

>> No.14549058


100k Crypto
130k Cash
15k Stocks
35% of startup

>> No.14549987
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>Factory slave
>own house, own car, debt free, 37k in the bank

>> No.14550046

$150k+ (everything in LINK)

>> No.14550089

pay your debts

>> No.14550141

>Medcuck student
>$5k in checking, $20k crypto, $30k Roth IRA
About as average as it gets. My lifetime goal is $10m

>> No.14550244


Software Engineer

310 stock, 550 crypto, 10k misc, 70k debt

>> No.14550443

100K Stocks 10K cash 400K crypto

>> No.14550535

>Entry level finance slave
>28k in crypto
>15k in 401k+RIRA
>3k in cash

>> No.14550799


returning student

>net worth
-20k ( i'm burning through savings and taking loans to go back to school, i figure its worth it if I get to leave my dead end job)
>inb4 start your own business/freelance
I know my limitations, i'm not super bright, school and then an office job is best for me

>> No.14550870

god damn the delusion in this post. half of you are peasant PMs pushing 250k net worth? fuck out of town

>> No.14550916



3.5 million ( 1 million BTC, 1 million house, 200k cash in the bank, 300k cars)

>> No.14550920

They are the same people who post pink wojak every dump .

>> No.14550923

29 yo eastern yuropoor

freelance writing + basic design
currently on a 6month break

>Net worth
$20k crypto
$60k savings, scared to throw them in stocks atm
$68k apartment bought on lower than market prices
$18k land that i will flip in 10 years for at least 6x as one of the main cities sprawls

$6k emergency fund

also own my apartment. problem is my work isn't stable and i have neet-ish tendencies. hope crypto does me well

>> No.14550930

i forgot to mention my swiss bank account with another 1 million

>> No.14550974
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>> No.14551006

Similar to me, except i'm 25. I also have a lot in cash, I don't know if it's a good idea to put it in stocks right now.

What Eastern European country are you from? I live in Czech Republic.

>> No.14551120

70000$ crypto

>> No.14551156

Good for you Anon! good to see someone who has made it! ( grew up in the Bay Area, Most of the people I know are very well off, so I'm used to it)

>> No.14551618

>neet loser
>10k cash
>200k+ crypto

>> No.14551777


wagie at cheese factory

>Net worth
$23k (90% stinky linkies)

>> No.14551809

man you're in central europe haha

serbia here. i realize that such money are a dream for most of the people around here, but i'm trying my best to get to some passive income. so far i've got:

- rent
- staking from some crypto projects
- stocks once the market calms down a bit

should be ok i guess..

>> No.14551817

Hey, I used to be a neet until 23. Now two years later I'm about to get a certificate and access a good paying job. Living out of home for almost a year. No longer feel like a drag to my family, begin to feel like a man now.

You can do it too if you want. It just takes effort.

>> No.14551820

50k crypto

>> No.14551828

what's this chart even meant to show
it's absolutely retarded
the interest rates aren't even the same
how would one get 1500000 in 37 years by investing zero

>> No.14551829

> 30
> I.T
> $182k in traditional stocks, $247k for half of the house that I own with my brother, $190k total in chainlink presently (accumulated at 30c mostly,) 0 debts

>> No.14551876

How much LINK though?

>> No.14551894
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>msc student (audiology), box humper at a supermarket
>£1k in crypto (20% btc, 80% link)
>£1k credit card debt after being unemployed for a year

i cant wait to graduate and actually start earning. if my coins don't moon i'm fucked and this debt will start spiralling

>> No.14551905

Yeah, I know, I'm from the Netherlands originally so it's kinda eastern for me haha.

But for Serbia you're doing insanely well for yourself, nice job man. I looked it up and average wage there is around $400 a month? Don't you pretty much have enough to retire already?

>> No.14552676

>trade apprentice
>20k in crypto, 500 in the bank
Thanks for the LINK, /biz/

>> No.14552699

>sales (literally killing myself every day doing this shit for f500 joo's)
>nw, ~500k thanks to link and years of long ass commutes and diligent savings %.. its all so tiresome.

>> No.14552820

This only millionaire posting here is some richfag BTC maximalist dentist who probably made most of it from his job and savings coupled with daddy or a decent return from BTC.

This after LINK went 20x.
You're telling me nobody went "lmfao let's put 50k on link"?
BS, the richfags on this board dont post it too often.

>> No.14553112

such averages posted on the net do a pretty poor job at depicting the real situation tho...i lived in bulgaria too, and you can see $600 wage there as an average

truth is, you can't really live on these salaries. i'd say around $600 is comfier (assuming not paying rent like me) for a NORMAL life.

if the land deal goes well it'll help a lot and i might go for 2x places to rent + stocks which will net me an average salary or so. worried about inflation tho, as eastern europe is still developing and i dont rule out explosive inflation rates that might make a dent on what i've accumulated so far

czech republic is amazing, btw. quite affordable and so much stuff to see. people were also very chill, hope you like it there!

>> No.14554071

>The top 1% makes up 20% of biz

>> No.14554251

30, house, two cars

450,000 in assets,

390,000 in debt

6,000 in gold
5,000 in silver

9,000 crypto
5,000 cash

wife/ kids

7 3/4 cut

>> No.14554683

>secret mossad agent from meccah
>88 millionen reichsmark