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14543866 No.14543866 [Reply] [Original]

Thought about this the other day.... would off chain cloud computations w GPU support mean mining would be able to be preformed on the cloud? And if so, what would the cost be ?

>> No.14543905

I'm very confident about this coin. Immediately after any shill post a fudder appers and try to invalidate all the arguments with something like india and trannies.


>> No.14543936

Checked. Sounds interesting. Any +120 IQ anons know anything about this ? Is this even possible ?

>> No.14544047

Yes it's possible. Yes it's only going to be possible with iExec thanks to the Poco algorithm. No one knows what the cost will be. Some people fud and say it's a useless thing but it's never existed before and we all know what happens when something that has never existed before becomes reality.

>> No.14544058

Same. Every time I see a thread for this token its always really good info mixed w tranny tranny tranny gay gay Link Link etc, but nobody ever seems to have any actual reasoning as to why this project isnt amazing, other than some chart that was posted months ago where they pissed off some linkies.

>> No.14544113

One would assume using cloud resources for data mining would be significantly cheaper than hardware / energy costs no? Or am I missing something here ?

>> No.14544227

sacre bleu under 3000 sats again Gilles please do something

>> No.14544269

Yes, one would assume that.

>> No.14544270

It's over Gilles, no one will fall in this scam again

>> No.14544308


Mining on the cloud is a great way to lose money.

>> No.14544317

can you explain why?

>> No.14544337

Again? This is supposedly coming out with the v4 release in december, and has never been previously attached to any prior release.

>> No.14544354

Where is it being done currently to lose this money you speak of ? As far as I know, this is cutting edge tech

>> No.14544415


Cui bono?

>> No.14544452


>> No.14544481

Speak english faggot. You can't say "mining on the cloud is a great way to lose money" and not say why. Seems like baseless fud considering decentralized cloud mining has never existed until iExec makes it possible.

>> No.14544577


Run your numbers and if they are positive, it's a scam. Look at any existing cloud service out there, run the numbers... you will either be red, or it's a scam. Why would someone provide a service, SPENDING THEIR OWN MONEY, for you to be more profitable than simply running your own hardware? They must be really nice people.

>> No.14544583

If this is true this could be fucking huge...

>> No.14544605
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>> No.14544652

this is so wrong

>> No.14544712

You are right, he should have said “YUGE”

>> No.14544919
