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14534331 No.14534331 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the V-ID team need to buy back 10% their tokens in fiat? The VIDT token serves NO PURPOSE outside of the V-ID API. The client doesn't touch the token. What purpose does buying the tokens with FIAT afterwards serve other than to pump your token price up to keep the bagholders happy who funded the team at ICO? Please enlighten me.

>> No.14534375

It’s not too late fren. You can get out of your basement and come join us in the light. Shave that neck beard, lose some of the rolls, and come enjoy the easiest x10 this year

>> No.14534424

that's not an answer fren. answer my question first.
>in b4 you can't and you'll just deflect again

>> No.14534443

>Sold the bottom
A drowning person will drag you down too.
Thanks OP for your salty effort at trying to save me..

>> No.14534457

Read the fucking tokenomics. Google that and you might learn more than googling shit stained underwear

>> No.14534469

>no answer, just more deflection

>> No.14534524

Most blockchain projects don’t ‘need’ an actual coin you faggot but that doesn’t mean the price isn’t going to go up. It’s basically like buying shares of a company that you think will be successful

>> No.14534525

it doesn't mention anything other than they buyback tokens. they give no purpose as to why they buy back tokens other than to avoid being a classified as a security, which it would be considered anyway with the buybacks...
what is the purpose of buying back the token with their profits other than to prop up the price?

>> No.14534550

so you're saying this is just a cashgrab token?
also >comparing buying shares in a company to buying an erc20 api token lel

>> No.14534735

I've answered you before so I'll make it even more simple.
>Company buys VID-T token
>Company spends token on validation
>Once spent VID-T recirculates 80% and burns 20%
That is the business model and it works. The buybacks are just an extra bonus for holders but this would still function without them and it's clearly not the only thing "propping up the price"

>> No.14534836

you don't even understand how it works. the company pays in fiat for the V-IDT service, they don't "buy the token" - the only "buying" of the token that occurs is the buyback (which serves absolutely no purpose to the validation process) to keep the price up. Do you not understand or are you being willfully dumb?

>> No.14535027

>willfully dumb
Ironic. The link you provided disproves you but we know reading comprehension isn't your strong point.

>> No.14535280

No one on here or in the telegram can explain why coins would need to be burned if it's a utility token. Ask any holder to explain the purpose and they will go OMG GEEZ IM NOT GOING TO EXPLAIN TO YOU ITS ON THE WEBSITE *spends rest of the afternoon with the telegram trannies and watching the price 50 times a day*

>> No.14535304

guys you made your point.
You don't like the token.
Let people make their own desicions gheeze.

>> No.14535368

I explained it to you, you refuse to understand. You even provided yourself with your own source. I know you are just fishing for (you) so I'm out.

>> No.14535369

so why is the burning and buyback needed for the validation process?

>> No.14535394

you didn't explain shit pajeet. you just said what happens, not why it happens. please explain WHY there is a token burn and a buyback. explain the actual purpose of it.

>> No.14535437

dude, you are fucking obsessed. Go outside, have sex, do literally anything else with your life. Holy fuck

The arguments you are making can be made for literally every other coin. Coins valued at 100x this one. But you target VIDT. Why?

They didn't HAVE to give tokens to joe public. But that's how you raise funds. That's the purpose of an ICO. People give you money in exchange for something that will gain value as the business earns more revenue. It's beneficial for both parties. The tokenomics do just that.

>> No.14535460

"The buybacks are just an extra bonus for holders but this would still function without them"

>> No.14535502

yes i'm aware that the token functions, but other than the buybacks it has no value.

>> No.14535541

>But you target VIDT. Why?
Because of the hundred gorillion threads on here every single hour.

>People give you money in exchange for something that will gain value as the business earns more revenue. The tokenomics do just that.
Security token.

>> No.14535555

yeah, dodge my comment you whiny little cunt. You are either FUDing to buy back cheap, or have mental disorders. That's the only reason you would spend so much of your time worrying about some little 10m dutch coin you don't even own or want to. Go live your fucking life faggot

>> No.14535579

holy shit checked and based, OP BTFO

>> No.14535588

use a filter. You are an attention seeking narcissist. Plain and simple.

nobody gives a fuck if it's utility or security. Maybe a few burgers. As long as it gains value.

>> No.14535621

you're the one who keeps bumping every thread retard

>> No.14535645

Explain to me what is wrong with security tokens in any legislation that's not the US again?

>> No.14535669

Kek vidt memes are pretty good even if they are derivative

>> No.14535671

Your question has been answered a hundred times. Is there any decent FUD for this project? Anything that isn't a boring copy paste?

>> No.14535784

>nobody gives a fuck if it's utility or security. Maybe a few burgers. As long as it gains value.
Yeah, that's the thing Raynesh. It's not going to gain value anymore because the pump is over. I don't want fellow burgers to hold onto their soon-to-be bleeding coins only to find themselves locked out from selling it.

I'm not going to make the shilling easy, Raaj.

Nothing. If you're not a burger, why would they care that I'm calling it a security token? Is that bad? But let's not say it's utility to pump your bags.

>> No.14536023

Literally no one had even mentioned it being a security token until you did, no ones denying it being one and clearly no one cares but you you fucking dumb burger

>> No.14536247
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I think the tokenomic of the buyback mechanism and the purpose of the buyback reason itself are odd. Why would they buy the vidt token with the clients' FIAT when they already had the cash from them? Are they using that money to pump niggers to fomo into their token and then in a sense multiply their revenue from their clients? If that's the case then it's just a manipulated boomer wild west tactics.

>> No.14536304

It's a way to price the service based on demand and speculation on future demand.

>> No.14536325

>Literally no one had even mentioned it being a security token until you did, no ones denying it being one and clearly no one cares

>> No.14536523

no, actually it's more likely >>14536247

>> No.14537652

OP the token has no value and no purpose.

>> No.14538898

discord trannies btfo

>> No.14538908
File: 271 KB, 800x608, 1562077932192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD is still so fucking weak lmao, it's anti fud fud tier weak.